XXX Order DraftChapter YIPCC SR1.5
Chapter Y: (0th Level Chapter Heading)
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Lead Authors:
Contributing Authors:
Review Editors:
Date of Draft:
Notes: This is the template for submitting the SR1.5 Chapters/Annexes to the TSU for compilation prior to review. Please use only the styles beginning with “SR1.5”, and do not add any other styles to this template. If in doubt, use “SR1.5 Body Text”. Please refer to the SR1.5 Style Guide for additional detail. Please note that you do not need to generate a Table of Contents prior to submitting your draft – this step will be completed by the TSU during compilation process prior to distribution.
Executive Summary (in “SR1.5 1st Level Heading”)
Y.1SR1.5 1st Level Heading
Y.1.1SR1.5 2nd Level Heading
Y.1.1.1SR1.5 3rd Level Heading
Y. 4th level heading
Chapter body text should be formatted with “SR1.5 Body Text”
Box Y.1:/FAQ Y.1: (in “SR1.5 Box Heading”)
Include the text of Boxes and FAQs inline with chapter text. Use callouts to start and end the Box or FAQ: [START BOX Y.1 HERE] and [END BOX Y.1 HERE]. Format the text with “SR1.5 Body Text” as for the rest of the chapter. Do not frame the box or FAQ (e.g., using a text box, table, border, etc.).
Table Y.1: Example of a small table. Caption styled in “SR1.5 Caption”. Table styled in “SR1.5 Table Text”, with 0.05cm cell spacing on all sides.
ColumnHeading 1 / ColumnHeading 2 / ColumnHeading 3Subheading 1
Case 1 / 1 / W
Case 2 / 2 / X
Subheading 2
Case 3 / 3 / Y
Case 4 / 4 / X
Here is an example of an equation, which is set in “SR1.5 Equation” style:
E = mc2(Y.1)
Figures and large tables will not be inline with the text. For the text file, mark where a figure or large table should be by including a callout (in “SR1.5 Body Text + Bold) and the caption (in “SR1.5 Caption” + Bold for Figure/Table number):
Figure Y.1: Figure caption text in regular “SR1.5 Caption Text” here.
References (in “SR1.5 1st Level Heading”)
Start References on new page and use the “SR1.5 References”. Please also refer to the SR1.5 Guide to Referencing with Mendeley.
Large tables: Place large tables (e.g., if they are bigger than one draft page) at the end of the chapter text file. Start each table on a new page. Place callouts and captions in the text body as described for figures.
Figures: All figures should be provided in a separate file. One figure per page, with figure caption placed below the figure.
Figure Y.1: Example of a figure caption.
Text file should include figure callout and caption as described previously.
Do Not Cite, Quote or DistributeY-1Total pages: 2