2016 IVE PTAHoliday Choir
Do you enjoy the wonder of the holidays?
Would you like to meet some new friends while singing and having fun?
If you are a Kindergarten – 2nd grade student who enjoys singing, please join us this season to spread some holiday cheer. The Choir theme this year will be “Holidays around the World” and the set list will include new songs such as Feliz Navidad as well as old favorites like Jingle Bells and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. We sing both secular and religious songs and encourage all students to participate regardless of their personal or religious beliefs. Our goal is to have fun sharing this time of year with old and new friends and fill hearts with happiness and joy. No experience necessary, just bring your smile and be ready to sing!
In order to participate, the following criteria must be met:
- A completed and signed parent permission slip must be received by the deadline Nov 18. (Parents will receive an email confirming receipt of registration and participation by Nov 20).
- Students must attend all rehearsals, which will be held in the MPR after school hours.
- Parents must pick up students promptly when rehearsals have finished at 2:30 PM.
- In order to respect and encourage all performers, students will be asked to follow clearly outlined participation rules by being respectful, responsible and safe. Students who choose not to follow the rules will be asked to not participate.
- *All Kindergarten students must have a parent or adult chaperone attend all rehearsals and the performance. The designated adult will be assisting with Choir tasks as needed.
Permission Forms Due:Friday Nov 18 by 3:00 PMPTA Mailbox
Email confirmations sent:SundayNov 20 by 9:00 PMYour ‘inbox’
1st Rehearsal:Wednesday Nov 3012:50-2:30 PMIVE MPR
2nd Rehearsal:Wednesday Dec 712:50-2:30 PMIVE MPR
3rd/Dress Rehearsal:WednesdayDec 1412:50-2:30 PMIVE MPR
Performance Featuring
Holiday Choir & Cougar Chorus:Wednesday Dec 14 6:30 PMIVE MPR
If this program sounds like a good fit for your child and he/she is interested in participating, please fill out the attached 2016IVEPTA Holiday Choir Parent Permission Form and return it to the PTA Mailbox in the office by Friday, Nov 18, 2016. In the event of overwhelming demand, a lottery will be held. Confirmation of participation will be sent by Sunday evening, Nov 20, 2016.
A light snack will be provided at rehearsals. If your child has dietary restrictions, please pack an appropriate after-school snack.
Questions? Call Victoria Remer, IVE PTA Choir Chair or Emily Whelan, IVE PTA Choir Chair
425-922-6942 425-677-4134
2016IVEPTA K-2Holiday Choir
***This form must be returned to the PTA mailbox by Friday, Nov 18, 2016***
- I give my child permission to participate in the Issaquah Valley Elementary PTA Holiday Choir and to remain after school to attend rehearsals.
- If my child is a Kindergarten student, I (or another able-bodied adult) will chaperone him/her at all rehearsals and the performance. In addition, I understand that Kindergarten chaperones will be active participantswho will be assigned tasks to assist the Choir as needed.
- I will promptly pick my child up after rehearsals in the MPR and sign him/her out. If my child attends Cougar Club, he/she will return toafter school care when rehearsal has ended.
- I will help my child practice/learn lyrics after rehearsals so they can shine at the performance.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Child’s Name: ______Grade/Teacher: ______
Does your child attend Cougar Club after school program on Wednesdays? ______
Parent PRINTED Name: ______
Phone Number: ______
(Where you can be reached during rehearsals)
Email address: ______
(Where registration confirmation and Choir communications will be sent)
To help us prepare for our evening performance, would your 1st or 2ndgrade student be interested/willing to:
Have a speaking/narrating role? _____
We will be learning about and sharing the origins of cultural holiday traditions. Would your child be willing to share a tradition from your family’s country of origin? _____
If so, what country? ______
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