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Chapter 3: The British invasion

/ Student book / Workbook / NelsonNet resources /
Music making and Music responding / Explore the elements of music, apply aural skills and experiment with texture and timbre using a range of sound sources / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 33–34 / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 27–28
Performing using a dorian mode, pp. 30–31
Develop musical ideas by improvising, combining and manipulating the elements of music when composing and performing / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 27–28
Performing using a dorian mode, pp. 30–31
Practise & rehearse a variety of music, including Australian music by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders artists to develop technical and expressive skills / Performing in the style of the Beatles, pp. 29–30
Performing using a dorian mode, pp. 30–31
Structure compositions by combining and manipulating the elements of music, and recording ideas using notation / Performing in the style of the Beatles, pp. 29–30
The dorian mode, pp. 30–31
Perform and present a range of music, using techniques and expression appropriate to style / Performing in the style of the Beatles, pp. 29–30
Performing using a dorian mode, pp. 30–31
Analyse composer’s use of the elements of music and stylistic features when listening to an interpreting music / ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, pp. 31–33
‘Eleanor Rigby’, pp. 34–35
‘Friday on my Mind’, pp.36–37
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’, pp. 38–39
‘Imagine’, pp. 39–40 / ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, pp. 25–26
Comparative listening – the Beatles, pp. 31–32
‘Friday on my Mind’, p.33
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’, pp. 33–35 / Rock Book self test – chapters 3 & 4
Identify and connect specific features of music from contemporary and past times to explore viewpoints / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 33–34
Beatlemania hits Australia, p. 36
The American response, p. 37 / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 27–28
The dorian mode, pp. 30–31
‘Friday on my Mind’, p.33
‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’, pp. 33–35
Cross-curriculum priorities / Sustainability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders histories and cultures
General capabilities / Literacy / Complete chapter, pp.29–42 / The British Invasion revision, pp. 35–36
Research topics on the British Invasion, pp. 36–37 / Rock Book self test – chapters 3 & 4
Critical and creative thinking / Discussion topics for the British Invasion, pp.41–42 / Comparative listening – the Beatles, pp. 31–32
The British Invasion revision, pp. 35–36
Research topics on the British Invasion, pp. 36–37
Numeracy / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 33–34 / The musical elements of the beat boom, pp. 27–28
ICT competence / Research topics on the British Invasion, pp. 36–37
Intercultural understanding / Background and history, pp. 30
Star spot – the Beatles, pp. 30–31
Beatlemania hits Australia, p. 36
The American response, p. 37 / Comparative listening – the Beatles, pp. 31–32
Research topics on the British Invasion, pp. 36–37 / Rock Book self test – chapters 3 & 4
Personal and social competence / Discussion topics for the British Invasion, pp.41–42 / Performing in the style of the Beatles, pp. 29–30
Performing using a dorian mode, pp. 30–31
Research topics on the British Invasion, pp. 36–37
Ethical behaviour / ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’, pp. 38–39
Discussion topics for the British Invasion, pp.41–42 / Research topics on the British Invasion, pp. 36–37

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