

Chapter 14 Review Sheet: Periodic Table and Periodicity

1)Define the following and give their position on the periodic table (if applicable):

  1. periodhorizontal row on the periodic table
  2. groupvertical column on the periodic table
  3. metalselements left of the metal/nonmetal line with high

conductivity, luster and ductility/malleability

  1. nonmetalselements to the right of the m/nm line; dull, nonconductive, etc.
  2. metalloidsall elements touching m/nm line except Al, properties in

between metals and nonmetals

  1. Alkali metalGroup 1A; most reactive elements on periodic table
  2. Alkaline earth metalGroup 2A; reactive, but not as much as alkali metals
  3. Transition metalall “d-block” elements (Sc to Zn and down), typical metals
  4. Inner transition metalall “f-block” elements; removed and at bottom of table
  5. Lanthanides top row of inner transitions
  6. Actinides bottom row of inner transitions
  7. Noble gasesGroup 8A; unreactive elements due to full valence
  8. HalogensGroup 7A; most reactive nonmetals; “salt makers”
  9. ChalcogensSame as oxygen family (6A); “chalk maker” or “ore maker”
  10. Representative elementsAll “s-block” and “p-block” elements; they display the periodic

trends with the least exceptions

  1. Periodic lawthe idea that when elements are put in order of increasing

atomic number, a repeating pattern of chemical and physical

properties is evident

  1. Ionization energythe amount of energy it takes to remove one electron from the

outside shell of an atom

  1. Electronegativityan element’s tendency to attract an electron when bonding
  2. Valence electronan electron in the outermost energy level of an atom
  3. Oxidation numberthe charge of an atom when it becomes an ion

2)For the following elements, tell the name of the group they are a member of:

  1. Na alkali metals
  2. I halogens
  3. Xe noble gases
  4. Ba alkaline earth metals
  5. Np inner transition elements (OR rare earth metals OR actinide series)
  6. Fe transition metals
  7. S oxygen family (OR chalcogens)
  8. P nitrogen family

3)Give the electron configuration for the following:

  1. Silver1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d9 (actually, 5s14d10)
  2. Selenium1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4
  3. All halogenss2p5

4)Describe the following trends and explain why they occur:

  1. Atomic radiusincreases down and to the left; down because there are more

energy levels and more shielding; decreases L to R because you are adding more protons without adding new energy levels, so the positive nuclear pull increases

  1. # of valence electronsincreases to the right in the order of 1,2 2 3,4,5,6,7,8 because

of the electron configuration of the elements in those groups

  1. oxidation numberthe order is +1, +2 skip trans. mets, +3, ±4, -3, -2, -1, 0; the

positives lose electrons and the negatives gain electrons to have a full valence of electrons

  1. ionic radiusincreases down and to the left, except the anions are bigger than

the cations; anions are bigger than the elements formed from, because they gain electrons without protons and thus there is more repulsion and less nuclear pull per electron; cations are smaller because they lose electrons to the next energy level down, and there is more nuclear pull per electron

  1. electronegativityincreases up and to the right, except noble gases are zero; it is

based on several factors, including ionization energy

  1. 1st ionization energyincreases up and to the right; up because the electrons are closer

to the nucleus, and thus are harder to pull away, to the right for the same reason

  1. 2nd ionization energysame as first ionization energy, except the alkali metals are the

highest; this is because once group 1A loses one electron, it has an octet, and it takes the most energy to pull an electron from a full last energy level

5)Put the following groups of elements in order of increasing atomic size:

  1. Fr, Zn, Cr, He, Al, MoHe, Al, Zn, Cr, Mo, Fr
  2. Ne, Ba, B, Sr, Fe, Ga, CaNe, B, Ga, Fe, Ca, Sr, Ba
  3. Hg, Ar, Th, Ge, Ne, AuNe, Ar, Ge, Hg, Au, Th

6)Put the following groups of elements in order of increasing 1st ionization energy:

  1. Fr, Zn, Cr, He, Al, MoFr, Mo, Cr, Zn, Al, He
  2. Ne, Ba, B, Sr, Fe, Ga, CaBa, Sr, Ca, Fe, Ga, B, Ne
  3. Hg, Ar, Th, Ge, Ne, AuTh, Au, Hg, Ge, Ar, Ne

7)Put the following groups of elements in order of increasing electronegativity:

  1. Fr, Zn, Cr, He, Al, MoHe, Fr, Mo, Cr, Zn, Al
  2. Ne, Ba, B, Sr, Fe, Ga, CaNe, Ba, Sr, Ca, Fe, Ga, B
  3. Hg, Ar, Th, Ge, Ne, AuNe, Ar, Th, Au, Hg, Ge

8)Give the number of valence electrons and oxidation number for the elements in 5a-c.

Fr—1, +1Ne—8,0Hg—2, varies

Zn—2, variesBa—2, +2Ar—8, 0

Cr—2, variesB—3, +2Th—2, varies

He—2, 0Sr—2, +2Ge—4, ±4

Al—3, +3Fe—2, variesNe—8, 0

Mo—2, variesGa—3, +3Au—2, varies

Ca—2, +2