Certification of Contiguous Parcels
with Different Ownerships
Chapters 84.33 and 84.34 RCW
Complete this form only if you are the owner of a classified or designated parcel and would like your parcel to be considered contiguous, as defined in RCW 84.34.020(6) and RCW 84.33.035(4), with other classified or designated parcels having different ownerships. Parcels with different ownerships are considered contiguousif they are adjoining, managed as part of a single operation, and meet the definition of “family” as described in RCW 84.34.020(6)(b)(ii).
We are requesting the following parcels be considered contiguous for the purposes of classification or designation under Chapters 84.34 or 84.33 RCW.Attach additional certification forms, if necessary.
Owner name and parcel number:
Owner name and parcel number:
Owner name and parcel number:
Owner name and parcel number:
Owner name and parcel number:
Describe how all parcels subject to this document are being managed as part of a single operation.Assessor may request additional information to verify all parcels considered contiguous, for the purposes of this classification or designation, are being managed as part of a single operation.Additional information may include, but is not limited to, federal income tax returns and schedules, articles of incorporation, partnership agreements, rental or lease agreements, and operating agreements.
Describe thefamilial relationships between all owners of parcels subject to this document.Parcel owners must meet the definition of family, as defined in RCW 84.34.020(6)(b)(ii), with at least one owner of an adjoining parcel.Assessor may request additional information to verify parcel owners meet the definition of family.Additional information may include, but is not limited to, birth certificates, marriage certificates, state registered domestic partner agreements, and adoption documents.
As owners of the parcels listed above, we hereby indicate by our signatures below that we are awareof the potential tax liability involved, which may include interest and penalties, when the land ceases to be classified or designated under the provisions of Chapter 84.34 or 84.33 RCW.We also certify that the information in this document is accurate and complete.The agreement to tax according to use of the property is not a contract and can be annulled or canceled at any time by the Legislature (RCW 84.34.070).
Print the name of each owner: / Signature of each owner:To ask about the availability of this publication in an alternate format for the visually impaired, please call (360) 705-6715. Teletype (TTY) users, please call (360) 705-6718. For tax assistance, call (360) 534-1400.
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