Agenda Item 4

Update on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Work

For Children and Young Peoples Health Support Group September 2009

The CAMHS Core Advisory Group along with a wider Stakeholder Reference Group have continued working to ensure engagement with the field to progress the CAMHS agenda towards implement The Mental Health of Children and Young People: A Framework for Promotion, Prevention and Care by 2015.Our aim in highlighting the CAMHS agenda is to ensure that the right care and treatment is available for children and young people in the right place and at the right time.

In progressing this work we cross over many policy areas eg Towards A Mentally Flourishing Scotland, the Early Years Framework, Getting It Right for Every Child, Curriculum for Excellence and HALL 4.

The particular areas of focus since our last update in January are as follows:

1. HEAT Target

A developmental HEAT target established for 2009 on faster access to specialist CAMHS services is preparing the way to setting a waiting time target for 2010/11.A final report with options and an implementation timetable is planned for September 2009 to cover:

  • Board specific actions for information systems and information management in order to become fit for purpose.
  • Board specific service improvements to support change
  • Gaps and need for investment to support any waiting time target
  • Recommended indicators and definitions to support the waiting time target
  • Identify risks and management action required to achieve implementation

2. Workforce Data Gathering

The data information gathering for 2008 is now complete and was published on 26h May 2009. Figures for 2009 will be published in December in line with other national workforce statistical data. This will mean that all information from this date onwards will be live.

3. Psychological Therapies Matrix

Review and updating of this live document has commenced with expected publication of the revised document in December 2009.

4. CAMHS Competencies Framework

The Mental Health Division in partnership with the Workforce Planning Division, Skills for Health and NHS Education for Scotland are working on a project towards producing a nationally agreed description of a CAMHS competencies framework that can be implemented in line with the CAMHS Framework and the referral to treatment HEAT target when set.The end product will be available to NHS Boards, Scottish Government Health Directorates, Skills for Health and NHS Education for Scotland as a tool to support service and workforce redesign. It is expected that this work will be completed by Spring2010.


In partnership with NHS Education Scotland we are currently working on a Workforce Development Strategy. This will enable us to realistically plan for future training requirements in CAMHS.

  • All NHS Boards in partnership with local authorities and in some cases voluntary sector organisations make available basic mental health training to all those caring for looked after and accommodated children as commitment 10 in Delivering for Mental Health stated.
  • Five Child Psychotherapy training places have been funded from September 2009. This will allow child psychotherapy to become available in more NHS Board areas than before.

Margo Fyfe, CAMHS Nurse Adviser