Chapter 28: New Directions for a Nation 1977-2000

Chapter Preview–In the last decades of the twentieth century, the nation faced major changes at home and overseas. The election of President Ronald Reagan ushered in a new conservative era in government. The collapse of the Soviet Union ended the long Cold War. Increasingly, conflicts in the Middle East came to dominate foreign policy.

Section 1: A Conservative Surge, Pages 936-942

A growing conservative movement helped to reshape American politics during the 1980s and thereafter.

  1. violate – to break a rule or law; to disrespect; to disturb
  2. alter – to change in some way; to make different
  3. balanced budget – the government spends only as much money as it collects
  4. Ronald Reagan – A former actor and California governor, served as the 40th U.S. president from 1981 to 1989. Dubbed the Great Communicator, he became a popular two-term president. He cut taxes, increased defense spending, negotiated a nuclear arms reduction agreement with the Soviets and is credited with helping to bring a quicker end to the Cold War. He survived a 1981 assassination attempt, died at age 93 after battling Alzheimer’s disease.
  5. deregulation – scaling back federal rules for businesses
  6. deficit – the government spends more money than it collects
  7. George H.W. Bush – (41st President 1989-1993)He launched successful military operations against Panama and Iraq; however, his popularity at home was marred by an economic recession, and in 1992 he lost his bid for re-election to Bill Clinton
  8. recession – a temporary economic slump
  9. Bill Clinton – During his time in the White House, America enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity, marked by low unemployment, declining crime rates and a budget surplus. He appointed a number of women and minorities to top government posts, including Janet Reno, the first female U.S. attorney general, and Madeleine Albright, the first female U.S. secretary of state.
  10. surplus – when the government collects more money than it spends
  11. George W. Bush – 43rd president, served in office from 2001 to 2009. He is oldest son of George H.W. Bush. His time in office was shaped by the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against America. In response to the attacks, he declared a global “war on terrorism,” established the Department of Homeland Security and authorized U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Section 2: End of the Cold War, Pages 943-948

The Cold War ended as communism in Eastern Europe collapsed and the Soviet Union dissolved.

  1. critic – someone who makes judgements, especially negative judgements
  2. intermediate – happening in between; part way from one extreme to another
  3. Mikhail Gorbachev – Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. His liberalization effort improved relations with the West, but he lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of Communist governments in Eastern Europe.
  4. glasnost – speaking openly about Soviet problems (a policy adopted by Gorbachev)

Section 3: A New Role in the World, Pages 949-952

With the end of the Cold War, the United States focused on promoting democracy and halting the spread of nuclear weapons.

  1. deprive – to withhold; to take away
  2. pursue – to follow; to chase; to attempt to gain
  3. apartheid – Racial separation and inequality
  4. sanction – penalties applied against a country in order to pressure it to change its policies

Section 4: Conflict in the Middle East, Pages 953-957

War and conflict in the Middle East and a rise in Islamic extremism challenged U.S. policymakers.

  1. confine – to keep within an area; to shut in or imprison
  2. crisis – turning point or deciding event in history
  3. Yasir Arafat – Led the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and refused to accept Israel’s existence
  4. westernization – the adoption of ideas, culture, and technology from Western regions such as the United States and Europe
  5. Ruholla Khomeini – Muslim religious leader, the force behind the Iranian revolution and saw western values as threats to their own beliefs
  6. Saddam Hussein – Brutal dictator and ruler of Iraq. Waged war on Iran in 1980-1988. In 1990 he ordered an invasion of Kuwait but was defeated by United States and its allies in the Gulf War (1991). Defeated by US led invasion in 2003.
  7. Norman Schwarzkopf –Commander of US Central Command in the Gulf War; Commander of the coalition forces. Led operation "Desert Storm"
  8. Colin Powell – Colin Powell was an American military general and leader during the Persian Gulf War. He played a crucial role in planning and attaining America's victory in the Persian Gulf and Panama. He was also the first black four stars general and chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.