PSY201/fall 2007 Chapter Nine: Effective Teachers and the Process of Teaching

Chapter Overview

  1. What is teaching?

II.Teacher Development

A.Beliefs about Teaching and Learning

B.Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Pedagogical Content

C.Differences in Knowledge between Experts and Novices

D.Online Teacher Communities

E.Teachers' Self-Efficacy

1.Developing Self-Efficacy

2.Self-Efficacy and Learners with Special Needs

F.Working in Culturally Different Contexts


A.Instructional Goals

1.Educational Objectives: Bloom's Taxonomy

2.New Approaches to Goals

B.Using Goals in Classroom Teaching

C.Translating Goals into Plans

1.Planning: An Overview

2.Planning on and Planning for: Instructional Time and Scheduling

3.Looking at Lesson Plans

D.Planning for Students with Special Needs

1.Research on Teacher Planning

2.Lesson Study

  1. Planning and Technology

IV.Approaches to Teaching

A.Promoting Meaningful Learning

B.Discovery Learning

C.Direct Instruction

V.Teaching Tactics

A.Providing Explanations

B.Providing Feedback

C.Asking Questions

VI.Promoting Learning through Homework

A.Benefits of Homework

B.A Taxonomy of Homework

1.Homework based on material taught in class

2.Homework based on new materials

3.Homework that expands on and extends beyond classroom learning

C.Homework from the Primary to the Secondary Level: A Developmental Perspective

D.Developing Homework Policies: Considerations

1.Getting Homework Done

E.Homework and Students with Disabilities

F.Homework and Socioeconomic Differences

Learning Objectives

As a result of students’ experiences with this chapter, they should be able to answer these questions and meet the indicated competencies:

  • Why are teachers’ beliefs important?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Identify the sources of teachers’ beliefs; explain how those beliefs influence the ways that teachers process information
  • How do teachers’ knowledge of subject matter, understanding, and general knowledge of teaching translate into ways to teach specific material to students?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Examine the relationship between pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge; explain how concept of “pedagogical content knowledge” addresses that relationship
  • How do expert teachers differ from novice teachers?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Outline the differences that research has found between novice teachers and experienced teachers; explain why experienced teachers are not necessarily expert teachers
  • What are some general teacher-centered approaches to teaching?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Understand the basic structure, attributes, and function of Ausubel’s approach for meaningful learning and direct instruction; contrast teacher-centered approaches with student-centered approaches
  • What kinds of teaching tactics can teachers use?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Distinguish among the types of explanations; understand what makes a good teacher explanation; explain the role of feedback in instruction; understand the role of teacher questions and explain how teachers can construct questions to advance students’ reasoning
  • How can teachers use homework effectively?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Evaluate the benefits of homework; describe a taxonomy of homework and use it to design effective learning activities; identify issues related to the use of homework with students with special needs and culturally diverse students
  • How can teachers plan to meet the needs of students who have special needs?
  • Expected Student Competencies: Consider how instructional goals and resources affect students with special needs; understand how an individualized education plan influences planning for these students
  • How can teachers develop the expertise necessary for working in culturally diverse settings?

Expected Student Competencies: Design learning goals that are inclusive of many ethnic groups; understand how to incorporate examples from culturally diverse experiences