Chapter 7: Hebrew and Judaism

1. What shows that Jews believe in justice and righteousness?

Have to be fair in business dealings

2. What does “monotheism” mean?

Belief in only one god

3. What are people who receive messages from God called?


4. What is a Jewish house of worship?


5. What is the most sacred text in Judaism?


6. Tell me the differences between Mosaic Laws and the 10 Commandments

Mosaic Law = guide their daily lives

10 comm. = moral codes

7. What did the Dead Sea Scrolls help us learn?

How Jews lived 2,000 years ago

***Found by a boy in a cave***

8. Finish this statement: The central beliefs of Judaism are God, education, justice and…..


9. What is the Talmud and what is its purpose?

A book of commentaries and lessons for everyday life. Its purpose is to explain Jewish laws.

10. What is the effect of Judaism on later cultures?

It helped shape Western Cultures

11. What is the Exodus story? Include Passover.

10 plagues

10th plague was the worst (death of first born)

Passover (spreading lamb’s blood on door so that the angel of death will PASS OVER you)

Moses, Ramses (pharaoh), Hebrews, God

Jews were slaves for the Egyptians

Egypt was killing Hebrews so that they did not become too strong and overthrow Egypt

12. Why did Abraham leave Mesopotamia?

God told him to

13. What did the Hebrews change their name to after they returned to Canaan?


14. Who was a stronger king, David or Saul?


15. Tell me the order of the first 3 kings of the Israelites.

Saul, David, Solomon (David’s son)

16. David made what city capital of Israel?


17. What happened before the Babylonian Captivity?

The Assyrians conquered the Jews

18. What is an example of women having few rights in the Hebrew culture?

Their husband was chosen for them

19. How do Jews honor the Sabbath?

By taking a day of rest and not working

20. What does Hanukkah celebrate?

The rededication of the 2nd temple of Jerusalem

21. Why do Jews celebrate traditions and High Holy Days?

To help understand their HISTORY

22. What is the holiest day of the year for Jews?

Yom Kippur

23. What is the story of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael and how do the views differ from Jewish to Muslim?


24. What do you call a Jew who follows the Mosaic laws strictly?


25. Are there commentaries in the Hebrew Bible?


26. What did the Romans do to the 2nd temple of Jerusalem?

Burned it down

27. What is a Yad and what is it used for?

Yad- A special pointer used for reading the Torah. To protect the Torah from being damaged by human hands.

28. Where did David live before he became king?

The desert

29. Who destroyed Solomon’s temple in 586 BC


30. What were the Early Hebrews?

Simple Herders

31. What is a synagogue and what do they have inside of all of them?

Synagogue- A Jewish house of worship, and a Torah is inside all of them.

32. What is the name of the language created by the Jews?


33. What is the name of God to Hebrews?


34. What do the 10 Commandments mean to Judaism?

They are the Moral Laws that all Jews should live by. If they accept these they promise to follow all of them.

35. How is current Jewish culture connected to the past?

Jews celebrate the High Holy Days to help understand the past. They still celebrate Hanukkah in December and Passover in March or April.

36. What contributions did Women make in Hebrew society?

Some were political and military leaders who saved their people from enemies. Helped show the world Jews’ faith and devotion.

37. How is education important to Jewish people today?

They believe in teaching children the basics of Judaism. Both boys and girls study their beliefs.

38. Howdid the Diaspora change traditions?

Traditions changed because Jews were forced to move. They then mixed with other cultures and learned new languages and rituals.

39. What were the Maccabees tired of?

Foreign Rule

40. What is a menorah?

A candle holder that holds 9 candles that is used to celebrate Hanukkah

41. What is another name for the Hebrew bible?


42. What is the name of the mountain fortress that zealots locked themselves in?
