Newton-Conover City Schools



August 15, 2016

The Newton-Conover Board of Education met in a work andregular session on Monday, August 15, 2016 at 6:00 pm in the N-CCS Boardroom

Members present:Tim Hayes, Chair

Jeanne Jarrett, Vice Chair

Angie Harris-Ramseur

Mark Pennell

Jim Stockner

Bev Hall

Also present:Dr. David Stegall, Superintendent

Dr. Aron Gabriel

Dean Shatley, Board Attorney

Moment of Silence for Prayer or Personal Reflection was observed.

Pledge of Allegiance

Call to order

Agenda Item I and III

Quorum Determination...... G.S. 115C-41

Chair Tim Hayescalled the meeting to order at 6:00pm and stated that a quorum was present.

Adoption of Agenda

Agenda Item V

Agenda for August 15, 2016was adopted as presented.


Agenda Item VI

Dr. Stegall announced that he received word that South Newton received the LEED certification.

Public Forum

Agenda Item VII

Consent Agenda

Agenda Item VIII

  1. A motion to approve theJuly 11, 2016Regular and Closed Session Minuteswas made by Mr. Stockner. Mr. Pennell seconded the motion. BOE approved.

Items of Information

Agenda Item IX

  1. Dr. Mullins presented on S3. (Systematic School Support) A team of leaders from N-CCS visited Thomasville City Schools and shadowed their Systematic School Support teams (S3).

S3 Teams include CO Leaders, 4 site based leaders, elementary, middle and high school. She stated that the N-CCS leadership team will participate in two (S3) visits at each school during the school year. The support team will analyze current data, get feedback from stakeholders, have classroom visits, get central office support, and share celebrations and plans. Presentation included.

  1. Dr. Mullins shared a summary on The Summit which is a part of the NC Career & College Promise. Presentation included.
  2. Mrs. Geddes informed the Board that the 2014-2015 Erate and RTTT funded project which supported six schools with new cabling, switches, and access points was a completed in October 2015.Presently the IT Department is working on a simplified standardized network. Report included.
  3. Mrs. Geddes explained House Bill 1030 that states that by September 1 of each year, each local board of education shall notify the State Board of Education of any local testing to be administered to students by the local school administrative unit in its schools and the calendar for administering those tests. The local testing schedule was shared to the Board. Information included.
  4. Dr. Stegall shared Merit Pay Plan Required by Legislators. The plan is part of Senate Law 2016-94 House Bill 1030 – 36.1 Merit Based Bonus for Non Educators. He explained that the Board needs to create a plan with guidelines on evaluating how bonuses are determined. He suggested that Central Office Directors not be included in the bonus distribution. Handout included.
  5. Dr. Stegall gave an update on the status of the Conover Contract. He stated that Catawba County has signed and returned the contract. Hickory City will submit as soon as contract is signed.
  6. Dr. Gabriel presented Board Policy 9030 as a first reading. Policy included.
  7. Dr. Gabriel shared photos of construction projects going on at the schools.
  8. Dr. Stegall informed the Board that Governor McCrory will visit NCHS on August 29, 2016 at 1 pm.

Discussion/Action Items

Agenda Item X

  1. Dr. Gabriel presented Board Policy 5025 for approval. Board Policy 5025 indicates the change in the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages on property owned or occupied by the N-CCS Board of Education. The amendment incorporates activities sponsored by or held under the auspices of the Newton-Conover Auditorium Authority are exempt from the provisions of the policy, such as religious observances. Major Hayes asked for a motion to approve Policy 5025 as presented. Mrs. Hall made a motion to approve and Mr. Stockner seconded the motion. BOE approved.
  2. Dr. Stegall presented the Dropout Age Resolution for approval.He stated that the Board has already approved to continue the Drop Out Age from 16-18 and that the approval of the resolution was a formality. Mrs. Harris-Ramseur made a motion to approve the resolution and Mrs. Jarrett seconded the motion. BOE approved

Upcoming Events

Agenda Item XI

Aug. 16Discovery Open House, 6:30 pm

Aug. 16 and 17 Freshman Surge NCHS

Aug. 18Soldiers’ Parade

Aug. 21Cindy Geddes’ Birthday

Aug 22 Teachers return

Aug. 236th Grade Open House, 4:00-6:00 pm

Aug. 247th and 8th Grade Open House, 5:00-7:00 pm

Aug. 26Commencement for all staff- NCMS 8:30-10:30

Elementary Open House, 4:00-6:00 pm

Conover School Open, House, 5:00-7:00 pm

Aug. 291st Day of School for students

Sept. 5Labor Day

Sept. 12BOE Work Session

Sept. 19Regular BOE Meeting

Sept. 282016 District 7 Meeting, 4:00 pm

Sept. 29Teacher/Principal of the Year Banquet 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Other Items of Business

Closed Session

Agenda Item XII

A motion to go in to Closed Session was made by Mrs. Harris-Ramseur and Mr. Pennell seconded the motion. BOE approved.

Action from Closed Session

Agenda Item XIII

A motion to approve personnel recommendations was made byMrs. Stocknerand seconded byMr. Pennell. BOE approved

Other Items of Discussion

There being no further business to discuss in Open Session, Mrs. Harris-Ramseur made a motion to adjourn which was seconded byMrs. Hall. BOE approved.

Board Chair, Tim HayesSecretary, Dr. David Stegall