Chapter 8 DNA Structure Study Guide

Multiple Choice.

  1. The four types of nucleotides that make up DNA are name for their
  2. Hydrogen bonds
  3. Nitrogen-containing bases
  4. Phosphate groups
  5. Ring-shaped sugars
  6. Write the correct DNA sequence that would be complementary for the following DNA strand: ACCGTAT
  1. What type of bond holds the base pairs together (Hint: it is the step of a ladder)?
  1. After a DNA molecule is unzipped during DNA replication, what happens (Hint: This is step 2 of DNA replication)?
  2. Mismatched nucleotide bases are identified and replaced
  3. Free-floating nucleotides pair up with exposed bases
  4. Identical double-stranded DNA molecules are formed
  5. Enzymes break hydrogen bonds between base pairs
  6. The process of making new DNA molecules is semiconservative. This means that every new DNA molecule is composed of
  7. Two completely identical strands
  8. One original and one new strand of DNA
  9. One strand of DNA and one strand of RNA
  10. Two strands that mix original and new DNA
  11. When new DNA molecules are formed, almost all errors are detected and fixed by
  12. The correct nucleotide
  13. Sugar-phosphate backbone
  14. DNA polymerase
  15. One DNA strand
  16. The central dogma of molecular biology states that information flows in one direction from
  17. Nuclei to RNA to cytoplasm
  18. Ribosomes to proteins to DNA
  19. Genes to nuclei to ribosomes
  20. DNA to RNA to proteins
  21. Write the correct nucleotide sequence of the RNA strand that would be complementary to the following DNA strand: GTAGTCA
  1. Which of the following event occurs directly after RNA polymerase recognizes the transcription start site of a gene (Hint: This is the 1st step in transcription, it involves helicase)?
  2. The polymerase strings amino acids into a polypeptide.
  3. Free-floating nucleotides pair up with exposed DNA bases.
  4. A complementary RNA strand detaches itself from the DNA.
  5. The DNA strand begins to unwind, separating into two strands.
  6. What is the term for a three-nucleotide sequence that codes for an amino acid (Hint: it has a wheel-shaped structure that helps you find the amino acid name)?
  1. How many amino acids are used to make up all of the amino acids in the body?
  1. Which phrase best describes translation?
  2. Converts mRNA into a polypeptide
  3. Catalyzes bonds between amino acids
  4. Produces RNA from DNA molecules
  5. Recycles tRNA molecules for reuse
  6. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a genetic disease caused by the deletion of a nucleotide. What is the term for this type of mutation?
  1. Which type of mutation has no effect on a phenotype?
  1. When reading the following DNA sequence, CCGTACT, what would the first three nucleotides be (In other words, what are the codons)?
  1. In humans, DNA replication takes place in what organelle (Hint: this is a eukaryote)?
  1. When reading the following DNA sequence, TAGAGTC, what would the first three nucleotides of the complementary RNA strand be?
  1. How many amino acids are coded for the strand of mRNA shown below? Assume the reading frame begins with the first nucleotide: CGAUAC (Hint: Remember, codons are reading in sequences of three)
  1. Name the location in a eukaryotic cell where DNA replication takes place. (Hint: What organelle does it take place in?)
  2. When does replication occur?
  3. Once in every cell cycle
  4. When nucleotides float in the nucleus
  5. When tRNA unzips DNA
  6. During the cell’s M phase
  7. Which of the following is a nucleotide found in DNA?
  8. Ribose + phosphate group + thymine
  9. Ribose + phosphate group + uracil
  10. Deoxyribose + phosphate group + uracil
  11. Deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine
  12. Unlike DNA, RNA contains what nitrogenous base
  1. Which type (s) of RNA is (are) involved in protein synthesis?
  2. Transfer RNA only
  3. Messenger RNA only
  4. Ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA only
  5. Messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA
  6. How many codons are needed to specify three amino acids (Hint: three codons per amino acid)?
  7. The following is the structure of what molecule?
  1. DNA is copied during a process called what?
  1. In eukaryotes, DNA is located where?
  1. RNA contains what sugar?
  1. How many types of RNA are there?
  1. According to Chargaff’s rules, which nucleotide is always paired with adenine in a DNA molecule?
  1. DNA wraps around histones to form bead-like structures called ______.
  1. Nitrogen bases with only 1 ring are called ______.
  1. Which one of the following nucleotide pair bonds would be found in DNA molecule?
  2. Adenine-guanine
  3. Guanine-cytosine
  4. Adenine-cytosine
  5. Cytosine-uracil
  1. The backbone of DNA molecule is made of which two components?
  2. Phosphate molecules and ribose sugars
  3. Deoxyphosphate molecules and ribose sugars
  4. Phosphate molecules and deoxyribose sugars
  5. Deoxyphosphate molecules and deoxyribose sugars
  6. Watson and Crick were the first to suggest that DNA is
  7. A short molecule
  8. The shape of a double helix
  9. A protein molecule
  10. The genetic material
  11. The pairing of ______is DNA is the key feature that allows DNA to be copied.
  12. Nucleotides
  13. Nitrogen bases
  14. Chromosomes
  15. Codons
  16. A DNA nucleotide may be made up of a phosphate group, along with
  17. Deoxyribose sugar and uracil
  18. Ribose sugar and adenine
  19. Deoxyribose sugar and thymine
  20. Ribose sugar and cytosine
  21. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is formed in the process of
  22. Transcription
  23. Translation
  24. Replication
  25. Mutation
  26. X-rays, ultraviolet light, and radioactive substances that can change the chemical nature of DNA are classified as
  27. Growth regulators
  28. Metamorphic molecules
  29. Hydrolytic enzymes
  30. Mutagens


  1. Translation
  1. Replication

  1. Transcription

  1. Making a complementary RNA sequence from a DNA code (DNA RNA)
  2. Making a DNA copy of a DNA molecule (DNA DNA)
  3. Making proteins from a RNA message (RNA PROTEINS)