Character Trait Vocabulary and Narrative HWs 1-3

7th Grade Standards Addressed: RL 7.1, RL 7.3, W 7.3, W 7.4, W 7.10, L 7.3, L 7.6

6th Grade Standards Addressed: RL 6.1, RL 6.3, W 6.3, W 6.4, W 6.10, L 6.3, L 6.6

Due 5/11 or 5/12

HW 1

diplomatic= skilled at handling people while respecting their needs

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Diplomatic

-acknowledging others and their needs as valid and important
-showing respect
-being a strong listener
-thinking before acting
-being able to put oneself in someone else’s shoes
-being trustworthy
-treating everyone fairly without bias
-speaking in a neutral tone
-having an aptitude for reasoning and logic
-repeating the facts so there are no misunderstandings for anyone
-sharing a personal struggle in an effort to put people at ease
-paying close attention to and accurately interpreting the body language of others / -defusing high emotions by remaining calm and reasonable
-building people up in a genuine manner
-offering opinions that show respect for everyone involved
-speaking tactfully about past mistakes
-not assigning blame unless it can be done in an instructive way
-offering opinions on how to work together for the best outcome
-holding to one’s beliefs and ideals
-offering honesty-but carefully, in a way that won’t cause offense
-avoiding arguments; having strong negotiating skills
-leading by example / -avoiding negative language such as I don’t like that, or that won’t work
-offering ideas and solutions for change
-hesitating in order to choose one’s words carefully
-not being aggressive
-respecting other people’s boundaries and personal distance
-maintaining strong eye contact
-offering a joke or comment to defuse tension
-showing kindness when correcting someone’s misconception or mistake
-being willing to compromise
-being highly aware of people’s emotions and working to avoid hurt feelings

HW : Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being diplomatic. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being diplomatic.

Example for Diplomatic

Associated Behavior 1: being trustworthy

Heather walked out of the bathroom crying as if she had just lost her favorite ring. Jim happened to be walking in the hall at that time and asked, “What is wrong?”

“You promise you won’t tell anyone. I just have to let it out.”

“Yeah, I promise.”

“I know you can keep a secret because Nancy tells you all kinds of things and you don’t say a word. Well, I…”

Associated Behavior 1 for Diplomatic:

Short Scene Where Someone Demonstrates the Associated Behavior Connected to Being Diplomatic

HW 2

empathetic=able to recognize and identify with the emotions of others

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Empathetic

-Being highly sympathetic
-Experiencing another’s emotion as if it was one’s own
-Having a strong connection to other people
-Trustworthiness and honesty
-Having a quiet, contemplative nature
-Being genuine;showing an interest in others
-Influencing the attitudes of others by projecting certain feelings and moods
-championing humane causes
-understanding the importance of giving and receiving
-sometimes feeling overwhelmed by emotion
-being an introvert
-having a difficult time letting go of the pain of others
-forming deep, meaningful relationships
-avoiding toxic people and situations / -Being sensitive to the emotional pain of others
-Offering comfort when it is needed
-Enjoying working with animals or being around them
-Listening actively
-Heightened awareness of expression through body language and voice tone
-Being able to sense “fake” emotions
-Seeing past actions and words to discern the truth
-being altruistic
-finding it difficult to put one’s needs first
-volunteering; participating in projects of goodwill
-treating others the way one wishes to be treated
-needing time alone to recharge and clear one’s head / -reluctance to share emotions too fully for fear of being overwhelmed
-deeply respecting all living things
-pondering the meaning of life and one’s role in it
-being able to describe what another’s emotion feels like
-having strong values and ideals
-wanting to help others or fix their problems
-avoiding places where painful emotions are abundant
-wanting to share happiness and positivity
-feeling overwhelmed by emotions; needing to retreat to a quiet place
-wanting to be left alone

Directions: Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being empathetic. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being empathetic.

Example for Empathetic

Associated Behavior 1:understanding the importance of giving and receiving

Short Scene That Demonstrates This Behavior

“Clara, I got you the best gift in the world for your birthday!”

“What is it?”

“I’m not going to tell you. It’s going to be the best surprise of all time!”

“I can’t wait! You’re the best friend I could ever have.”

Chosen Associated Behavior 1 for Empathetic From the Above List:

Write a Short Scene Where Someone Demonstrates the Associated Behavior Connected to Being Empathetic

HW 3

industrious=working with devotion and determination

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Industrious

-rising early and working late
-being organized, punctual, and efficient
-researching and obtaining information
-spending off-hours thinking about work
-having high standards
-talking often about one’s passions
-reaching targets ahead of schedule
-competitiveness with oneself or with others
-working well with others when required to
-sleeping less than other people
-rewarding oneself (watching the game)
-protecting one’s personal time
-taking work calls at home after hours
-being restless between projects / -pursuing ideas that will improve the end result
-practicing more if needed
-shuffling appointments to accommodate one’s work
-streamlining one’s process to be more efficient
-experiencing satisfaction from even small wins
-directness: not beating around the bush
-socializing with people from work to discuss work
-adhering to routines
-not wasting time or procrastinating
-anticipating what’s needed
-studying the techniques of others who have succeeded at the same thing
-blowing off steam to balance out tense, long hours of work
-curbing bad habits or behaviors to be better at one’s job
-using self-talk to encourage oneself to work harder / -double checking; worrying over small mistakes
-dependability and consistency
-reflecting on an event to evaluate how it went
-not complaining about the labor involved in completing a project
-skipping meals when one is busy
-needing to be constantly active and engaged in tasks
-being prepared (or over prepared) for events or meetings
-suffering from muscle strain or sore muscles (if tasks are physical)
-feeling mentally and physically wrung out at the end of the day

Directions: Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being industrious. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being industrious.

Example for Industrious

Associated Behavior 1: rising early and working late

Short Scene

Chuck snapped his head around to reach over at the alarm clock that played the Blues Clues theme song. He hummed it as he jumped out of bed at three in the morning and swatted the tissue paper off his foot that he just stepped in. He walked on the bathroom’s white tiled floor and looked at the list of things he had to do for today taped to the bathroom mirror. “Sure glad I got myself up at 3 in the morning in order to get everything done today!”

Associated Behavior 1 for industrious:

Short Scene Where Someone Demonstrates the Associated Behavior Connected to Being Industrious

Character Trait Vocabulary and Narrative HWs 4-6

Due 5/18 or 5/19

HW 4

humble= not behaving in a superior or snobby way; not feeling or showing self-importance and contempt or disregard for others

Similar Attributes

Demure-looking or behaving in a modest manner, with reserve or seriousness

Meek-showing mildness or quietness of nature

Modest-unwilling to draw attention to your own achievements or abilities

Unpretentious- not putting on a false or showy display of importance, wealth, or knowledge

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Humble

-avoiding the spotlight
-taking background roles
-downplaying one’s skills and abilities
-talking up the accomplishments of others
-feeling satisfaction at being part of a team
-expressing discomfort when complimented
-deferring to others when disagreements or stalemates arise
-speaking in a quiet voice
-using unassuming movements that don’t draw the eye / --having a strong work ethic
-responding to internal rather than external motivators
-doing one’s work without grumbling or complaint
-using words that are uplifting and encouraging
-being supportive
-giving compliments
-underestimating oneself
-playing it safe; not taking risks
-doing the jobs that no one else wants to do / -not expressing one’s opinions until asked to do so
-listening first, then speaking
-minimizing one’s role in success to avoid attention
-keeping secrets about one’s successes or achievements
-becoming embarrassed when others bring up one’s talents or abilities
-turning praise around to the giver; diverting attention
-engaging in hobbies and activities that don’t call attention to oneself
-not bragging about one’s successes

HW : Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being humble. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being humble.


Associated Behavior: not expressing one’s opinions until asked to do so

Short Scene Applying the Associated Behavior

Casey noticed that Cynthia was doing a math problem wrong and Cythia was the type of person who would just lash out at you if you pointed out a flaw in what she was doing so Casey just sat back and watched. She could have meanly pointed out that she was doing it wrong because Cynthia always liked to point out when Casey would jump rope wrong, or tie her shoes wrong, or cross the street wrong, but Casey just chose to keep it quiet.

Associated Behavior 1 for humble:

Short Scene Where Someone Demonstrates the Associated Behavior Connected to Being Humble

HW 5

objective= having a viewpoint devoid of bias or personal preference; clear-thinking

Similar Attributes

Impartial-having no direct involvement or interest and not favoring one person or side more than another

Unbiased-fair and impartial rather than biased or prejudiced

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Objective

-having control over one’s emotions
-wanting to see a problem from all sides before making a decision
-being able to identify bias, then stripping it from the equation
-seeking to get to the root of the matter
-strong listening skills
-asking questions to ensure that one fully understands
-not jumping to conclusions or making assumptions
-describing what happened exactly as it occurred, without interpreting it
-not relying on intuition or gut feeling
-being non-judgmental
-dealing with small disappointments with minimal upset or stress
-mental clarity
-avoiding people who try to curry favor / -diplomacy; speaking in a way that has a calming effect on others
-being highly logical and rational
-setting emotions aside to allow for a neutral viewpoint
-waiting to make decisions until one can do so without emotions
-setting friendships aside as needed or establishing boundaries with people to avoid bias
-strong observation skills
-avoiding situations that may lead to personal bias (not having clients who are family)
-always seeking to find the best solution
-sometimes preferring to observe rather than participate
-being honest and valuing honesty in others
-not openly displaying emotions in day-to-day life as much as others might
-having a reserved nature / -taking time to investigate and gather information
-being able to see and acknowledge one’s own weaknesses
-not reacting reactively; maintaining a calm demeanor
-reporting the facts from all sides
-being able to put oneself in the “shoes” of everyone involved
-Suppressing opinions and only reporting facts
-being able to articulate the perspective of opposing sides to show understanding
-refusing to invest in labels or stereotypes
-viewing a situation with fresh eyes despite what might have led up to it
-not omitting certain facts
-being difficult to irritate or anger
-taking time to contemplate
-not being ruled by fear or volatile emotions

HW : Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being objective. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being objective.

Example for Objective

Associated Behavior: wanting to see a problem from all sides before making a decision

Short Scene

Cleeant pressed his lips together. Troy and Hubert were arguing again.

“Really, you told me you would give me back my skateboard after you used it! It’s missing a wheel!” yelled Troy.

Troy grabbed the skateboard from Hubert’s hand and threw it on the ground. He pushed the remaining wheels into the ground and they squealed like a mouse about to be eaten by a fat cat.

Cleeant interrupted this show, “Hubert, how did this happen?”

“Well, I was at the skate park and I was doing a flip in the air with it and when I landed the wheel popped off!”

Cleant stepped back and said, “Well, can you replace it?”

“Yeah. I just need to save up my allowance for another week and I’ll be able to get him a new wheel.”

“Good,” Cleeant and Troy spoke in unison.

Associated Behavior 1 for objective:

Short Scene Where Someone Demonstrates the Associated Behavior Connected to Being Objective

HW 6

pensive=thinking deeply about something, especially in a sad or serious manner

Associated Attributes

Contemplative-calm and thoughtful, or inclined to be this way

Meditative-the act of thinking about something carefully, calmly, seriously, and for some time, or an instance of such thinking

Reflective-characterized by deep careful thought

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Pensive

-staring off into space
-sitting still for long periods of time
-wandering off by oneself
-going for isolated walks or drives
-thinking carefully before speaking
-speaking in circles; talking through one’s thoughts
-showing an appreciation for knowledge and education
-asking a lot of questions
-forgetting run-of-the-mill activities (eating, showering, feeding the dog)
-difficulty interacting with people if one has been introspective for too long
-insulting others by not being able to pay attention when they’re speaking
-losing track of time
-blurting out thoughts that have nothing to do with the current conversation / -bringing up heady issues in order to discuss them with others
-valuing other points of view
-expressing annoyance when one’s thought process is interrupted
-becoming frustrated when one is unable to satisfactorily work through a problem
-being easily bored by topics that aren’t of interest
-going long periods of time without engaging with others
-seeking out knowledgeable people with whom to discuss issues
-being easily distracted
-reading and researching to further one’s perspective
-playing devil’s advocate in an effort to see things from another viewpoint
-adding to a conversation only to discover the topic has changed / -forgetting appointments and meetings
-taking a job that doesn’t require much thought so one can live inside one’s head
-losing the thread of conversations
-taking notes or keeping journals to keep track of one’s thoughts and ideas
-being reclusive
-getting overdue notices because one has forgotten to pay bills
-letting one’s untended yard go to seed
-becoming stiff from sitting in one position for too long while processing ideas

HW : Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being pensive. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being pensive.

Example for Pensive

Associated Behavior: forgetting appointments and meetings

Short Scene

“You missed your doctor’s appointment again, Pablito!?”

“Yes, Mama. I was thinking about all of the different ways to get to the doctors and by the time I was done doing that I was too late and they would not let me in.”

Associated Behavior 1 for pensive:

Short Scene Where Someone Demonstrates the Associated Behavior Connected to Being Pensive

Character Trait Vocabulary and Narrative HWs 7-9

Due 5/25 or 5/26

HW 7

philosophical= inclined to the reflective study of beliefs, attitudes, values, and concepts connected with our existence; deep-thinking

Associated Behaviors Connected to Being Philosophical

-Being widely read and educated
-seeking out higher education
-educating oneself on history and other cultures
-researching the evolution of mythology or religious beliefs
-sitting in deep thought
-reading books in a foreign language
-socializing with other intellectuals
-having a diverse and complex vocabulary
-showing frustration at interruptions when one is lost in thought
-having a difficult time relating to less cerebral people / -having an inward focus; losing track of conversations or peripheral events
-asking deep questions
-watching documentaries
-seeking answers to the big questions about God, morality, life and death
-learning a second language that aids in one’s studies
-having a large collection of books pertaining to subjects of philosophical interest
-difficulty making superficial small talk
-being impatient with illogical people
-continually making comparisons and evaluating
-thinking obsessively
-writing and journaling / -seeking out experts in an effort to learn more
-being inwardly reflective and interested in knowing why we exist
-being preoccupied with one’s thoughts rather than what’s happening externally
-being highly logical
-questioning everything
-taking a long time to express an opinion; being unable to give a quick answer
-feeling like life is passing too quickly or things are happening too fast
-ascribing to highbrow humor

HW : Choose 1 behavior from the associated behaviors list that demonstrates the characteristic of being philosophical. Then, write a short scene where a character is demonstrating being philosophical.

Example for Philosophical

Associated Behavior: watching documentaries