Federalist and Republican Mudslingers

Know: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Whispering Campaign

The Jeffersonian "Revolution of 1800"

Know: Aaron Burr

1.How revolutionary was the "Revolution of 1800?"

Jeffersonian Restraint

Know: Albert Gallatin

2."As president, Thomas Jefferson acted more like a Federalist than like a Democratic Republican." Assess.

The "Dead Clutch" of the Judiciary

Know: Midnight Judges, John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison, Samuel Chase

Jefferson, a Reluctant Warrior

Know: Barbary States, Shores of Tripoli, Gunboats

The Louisiana Godsend

Know:New Orleans, Deposit Privileges, James Monroe and Robert Livingston, Napoleon, Toussaint L'Ouverture

Louisiana in the Long View

Know: Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea, Zebulun Pike

The Aaron Burr Conspiracies

Know: Aaron Burr, James Wilkinson

America: A Nutcracked Neutral

Know: Orders in Council, Impressment, Chesapeake

The Hated Embargo

Know: Embargo Act, Non-Intercourse Act

3.Who opposed the embargo and why?

Madison’s Gamble

Know: James Madison, Macon's Bill No. 2

Tecumseh and the Prophet

Know: War Hawks, Henry Clay, Tecumseh, The Prophet, William Henry Harrison

"Mr. Madison's War"

Know: War of 1812


On to Canada over Land and Lakes

Know: Oliver Hazard Perry, Thomas Macdonough

Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended

Know: Francis Scott Key, Andrew Jackson, Battle of New Orleans

The Treaty of Ghent

Know: Treaty of Ghent, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay

Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention

Know: Blue Light Federalists, Hartford Convention

4.What did the Hartford Convention do?

The Second War for American Independence

5.What were the long term effects of the War of 1812?

Nascent Nationalism

Know: Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, Stephen Decatur

6.What evidence of nationalism surfaced after the War of 1812?

"The American System"

Know: Tariff of 1816, Henry Clay, The American System, Erie Canal

The So-Called Era of Good Feelings

Know: James Monroe, Virginia Dynasty, Era of Good Feelings

The Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times

Know: Wildcat Banks, Panic of 1819

7.Explain the causes and effects of the Panic of 1819.

Growing Pains of the West

8..What factors led to the settlement of the West in the years following the War?

Slavery and the Sectional Balance

Know: Tallmadge Amendment, Peculiar Institution

The Uneasy Missouri Compromise

Know: Henry Clay, Missouri Compromise, "Firebell in the Night"

John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism

Know:John Marshall, McCulloch v. Maryland, Loose Construction, Cohens v. Virginia, Gibbons v. Ogden

9.Explain Marshall's statement, "Let the end be legitimate,...are constitutional."

Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses

Know: Fletcher v. Peck, DartmouthCollege v. Woodward, Daniel Webster

10."John Marshall was the most important Federalist since George Washington." Assess.

Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida

Know:John Quincy Adams, Treaty of 1818, Andrew Jackson, Adams-Onis Treat of 1819

The Menace of Monarchy in America

Know: George Canning

Monroe and His Doctrine

Know: John Quincy Adams, Monroe Doctrine

11.How could a militarily weak nation like the United States make such a bold statement ordering European nations to stay out of the Americas?

Monroe's Doctrine Appraised

12.Evaluate the importance of the Monroe Doctrine in subsequent American history.


The "Corrupt Bargain” or 1824

Know: Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, King Caucus, Corrupt Bargain

13.What was unusual about John Quincy Adams's victory in the presidential election of 1824?

A Yankee Misfit in the White House

Know: John Quincy Adams

Going "Whole Hog" for Jackson in 1828

Know: Old Hickory, Mudslinging, Rachel Robards

“Old Hickory” as President

Know: Inaugural Brawl, King Mob

14.What was there about Andrew Jackson which made him a man of the people?

The Spoils System

Know: Spoils System, Rotation in Office

The Tricky “Tariff of Abominations”

Know: Tariff of Abominations (of 1828), Denmark Vesey

"Nullies" in South Carolina

Know: Nullies, Henry Clay, Tariff of 1833, Force Bill

The Trail of Tears

Know:Cherokees, Five Civilized Tribes, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Indian Territory, The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Seminoles

The Bank War

Know: Bank of the United States, Nicholas Biddle

"Old Hickory" Wallops Clay in 1832

Know: Anti-Masonic Party

Burying Biddle’s Bank

Know: Mandate, Pet Banks, Specie Circular, wildcat banks

The Birth of the Whigs

Know: Democrats, Whigs

The Election of 1836

Know: Favorite Son, William Henry Harrison, Martin Van Buren

Big Woes for the "Little Magician"

Know: Martin Van Buren

Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury

Know: Panic of 1837, Speculation, Divorce Bill, Independent Treasury

Gone toTexas

Know:Stephen Austin, Davy Crockett

The Lone Star Rebellion

Know:Sam Houston, Santa Anna, Alamo, W. B. Travis, Goliad, Lone StarRepublic, San Jacinto

Makers of America: Mexican or Texan?

Know: Moses Austin, Stephen Austin, Anglos

The Log Cabins and Hard Cider of 1840

Know: Log Cabin, Hard Cider, "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too"

The Two-Party System

15.Who were the Democrats and what did they believe? The Whigs?


The Westward Movement


Shaping the Western Landscape

Know: Kentucky Bluegrass, Rendezvous, Bison, George Catlin

The March of the Millions

Know: Chicago, Irish and Germans, America Letters

The Emerald Isle Moves West

Know: Molly Maguires, Tammany Hall, Paddy Wagons, Twisting the British Lion's Tail

The German Forty-Eighters

Know: Carl Schurz, Conestoga Wagon, Kindergarten, Beer

Flare-Ups of Antiforeignism

Know: Nativists, Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, American (Know-Nothing) Party

Makers of America: The Irish

Know: Potato Famine, Famine Irish, Boss System, Political Machines

Creeping Mechanization

Know: Factory System, Industrial Revolution

Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine

Know: Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, Cotton Gin, King Cotton

Makers of America: The Germans

Know: Forty-Eighters, Mennonites, Milwaukee, Amish

Marvels in Manufacturing

Know: Interchangeable Parts, Isaac Singer, Limited Liability, Free Incorporation Laws, Samuel F. B. Morse

Workers and "Wage Slaves"

Know: Wage Slaves, Strikebreakers (Scabs), Commonwealth v. Hunt

Women and the Economy

Know: Lowell Mills, Catherine Beecher, Cult of Domesticity, Fertility Rate, Child-centered Homes

Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields

Know: Corn, John Deere, Steel Plow, Cyrus McCormick, Mechanical Mower-reaper, Cash-crop Agriculture

Highways and Steamboats

Know: Lancaster Turnpike, National (Cumberland) Road, Robert Fulton

"Clinton's Big Ditch" in New York

Know:Erie Canal

The Iron Horse

16..Name some of the advantages and disadvantages of early railroads.

Cables, Clippers, and Pony Riders

Know: Trans-Atlantic Cable, Clipper Ships, Stagecoaches, Pony Express

The Transport Web Binds the Union

Know: Division of Labor

The Market Revolution

Know: John Jacob Astor, Social Mobility


Reviving Religion

Know: Alexis de Tocqueville, The Age of Reason, Deism, Unitarians, Second Great Awakening, Camp Meetings, Charles Grandison Finney

Denominational Diversity

Know: Burned-Over-District, Millerites (Adventists)

A Desert Zion in Utah

Know: Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon, Brigham Young

Free Schools for a Free People

Know: Three R's, Horace Mann, Noah Webster, McGuffey's Readers

Higher Goals for Higher Learning

Know: University of Virginia, OberlinCollege, Mary Lyon, Lyceum, Magazines

An Age of Reform

Know: Sylvester Graham, Penitentiaries, Dorthea Dix

Demon Rum--The "Old Deluder"

Know: American Temperance Society, Neil S. Dow, Maine Law of 1851

Women in Revolt

Know: Spinsters, Alexis de Tocqueville, Cult of Domesticity, Catherine Beecher, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Margaret Fuller, Sarah and Angelina Grimke, Amelia Bloomer, Seneca Falls, Declaration of Sentiments

Wilderness Utopias

Know: Utopias, New Harmony, Brook Farm, Oneida Community, Complex Marriage, Shakers

The Dawn of Scientific Achievement

Know: Benjamin Silliman, John J. Audubon

Artistic Achievements

Know: Thomas Jefferson, Gilbert Stuart, Charles Wilson Peale, John Trumball, Hudson RiverSchool, Daguerreotype, Stephen C. Foster

The Blossoming of a National Literature

Know: Knickerbocker Group, Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, William Cullen Bryant

Trumpeters of Transcendentalism

Know: Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or Life in the Woods, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, Walt Whitman

Glowing Literary Lights

Know: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Louisa May Alcott, Emily Dickinson

Literary Individualists and Dissenters

Know: Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville

Portrayers of the Past

Know: George Bancroft, William H. Prescott, Francis Parkman