Title: System Analysis 3

From: Joshua Weilbacher, Alina Yang, Will Grawe

To: Jolanta Janiszewska

Date: March 2nd, 2016


This week’s lab consisted of further analysis testing to gain more insight as to what needed to be changed. To this end, a test code was constructed. The test code consisted of one uphill motion, a complete stop, a reverse, and a downhill motion leading to another stop. The AEVs energy consumption was again monitored to give valuable information that was used to calculate other aspects of the AEV such as velocity or the RPM.


The performance of the AEV was observed as it ran on the incline of the track. Many trials were taken during the experiment to make sure the AEV functions as expected. The power for AEV to climb to the top of the incline was increased and power to slide down the incline was decreased in order to stop in time. Power, energy, velocity and the efficiency of the AEV were calculated to check its performance. The trail can be divided into six phases as shown in Figure 4 and Table 1. According to Figure 4, phase 2 was when the AEV climbed up the incline, because greater power was needed to perform the action. For a similar reason, phase 5 was when AEV ran down from the incline, less power was needed in order to stabilize the AEV and prepare to stop. Accelerating the motor to a greater speed than needed before performing the action would improve the performance of the AEV. In previous labs, where no acceleration was taken place, the AEV needed a few seconds to prepare the motor and then execute the code. During this lab the celerate command was used and as shown in Figure 1 and 4, there was almost no delay after the motorSpeed code ran. From the values measured from the code distance, velocity and kinetic energy were calculated. The physical representation of these values can be seen in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 1: Power vs. Time

Figure 2: Distance vs.Velocity

Figure 3: Distance vs. Kinetic Energy

Figure 4: Power vs. Time with phases

Phase / Arduino Code / Distance(meters) / Time(seconds) / Total Energy(Joules)
1 / celerate(4,0,40,1); / 0 / 1.021 / 3.675
2 / motorSpeed(4,45); / 53.79 / 3.481 / 44.7
3 / motorSpeed(4,0);/goFor(1); / 53.96 / 1.2 / 0.52
4 / celerate(4,0,30,1); / 52.96 / 0.96 / 2.117
5 / motorSpeed(4,15); / 428.98 / 6.597 / 18.015
6 / motorSpeed(4,25); / 133.55 / 1.08 / 6.8089
Total Energy Used: / 75.836

Table 1: Time used and total energy of three phases.


Many observations were made based on the information collected during the lab. During the initial two seconds the arduino was set with a delay that still consumed energy in order to power the arduino even though no motors were being powered. In the final version of the code this section will be removed in order to prevent unnecessary energy consumption. During phase two the AEV was traversing the incline, which required more power than the AEV traveling on the decline track such as in phase 5. In the final version of the code the power will need to be carefully observed when traveling on inclines as it consumes the most energy. Between phase 5 and 6 the motor direction changes and jumps to 25% power in order to slow the AEV down. This was inefficient and a large spike in power was recorded at the beginning of phase 6, in order to prevent this a slow transition, such as in phase 4, will be used in the final version of the AEV code.


Gratitude goes out to Jolanta Janiszewska for all materials provided in this lab.

Arduino Code

int marks= -443; //-443 marks = 18ft

goFor(2);//delay before AEV starts moving

reverse(4);//reverses motors so they will go forward

celerate(4,0,40,1);//accelerates all motors from 0 to 40% in 1 second

motorSpeed(4,45);//sets all motors to 20% speed

goToRelativePosition(-2.2/0.0124); // travels until (-2 meters/0.0124 meters/marks)

motorSpeed(4,0);//stops all motors

goFor(1);//stops for 1 second

reverse(4);//switches motor direction

celerate(4,0,30,1);//accelerates all motors from 0 to 30% in 1 second

motorSpeed(4,15);//sets all motors to 15%

goToRelativePosition(3/0.0124); // travels until (2.6 meters/0.0124 meters/mark)

reverse(4);//switches motor direction

motorSpeed(4,25);//sets motors to 25%

goFor(1);//slows AEV for 1 second

brake(4);//cuts power to all motors

Matlab Code






Time=a(:,1)/1000; %This calculates the time

Current=(a(:,2)/1024).*vr.*(1/0.185); %This calculates the current

Voltage=(15*a(:,3))/1024; %This calculates the voltage

Distance=0.0124*a(:,4); %This calculates the distance

pos=0.0124*a(:,5); %This calculates the position

Power=Voltage.*Current; %This calculates the power


for j=1:(n-1)

Energy(j)=(Power(j)+Power(j+1))/2*(Time(j+1)-Time(j)); % This calculates the energy







title('Power vs Time');

xR = 2; % Right x-coordinate

xL = 0; % Left x-coordinate

iL = knnsearch(Time,xL); % Element index of left point

iR = knnsearch(Time,xR); % Element index of right point

E_phase_1 = Energy(iL:iR); %Reverse and Delay time

EnergyP1=sum(E_phase_1); %sum energy


xR = 3; % Right x-coordinate

xL = 2; % Left x-coordinate

iL = knnsearch(Time,xL); % Element index of left point

iR = knnsearch(Time,xR); % Element index of right point

E_phase_2 = Energy(iL:iR); %Set speed

EnergyP2=sum(E_phase_2); %sum energy


xR = 6.5; % Right x-coordinate

xL = 3; % Left x-coordinate

iL = knnsearch(Time,xL); % Element index of left point

iR = knnsearch(Time,xR); % Element index of right point

E_phase_3 = Energy(iL:iR);


xR = 8; % Right x-coordinate

xL = 6.5; % Left x-coordinate

iL = knnsearch(Time,xL); % Element index of left point

iR = knnsearch(Time,xR); % Element index of right point

E_phase_4 = Energy(iL:iR);


xR = 8; % Right x-coordinate

xL = 15.4; % Left x-coordinate

iL = knnsearch(Time,xL); % Element index of left point

iR = knnsearch(Time,xR); % Element index of right point

E_phase_5 = Energy(iL:iR);


xR = 16.4; % Right x-coordinate

xL = 15.4; % Left x-coordinate

iL = knnsearch(Time,xL); % Element index of left point

iR = knnsearch(Time,xR); % Element index of right point

E_phase_6 = Energy(iL:iR);


TotalEnergy=EnergyP2+EnergyP1+EnergyP3+EnergyP4+EnergyP5+EnergyP6; %sum energy for both phases


Diameter=0.08128; % Constant for Diameter of blades


Velocity = zeros(q-1, 1); %This sets velocity as a blank matrix

for i=2:(q)

Velocity(i)=((pos(i)-(pos(i-1))/(Time(i)-(Time(i-1))))); % Calculation for Velocity


KEnergy=(1/2)*Mass*Velocity; % Calculation for Kinetic Energy

RPM=-64.59*Current.^2+1927.25*Current-84.58; %Calculation for RPM

J=(Velocity)./((RPM/60)*Diameter); %Preliminary calculation for propulsion

Propulsion=-454.37*J.^3+321.58*J.^2+22.603*J; %Calculation for Propulsion





title('Distance vs Velocity');




ylabel('Kinetic Energy');

title('Distance vs Kinetic Energy');





title('Distance vs Propulsion');

Individual (Will Grawe)

Reference Voltage / 2.46
Time (ms) / Current (counts) / Voltage (counts) / Marks
(Cumulative wheel counts) / Marks
(Position wheel counts)
14883 / 30 / 516 / 473 / -71
14943 / 32 / 516 / 479 / -65

Individual (Alina Yang)

Time (ms) / Current (counts) / Voltage (counts) / Marks (Cumulative wheel counts) / Marks (Position wheel counts)
5343 / 130 / 501 / 94 / -94
5403 / 132 / 502 / 99 / -99

Individual (Joshua Weilbacher)

Reference Voltage / 2.46
Time(ms) / Current (Counts) / Voltage (Counts) / Marks (Cumulative wheel counts) / Marks (Position wheel counts)
5103 / 129 / 501 / 77 / -77
5163 / 131 / 502 / 81 / -81