Unit 6 a Rabbit S Foot and a Piece of Wood

Unit 6 A Rabbit’s Foot and a Piece of Wood


1. Deborah shares the news of her e t with her friends, telling them she is getting married soon.

2. Kenneth will a d the university of his dream and his parents are happy for him.

3. Because of her f r of darkness, Sue is afraid of sleeping alone at night.

4. It is p e that Parry will not make it to the meeting because the taxi he takes is stuck in the traffic jam.

5. Having a cup of coffee for breakfast is Matt’s e y habit. It’s one of his daily routine.

6. Almost everyone is f r with the woman’s voice because she is the most popular TV show host in the country.

7. Daphne tried to c t her son who had a bad dream and was crying.

8. Ruth writes down what happened every day in the d y.

9. There are a l colors added in the food. No wonder they do not look natural.

10. Donald f led everyone into believing that he is going to immigrate to Australia the following year. Actually it is not true.

11. Many people think that birth, marriage, and death are the three most important

e ts in their life.

12. Will’s i t in the experiment has taken him a lot of time. Now what he wants is to finish it as soon as possible.

13. The bride wore a beautiful white gown at her w g.

14. Zoe’s illness p ts her from realizing her dream of studying abroad.

15. Tom invited his parents to go to his graduation c y next month.

16. Jeff is a careful person who always takes everything into (consider).

17. The police believe Lisa’s neighbor is a jewel thief, but they do not have any (prove).

18. The (wood) house was burned down within one hour last night.

19. Roses are often (association) with love and romance.

20. Ashley is the most (superstition) person in her family.


pop the question 求婚

‧Louisa is waiting for her boyfriend to pop the question.

1. 男友求婚後,Serena點點頭並說了聲「Yes」。

2. Lee已和Eva交往一段時間並認為該是求婚的時候了。

be involved in 參與…,投入…

‧Teenagers should not be involved in gangs (幫派).

3. Eddie參與太多活動。他沒有足夠的時間睡覺。

4. 父母總是提醒孩子不要太投入線上遊戲。

A results in B A導致/造成B

‧Researches show that smoking often results in lung cancer.

5. 駕駛的粗心造成這起車禍意外。

6. 持續不斷的雨在這地區造成嚴重水災。

S + V + N(P) + where/whyclause …的地點/原因

‧This is the house where Claude Monet painted most of his great works.

7. 沒有人知道為何Nina 放棄打網球的理由。

8. 這是Alvin第一次遇見他太太的餐廳。

base something on something 以…為根據,以…為基礎

‧This story is based on the writer’s personal experience.

9. 這部電影是以一個受歡迎的網誌為根據。

10. Gillian的表演是以她的人生經驗為基礎。

knock on wood 敲木頭(希望留住好運時說的話)

‧”I’ve been very lucky, knock on wood,” Mary said.

11. 「我這學期開始後都還沒遲到過,敲木頭」Alfred說。

12. 「我這輩子從未發生意外,敲木頭」Keira說。

prevent(s) someone/something from N/Ving 防止/避免某人/物…

‧The blanket prevents Marcie’s baby from catching a cold.

13. 帶把傘可以讓你避免淋濕。

14. 太陽眼鏡讓Elaine的眼睛避免強烈光線。

grow out of something 產生於

‧Justin’s love for art grows out of his respect for his art teacher.

15. Ruby的信心產生於她父母的鼓勵。

16. Toby的成功產生於他的耐心。

A be related to B A和B有關

‧Tracy’s lack of practice is related to her poor grades.

17. Orlando的憤怒和他朋友侮辱的話有關。

18. 這篇研究證明飲食習慣和我們的健康有關。

deal with something 處理;關於

‧Joshua always deals with his negative emotions well.

19. 有些學生不知道如何面對考試前的壓力。

20. 這部電影主要是關於能源危機。

Because + S1 + be/V1, S2 + be/V2 . . .
→Because of + N(P), S2 + be/V2 . . . 因為,由於…

‧Jason didn’t feel good because he was ill.
→ Jason didn’t feel good because of his illness.

21. Laura knew the truth because her sister discovered it. (用另一句型改寫句子)

22. Emma broke up with Fred because of his lie(s). (用另一句型改寫句子)

bless you 保佑你(對打噴嚏者所說的話)

‧Duncan said “Bless you!” when his friend sneezed.

23. Leigh打噴嚏而她的弟弟說「保佑你!」

24. Travis不斷打噴嚏所以他同學不斷說「保佑你!」


Some old customs have a superstition 1 them. Ancient Romans believed that evil spirits might hurt the bride at the wedding. As a result, bridesmaids dressed the same as the bride 2 fooling the unwelcome guests. Many more superstitions play a role in our everyday lives. A rabbit’s foot is 3 example. Unlike other animals, rabbits touch the ground with their back feet first while running. This behavior 4 Westerners 4 believe that rabbits’ feet have magical power. However, there is no scientific proof to support this superstition. Some superstitions are for good luck, while others have grown 5 of fear. Most Taiwanese 6 “four” a bad number because it sounds like the word “death” in Chinese. This is 7 most hotels in Taiwan do not have the fourth floor. Have you ever wondered why people in the West say “Bless you!” when someone sneezes? It is also 8 a superstition. The phrase is used because devils were 9 believed to enter one’s body when he or she sneezed. As time goes by, some customs are practiced in different ways. An artificial rabbit’s foot is now often used, 10 a real one. Without a doubt, people will continue to find comfort in superstitions. Though they may not be able to predict what will happen, they still hope to control their lives.

( ) 1. (A) behind (B) above (C) below (D) next

( ) 2. (A) in order to (B) for the purpose of
(C) so that (D) because of

( ) 3. (A) some (B) other (C) another (D) the other

( ) 4. (A) relates; to (B) takes; to (C) adds; to (D) leads; to

( ) 5. (A) in (B) from (C) into (D) out

( ) 6. (A) look (B) find (C) give (D) allow

( ) 7. (A) where (B) why (C) when (D) how

( ) 8. (A) basis on (B) basing on (C) based on (D) base on

( ) 9. (A) some time (B) some times (C) once (D) twice

( ) 10. (A) not (B) but (C) or (D) instead




1. Jack在Rose二十八歲生日那天求婚。
On Rose’s twenty-eighth birthday, Jack .

2. 他們結婚後,Rose仍然會投入工作而不是成為家庭主婦。
After they get married, Rose will still her work instead of becoming a housewife.


3. 這棟新房子的設計是以城堡為基礎。
The design of the new house is a castle.

4. 「這將永遠是全世界最美麗的建築物,敲木頭」,設計師說。

“This will be the most beautiful building in the world forever, ,” the designer said.


5. 寵物過世的壞消息導致Andrea的悲傷。

6. 這是她現在不想見任何人的原因。

7. Because of these bodyguards, the popular singer is not afraid of being attacked by crazy fans. (用prevent(s) someone/something from N/Ving改寫)

8. Polly becomes interested in Japanese culture after a trip to Kyoto.
(用grow out of something改寫)

9. Bart is excited because of the new sneakers he bought. (用be related to改寫)

10. Cherry doesn’t know what to do with her children’s bad habits. (用deal with改寫)

In Taiwan, “four” is not a popular number because it sounds like the word “death.”11 因為和死亡的關連,四這個數字被臺灣人視為不吉利。 Taiwanese are not alone when it comes to superstitions. 12 當一個人打噴嚏的時候,西方人會說「保佑你!」。 They say this because devils were believes to enter one’s body when he or she sneezes.






1. engagement 2. attend 3. fear 4. probable 5. everyday
6. familiar 7. comfort 8. diary 9. artificial 10. fooled
11. events 12. involvement 13. wedding 14. prevents 15. ceremony
16. consideration 17. proof 18. wooden 19. associated 20. superstitious


1. After her boyfriend popped the question, Serena nodded her head and said “yes.”

2. Lee has been dating Eva for some time and thinks it’s time to pop the question.

3. Eddie is involved in too many activities. He doesn’t have enough time to sleep.

4. Parents always remind their children not to be too involved in online games.

5. The driver’s carelessness resulted in the accident.

6. The continuous rain resulted in serious flood in this area.

7. Nobody knows/knew the reason why Nina gave up playing tennis.

8. This is the restaurant where Alvin first met his wife.

9. This movie is based on a popular blog.

10. Gillian’s performance is based on her life experiences.

11. “I haven’t been late since the semester started, knock on wood,” Alfred said.

12. “I never had an accident in my life, knock on wood,” said Keira.

13. Taking an umbrella prevents you from getting wet.

14. Sunglasses prevent Elaine’s eyes from strong light.

15. Ruby’s confidence grows out of her parent’s encouragement.

16. Toby’s success grows out of his patience.

17. Orlando’s anger is related to his friend’s insulting words.

18. The research proves how eating habits are related to our health.

19. Some students don’t know how to deal with the pressure before tests.

20. The film mainly deals with energy crisis.

21. Laura knew the truth because of her sister’s discovery.

22. Emma broke up with Fred because he lied to her.

23. Leigh sneezed and her younger brother said, “Bless you!”

24. Travis kept sneezing so his classmates kept saying “Bless you!”


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A


1. popped; the; question

2. be; involved; in

3. based; on

4. knock; on; wood

5. The bad news of the death of her pet resulted in Andrea’s sadness.

6. This is the reason why she does not want to see anyone now.

7. These bodyguards prevent the popular singer from being attacked by crazy fans.

8. Polly’s interest in Japanese culture grows out of a trip to Kyoto.

9. Bart’s excitement is related to the new sneakers he bought.

10. Cherry doesn’t know how to deal with her children’s bad habits.

11. Because of its association with death, the number four is considered unlucky by Taiwanese.

12. People in the West/Westerners say “Bless you!” when a person sneezes.

Unit 7 A Human War for a Battle Among Goddesses


1. After a six-year wait, the writer’s new book will be l hed next month.

2. The team complained that the game was not f r. They thought the judge favored their competitor.

3. Carrie is very satisfied with the hotel because it p es free breakfast and its price is very low.

4. Lisa is the tallest a g the girls in her class.

5. The thief c t quietly into the house in order not to wake up anyone.

6. Justin’s p n for Erica makes him willing to do everything for her.

7. Ann thanks her friends for the support they have o red her.

8. It is h n to be greedy and selfish. Everyone has these feelings.

9. The teacher was f s when he caught two students cheating on the test.

10. Helen is so attractive that almost everyone thinks her a b y.

11. The metal box is not heavy at all because it is h w.

12. Randy believes he will win the singing c t. He has strong confidence in himself.

13. Most soldiers died in the bloody b e. Few of them survived.

14. Every enthusiastic fan happily celebrates the v y of their favorite soccer team.

15. The government has d ed that tomorrow will be a day off because of a big typhoon.

16. Many proverbs show great (wise) and truth.

17. The (peace) protest won’t come to an end until the students’ demands are met.

18. Greek (myth) is the study of (myth) in ancient Greece.

19. The general decided to (attack) the heart of the country first—its airport.

20. In ancient China, several kings dreamed to be (mortal) so as to hold the power forever.


after all 畢竟

‧Katrina spends a lot of time watching TV instead of studying. After all, it is summer vacation.

1. Jerry買了一只昂貴的手錶給自己。畢竟,今天是他的生日。

2. Meredith花很多時間睡覺。畢竟,她只是個小嬰兒。

neither . . . nor . . . 既非…也非…

‧After graduating from high school, Winnie neither attended college nor found a job.

3. Danny今天有個重要考試,但他既不緊張也不害怕。

4. Vicky是如此憤怒以致於她既不說話也不吃飯。

plant the seeds of something 播下(某物)種子

‧Scarlet’s lie has planted the seeds of doubt among her friends.

5. 這起暴力衝突已在兩國之間播下戰爭的種子。

6. 這位母親的仁慈已經在她的家庭播下快樂的種子。

S + V + N(P), who/which/whom/whose . . .

‧Ida visited her sister, who is a doctor and lives in London.

7. I went to the party with Jamie.
I’ve known her for more than ten years. (合併句子)

8. Beth is talking to Jim.
Jim’s uncle is a famous scientist. (合併句子)

avoid N/Ving 避免…

‧Elliott seldom goes shopping on weekends to avoid the crowd.

9. Edgar總是設兩個鬧鐘以避免上學遲到。

10. 為了避免花太多錢,Bonnie沒有任何信用卡。

S, V2ing/V2en . . . , V1 . . . …的…是…

‧The novel, written in Chinese, has been translated into more than thirty languages.

11. 坐在咖啡館窗邊的那個女士是我媽媽的朋友。

12 這間在六十年前被摧毀的戲院於1990年被重建。

go by (時間)流逝

‧As time goes by, Monica becomes more and more interested in cooking.

13. 對Marvin 來說,讀書時時間過得很慢,玩樂時過得很快。

14. 一年年過去,Jason越長越高。

take over 佔領,接管

‧The city was attacked and taken over by the German Army in 1940.

15. Bob 承諾接管他父親的事業。

16. 這家銀行已經被政府接管。

turn to . . . 求助於…

‧I turned to my mom for advice when I didn’t know what to do.

17. 當我妹妹有困難時,她總是求助於我的幫忙。

18. Paula 感到難過和無助,因為她不知道她可以求助於誰。

in the hope of (doing) something 懷著…的期望

‧Angus has been waiting outside the apartment for all day in the hope of meeting the girl he likes.

19. 懷著買新腳踏車的期望,Darren已經存了一些錢。

20. 懷著成為知名歌手的期望,Sabrina已經參加數個歌唱比賽。

provide someone with something 提供某人某物

‧The restaurant provides customers with excellent food.

21. 這家公司提供員工免費午餐。

22. Shawn的父母提供他食物、衣服和愛。

thanks to . . . 多虧…,由於…

‧Thanks to the police, Doris found her missing pet.

23. 多虧高鐵(high-speed rail),人們可以在兩小時內從高雄到臺北。

24. 由於朋友們的鼓勵,Stella現在勇於面對不確定的未來了 。


A woman’s beauty once started a war. Helen was 1 that Paris, the Trojan prince, decided to take her away. 2 , Helen’s husband declared war on Troy. The glory of a great city came to an end not because of Paris’s passion or a husband’s anger but because of a 3 among three goddesses. Unlike Chinese gods and goddesses, those in Greek mythology expressed more emotions. The Trojan War was 4 started by Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. The fairest of the three would