Chapter 8Lumbar Spine, SI Joints, Sacrum & CoccyxDarv Nomann R.T. (R)

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Forms the central axis of the skeleton

Centered in the midsagittal plane

Located in posterior trunk


Encloses and protects spinal cord

Supports trunk and skull

Provides muscle attachments

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Composed of small, irregular bones called vertebrae

Total of 33 vertebrae in early life

24 are true, moveable vertebra

Sacral and coccygeal segments are false, fixed vertebra

•Sacral vertebrae fuse into the sacrum
•Coccygeal vertebra fuse to form coccyx

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Divided into five groups named according to region they occupy

Cervical vertebrae

Thoracic vertebrae

Lumbar vertebrae

Sacral vertebrae

Coccygeal vertebrae

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Has four curves that arch anteriorly and posteriorly from midcoronal plane

Lordotic curves are convex anteriorly

Kyphotic curves are concave anteriorly

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Each curve named for region

Cervical = lordotic

Thoracic = kyphotic

Lumbar = lordotic

Pelvic = kyphotic

Scoliosis is a condition of abnormal lateral curvature of the spine

Kyphosis is a condition of increased kyphotic curve of T-spine

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Vertebrae separated by intervertebral disks, composed of fibrocartilage

Function as cushions

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Disc composed of

Annulus fibrosus – outer, fibrocartilaginous disk

Nucleus pulposus – central, soft mass

HNP = herniated nucleus pulposus

“Slipped disk”

Anatomy: Vertebral Column

Anterior and lateral aspects of vertebral column

Anatomy: Typical Vertebra

Transverse processes project laterally and a little posteriorly

Spinous process projects posteriorly and inferiorly

Spina bifida is congenital condition in which the laminae fail to fuse

Anatomy: Typical Vertebra

Superior aspect

Lesson 3

Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine, SI Joints

Sacrum, and Coccyx

Anatomy: Lumbar Vertebrae

Five in number

Occupy the posterior abdominal region

Unique features:

Transverse processes are smaller than T-spine

Pars interarticularis – part of lamina between articular processes

Anatomy: Lumbar Vertebrae

Superior aspect of lumbar vertebrae

Anatomy: Sacrum

Formed by fusion of five sacral segments into curved, triangular bone

Wedged between iliac bones of pelvis

Articulation = sacroiliac (SI) joints

Anatomic features





Anatomy: Coccyx

Formed by fusion of three to five rudimentary vertebrae

Curves inferiorly and anteriorly from articulation with sacrum

Anatomic features


Anatomy: Sacrum and Coccyx

General Procedural Guidelines

Patient preparation

General patient position

IR size


ID markers

Radiation protection

Patient instructions

Patient Preparation

Patient preparation for middle to lower vertebral column procedures requires removal of artifacts from the anatomy of interest.


Clothing artifacts

Patient Preparation

Provide gown

Secure patient possessions in designated manner and location

General Patient Position

Ambulatory patients

Upright or recumbent

Nonambulatory patients

Alter positioning to maximize patient comfort

Trauma patients

Move IR and CR to obtain images to maximize patient safety (see Chapter 13, pp. 28 and 32)

IR Size

Textbook gives guidelines

Use smallest IR that will demonstrate anatomy

Collimate field size to anatomy of interest


SID is standardized as a part of procedural protocol

When SID is not specified under a projection, Merrill’s Atlas recommends 48 (122 cm)

ID Markers

Right or left side markers must be included on each image

Other required ID markers must be in the blocker or elsewhere on the final image

Radiation Protection

Shield pediatric patients and patients of reproductive age

Refer to guidelines on p. 390, Volume 1

Other radiation protection measures

Close collimation

Optimum technique factors

Patient Instructions

Explain positions, procedures, and breathing instructions

Respiration is suspended during most middle to lower vertebral column projections

Radiographic Procedures

Essential Projections of the

Lumbar Spine (L-Spine), SI joints, Sacrum, and Coccyx

Essential Projections: L-Spine



Lateral L5-S1

AP oblique



AP axial L-S junction and SI joints (Ferguson)

AP L-Spine

Patient position

Supine or upright

Part position

MSP centered to midline

Shoulders and hips in same horizontal plane

Arms crossed on chest

Reduce lordosis by flexing hips and knees to place lower back closer to table

AP L-Spine


Perpendicular to IR

For 35- × 43-cm IR, enters patient at iliac crests (L4)

For 30- × 35-cm IR,enters patient at 1.5 (3.8 cm) above iliac crests (L3)

Lateral L-Spine

Note: L-spine intervertebral foramina is demonstrated.

Patient position

Recumbent or upright

Use same as for AP

Lateral L-Spine

Part position

True lateral with MCP vertical

Knees flexed and superimposed

Arms, with elbows flexed, at right angle to body

Place radiolucent support under lower spine to place horizontal, if needed

Lateral L-Spine


Perpendicular to IR

For 35- × 43-cm IR, enters patient on MCP at iliac crests (L4)

For 30- × 35-cm IR, enters on MCP at 1.5

(3.8 cm) above iliac crests (L3)

If spine is not horizontal, angle caudad

5 to 8 degrees

•More for females

Lateral L-Spine

Collimated field

Collimate and use lead behind patient to reduce scatter

All five lumbar vertebrae

•Most of sacrum if using larger IR

Lateral L5-S1

Patient position

Lateral recumbent

Lateral L5-S1

Part position

MCP perpendicular to IR

Hips extended

Superimposed knees, may be slightly flexed

With elbows flexed, place arms at right angle to body

Support lower spine in horizontal position in same manner as for lateral projection

Lateral L5-S1


When spine is horizontal, perpendicular to a coronal plane 2 (5 cm) posterior to ASIS and 1.5 (3.8 cm) inferior to iliac crest

•If not, angle 5 degrees caudad for males, 8 degrees caudad for females

Francis1 suggests alternative CR aligned with interiliac plane

•Refer to textbook, Fig. 8-102

1Francis C: Method improves consistency in L5-S1 joint space films, Radiol Technol 63:302, 1992.

Lateral L5-S1

Collimated field

Includes all of L5 and S1

AP Oblique L-Spine

Note: Zygapophyseal joints of L3-L4 and L4-L5 are demonstrated.

Note: Both sides are examined for comparison.

AP Oblique L-Spine

Patient position

Recumbent or upright

Use same position as AP

Part position

45-degree posterior oblique position

Radiolucent support under elevated side

AP Oblique L-Spine


Perpendicular to IR

Enters patient 2 (5 cm) medial to elevated ASIS at L3 (1.5 or 3.8 cm above iliac crests)

Collimated field

Includes all five lumbar and top of sacrum

AP Axial (Ferguson)

Patient position


Part position

MSP centered to IR

Extend lower limbs, or abduct thighs and place vertical

AP Axial (Ferguson)


Angled cephalad 30 to 35 degrees

•Use less angle on males, more on females
•Ferguson originally recommended 45-degree angle

Enters patient on MSP at 1.5 (3.8 cm) above pubic symphysis

AP Axial (Ferguson)

Collimated field

Includes entire sacrum and medial borders of ilia

Note: May also be performed with patient in prone position (PA axial) with CR angle

35 degrees caudad. Only AP axial is referred to as Ferguson method.

Essential Projections: SI Joints

AP Oblique



AP Oblique SI Joints

Note: SI joint farther from IR is demonstrated. Both sides are examined for comparison.

Patient position


AP Oblique SI Joints

Part position

25- to 30-degree posterior oblique position

Support body in position

Long axis parallel with table

IR centered at level of ASIS

AP Oblique SI Joints


Perpendicular to IR

Enters patient 1 (2.5 cm) medial to elevated ASIS

Essential Projections: Sacrum and Coccyx


AP axial



AP axial


Note: Bowel should be prepped and bladder emptied before examination.

AP Axial Sacrum

Patient position


May also be performed with patient prone (PA axial projection), if needed for comfort

AP Axial Sacrum

Part position

MSP in midline of table

ASIS equidistant from table

Arms in comfortable, symmetric position out of field

Support knees, if supine

AP Axial Sacrum


15 degrees cephalad, if supine

•15 degrees caudad for prone

Enters MSP at 2˝ (5 cm) superior to pubic symphysis

•For prone – enters MSP at level of sacral curve

Collimated field

Includes entire sacrum and SI joints

AP/PA Coccyx

Patient position

Supine or prone

Choose position that maximizes patient comfort

Part position

Same as used for sacrum

AP/PA Coccyx


Angled 10 degrees caudad

•10 degrees cephalad if PA performed

Enters MSP at 2 (5 cm) superior to pubic symphysis

•For PA, enters MSP at coccyx

Collimated field

Includes entire coccyx

Collimate for improved visibility

Lateral Sacrum

Patient position

Recumbent lateral

Hips and knees flexed for comfort

Lateral Sacrum

Part position

Arms at right angle to body

Knees superimposed

Support spine to horizontal position

Interiliac plane perpendicular to IR

Shoulders and pelvis in true lateral

•MCP vertical

Sacrum centered to IR

Lateral Sacrum


Perpendicular to perpendicular to level of ASIS and to a point 3.5 (9 cm) posterior

Collimated field

Close collimation improves contrast and visibility

Lead rubber behind patient absorbs scatter

Lateral Coccyx

Patient and part positions

Same as used for sacrum

Lateral Coccyx


Perpendicular to 3.5 (9 cm) posterior and 2

(5 cm) inferior to ASIS

Collimated field

Close collimation improves visibility

Lead rubber behind patient absorbs scatter

Lesson 4

Image Critique of the

Lumbar Spine, SI Joints, Sacrum and Coccyx

AP L-Spine

Area from lower T-spine to sacrum

Collimated to psoas muscles

No artifacts from underclothing

X-ray penetration of vertebral structures

Open intervertebral joints

SI joints equidistant from spine

Symmetric vertebrae with spinous processes in center of bodies

Projection? Anatomy?

Lateral L-Spine

On 35- × 43-cm IR, lower thoracic to coccyx shown

On 30- × 35-cm IR, lower thoracic to sacrum shown

Open intervertebral disk spaces and intervertebral foramina

Lateral L-Spine

No rotation

Superimposed posterior margins of bodies

Nearly superimposed iliac crests (if CR is not angled)

Spinous processes in profile

Vertebrae in middle of collimated field

Projection? Anatomy?

Lateral L5-S1

Open L5-S1 intervertebral joint

Field includes all of L5 and upper sacrum

L5-S1 joint in center of field

Iliac crests nearly superimposed, if CR is not angled

Projection? Anatomy?

AP Oblique L-Spine

Area from lower T-spine to sacrum shown

Zygapophyseal joints closer to IR open and visible through bodies

If joint is not open and pedicle is anterior on body, patient is not rotated enough

If joint is not open and pedicle is posterior on body, patient is rotated too much

T12-L1 and L1-L2 intervertebral joint spaces open

Projection? Anatomy?

AP Oblique L-Spine

AP Axial LS Junction and SI Joints (Ferguson)

LS junction and sacrum

Open L5-S1 intervertebral space

Both SI joints penetrated

Projection? Anatomy?

AP Oblique SI Joints

Open SI joint space with minimal overlap of ilium and sacrum

Joint in center of image

Projection? Anatomy?

AP Axial Sacrum

Sacrum demonstrated without foreshortening and with curve straightened

No overlap by pubic bones

Short-scale contrast

Improved by close collimation

AP Axial Sacrum

No rotation

Alae symmetric

Sacrum centered and seen in its entirety

Fecal material not overlapping sacrum

Projection? Anatomy?

AP/PA Coccyx

Coccygeal segments not superimposed

Short-scale contrast

Improved by tight collimation

No rotation

Projection? Anatomy?

Lateral Sacrum and Coccyx

Sacrum and coccyx seen with short-scale contrast

Improved by close collimation and use of lead rubber behind patient

No rotation

Posterior margins of ischia and ilia nearly superimposed

Projection? Anatomy?