October 30, 2003

Summary Report on the 2003 DCCS BSA Catholic Retreat

(October 3, 4 and 5, 2003)

The 2003 DCCS Catholic Retreat 2003 for Boy Scouts and Venture Scouts was successfully held at Camp Strake in Conroe, Texas from Friday, October 3, 2003 to Sunday, October 5, 2003. The weather was fantastic and between 310 and 340 Scouts, Ventures and Adults attended. This report summarizes the evaluations, observations, conclusions and recommendations for the 2003 Retreat in an effort to support an ever improving Retreat program, gearing now for the 2004 DCCS Retreat.

Executive Summary:

The 2003 DCCS Retreat appeared to be a success at the time of the Retreat and the results of the Evaluations seem to back it up. The average evaluations for the Scouts and Venturers are up (over 1 point on a 5 point system) for all questions surveyed. There were many of the activities that the Scouts/Venturers rated as a 5 (Excellent). The Adult evaluation averages were much the same as last year, averaging a 4 (Very Good), but majority of the adult evaluators rated most of the activities as a 5 (Excellent).

Our advertising for the Retreat must have been successful as there were 100+ more individuals than last year, 60 of which were in the Scout Skills Program. The NCCS Rosary Patch program did well as there were approximately 120 patches earned. (There are still another 180 available to b e earned by Boy Scouts, Venturers, Cub Scouts and Adults.)

The three program split appeared to work well and was received well by the attendees. Top marks went to the Pius XII Program followed closely by the AAD and Scout Skills programs. We should continue the three program offering next year.

The efforts of the Seminarians are appreciated. They helped with the AAD Program and the Mysteries of the Rosary. They are also closer to the Scouts ages and relate well. This year in fact one of the Seminarians is an Eagle Scout and fit right in with the Scouting experience.

The awards for the Scout Skills were a great way for the attendees to remember the 2003 Retreat. John Pepperday’s skill in producing the award plaques for both the Adults and the Scouts/Venture’s was well appreciated by all. This was a very good addition to the Retreat programs and in some form should be continued next year.

The finances for the Retreat are with the Treasurer. However, based on the attendance, the price charged for the Retreat, the donations by the three Knights of Columbus Councils, the costs incurred for the Rosary Rings, the Rosary books, the food costs, the cracker barrel and the music handout for Mass, I believe that we broke even on the


Summary Report on the 2003 DCCS BSA Catholic Retreat

(October 3, 4 and 5, 2003)

Executive Summary (Continued):

Retreat. We should, however, look at the price charged for the Retreat ($20) and see if it needs to be adjusted for 2004.

The Scouter Development held by Bruce Davis was successful. There were eight to twelve attendees. Scouter Development finished about 2:00 PM. There would have been time for the Emblems Training if it had been scheduled. There was discussion on holding an Emblems Training Session at the 2004 Retreat right after the Scouter Development finishes for the day.

Independent to the Retreat costs, there are approximately 180 Joyful Rosary patches still available to be earned by Scouts, Venturers, Cub Scouts and Adults.

Things for the DCCS to improve upon next year appear to be in specifying that the designated cost of the retreat is for everyone (no partial pricing) and our dissemination of

information to the adult leaders at the Retreat for the weekend activities. We also need to ensure that the Camp Strake facilities are all available (latrines) for the Retreat earlier than the Friday of the Retreat and bring in temporary facilities if needed. There were some comments at the high weeds at the campsites and near the working latrine but this was a Camp Strake limitation due to the loss of their small lawnmower. Finally we need to work with the Camp Strake Dining Hall staff to have a better handle on the control of the group during meal times.

The plusses far outweighed the deficiencies for the 2003 Retreat. Everyone needs to be commended for their efforts to put on such a successful Retreat activity.

Recommendations (for the 2004 DCCS Retreat)

1.  Continue the three program approach AAD, Pius XII and Scout Skills

2.  Continue to advertise in the Scouter and Catholic Herald starting in April/May of the previous year.

3.  Evaluate the $20 fee charged for the Retreat

4.  Whatever the Retreat fee, have the fee apply to all – no partial fees

5.  Continue with the on-line registration

6.  Contact the Catholic Church sponsored units in May/June to advise them on the 2004 Catholic Retreat.

7.  Continue to have the Seminarians help with the AAD Program

8.  Look into temporary rest room facilities if Camp Strake’s facilities are not repaired.

9.  Plan for 350 to 400 attendees next year. (There were 340 this year.)


Summary Report on the 2003 DCCS BSA Catholic Retreat

(October 3, 4 and 5, 2003)

10.  Hold Emblems Training in addition to Scouter Development at the 2004 Retreat.

Evaluations: (See the Evaluation Results at the Back of this Report)

Scout and Venturer Responses (166 Evaluations):

The Scout and Venturer evaluations were much more positive than for the 2002 Retreat. Maybe the weather had something to do with it or maybe it was the higher turnout (100+ more Scouts, Venturers and Adults in 2003). The Scouts/Venturers gave an average overall rating of 3.6 (versus 2.9 for 2002) with a majority of the respondents indicating an overall rating of 4 (Very Good).

The lowest evaluation for the Scouts/Venturers was, as you might expect, for the food. This year the Scouts/Venturers graded the food 3.3 (versus 2.6 in 2002) with a majority of the responses grading the food as a 3 (Acceptable).

The evaluation of the Pius XII Program was very good (3.7 rating in 2003 vs. 2.3 in 2002) with a majority of the ratings as 4 (Very Good). The respondents also rated the Panel Discussion for the Pius XII Program favorably as a 4 (Very Good).

With respect to the the Ad Altare Dei Program, the Retreat theme “Behold Mary, Mother of Christ” and the inclusion of the Mysteries of the Rosary was given high marks by the Scouts/Venturers. The average rating of the theme of the Retreat was a 4.0 and the majority of the respondents chose a rating of 5 (Excellent). The average rating for the AAD Program was 3.8 in 2003 versus 2.6 in 2003. Most respondents rated the AAD Program in 2003 as a 5 (Excellent)

The Scout Skills portion of the Retreat received average ratings of 3.8 (Campfire) and 3.9 (Scout Skills: Fun and Challenging) from the Scouts/Venturers with a majority of individuals rating each as a 5 (Excellent).

The top rating for the Scouts/Venturers was Celebration of the Mass at Eagle Summit (an average rating of 4.1 with a majority selecting 5 – Excellent). When asked if the Retreat helped with a better understanding of their faith, the Scouts/Venturers gave a 3.8 rating (versus 3.2 in 2002) and a majority picked 5 (Excellent).


Summary Report on the 2003 DCCS BSA Catholic Retreat

(October 3, 4 and 5, 2003)

Evaluations (Continued): (See the Evaluation Results at the Back of this Report)

Adult Responses (40):

The adults gave an average overall rating for the Retreat as a 4 (Very Good). This was similar to 2003 (4.1). All the Adult average ratings were around 4 with a majority of participants list as Excellent (5) the following:

·  The Ad Altare Program

·  The Pius XII Program

·  The Theme “Behold Mary, Mother of Christ”

And the Inclusion of the Mysteries of the Rosary

·  The Celebration of the Mass at Eagle Summit

·  The Food

·  Sufficient Availability of Retreat Information

·  Sufficient Directions to Follow Activities

·  A Better Understanding of One’s Faith

The lowest average rating from the Adults was a 3.7 for “…sufficient time allotted for you particular emblems program…” Most individual responses were a 3 (Acceptable). This may be due to the fact that there is so much activity put into a 16 hour day that we do not concentrate on the specifics of one particular program. However, although the majority of the Adult responses were 3’s (Acceptable), the remaining evaluations tended towards Very Good (4).

Scout’s/Venturer’s Comments: (no particular order):

1.  Pretty good. Better than AAD. (Probably in Msgr. Bill’s Pius XII class.)

2.  The theme of “Behold Mary, Mother of Christ” was really nice.

3.  Good. Learned a lot. Learned a lot from board discussions. (Pius XII panel?)

4.  Need an icebreaker. Way too boring 1st part. Sit down too much.

5.  Didn’t know about campfire.

6.  Need better food! Better tell us about a campfire. Drinks were great!

7.  I really like the camp but (at) the dinner before Scout Skills, tell them where its at and what time it starts. Thank you.

8.  Classes should look deeper into the Faith than they were.

9.  Firepits need to be cleaned out. Trails should be better marked.

10.  Bathroom needs more attention. Bikes should be allowed.

11.  Classes were not mentally geared towards those with past religious experience (like have two groups set up).


Summary Report on the 2003 DCCS BSA Catholic Retreat

(October 3, 4 and 5, 2003)

Scout’s/Venturer’s Comments (Continued): (no particular order):

12.  The food on Saturday night made me sick. The chicken fried steak should be omitted from next year’s menu. The food that I did like though was Saturday’s lunch. Class A’s should not be needed to be worn all of the time. That was ridiculous because Class A’s are to be worn only for ceremonies. And all I wore this campout was my class A’s because of your ridiculous rules.

13.  The food made me sick. I liked the meatballs but the meat was terrible. It was an OK retreat.

14.  More energetic speakers and activities during the talks.

15.  Sell Rosary(ies).

16.  Make better food.

17.  Get a better, better attitude cook. - (These four evaluations and com-

18.  Get a better cook. - ments were received in consec-

19.  Better Breakfast. - utive order – Think that the boys

20.  Get a better cook and better breakfast. - might be sitting together???)-WOR

21.  Need to sell Rosaries at Trading Post.

22.  Each area needs to be closer.

23.  Trading Post needs to sell Rosaries, Scapulas, etc.

24.  Next time I wish we could cook a meal at our camp.

25.  It was good but I had to leave before the afternoon.

26.  Real good.

27.  Fun Retreat.

28.  Excellent program! Do it again.

29.  Cool

30.  I helped catch a 14 inch bass. Need more bass.

31.  I caught 15 frogs and 10 tadpoles.

32.  Everything is great.

33.  I’m coming next year too.

34.  Great fun!

35.  I’d like to go again.

36.  I caught a 14 inch bass.

37.  The games (skills) helped my troop improve our trust in each other.

38.  Could have been better.

39.  Bad news is spiders in the rest room toilet. Good news (is that I) was not lost in the woods.

40.  The grass was too high, up to our hips and high(er). The rest rooms next to our camp had no light and were surrounded w/weeds taller than us. We had to make our own trail! I loved the Pius XII Program, it helped me to understand my faith more. Father Bill was a very good teacher and I love the way he taught at the program. He wasn’t boring and had great subjects to talk about. Thanks a lot!


Summary Report on the 2003 DCCS BSA Catholic Retreat

(October 3, 4 and 5, 2003)

Scout’s/Venturer’s Comments (Continued): (no particular order)

41.  Our campsite could have been better. The weeds were up to our hips. But the program was great and Father was fun! Overall it was a great experience.

42.  The Pius XII program was very fun. Learned a lot. Father bill made me understand my faith much better.

Adult Comments: (no particular order)

1.  Need to have AAD facilitators (Counselors) involve scouts more in discussion. For example: Hand out Luminous Mystery test for Scouts to answer; have them read Scripture passages when appropriate in the sessions.

I would like the Seminarians (to) share more about their personal vocational

calling as part of the formal agenda. Those that did share ended up being very


I recommend that individual adult awards not be handed out on Saturday evening. This is about the Boys and retreatants. Let’s thank the adults at the end or another time.

Driving directions were not clear. There is no Camp Strake sign on the north bound lane of interstate 45.

2.  Felt like there should be more on the workbook itself. Our boys were already familiar with the rosary.

Have the Seminarians lead sessions was great. It gives the boys more exposure to hearing the call of God and to the Holy Orders vocations.

3.  Pope Pius XII – Although the morning session was well done; more active participation of Scouts would make it better. Skits, role play would require this and break the ice. Once the ice (is) broken, the boys should ask some very interesting and deep questions.