Shop Huron & WIN-ter Fest Rules

By entering or participating in the Shop Huron & Win promotion, you are agreeing to the following terms.


  • Open to all legal US residents at least 18 years of age
  • Promotion applies to individuals only (not a business or company)
  • Huron Chamber employees, board members, their families and significant others are not eligible

Qualifying Entries:

Submit entries:

  • Online at
  • By bringing receipts to the Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau at 1725 Dakota Avenue South in Huron
  • By emailing a photo of the receipts along with your name and phone number to
  • By Texting a photo of receipts along with your name to 605-350-4077

Receipts must:

  • Be dated the between November 18, 2016 and January 15, 2017
  • Be aminimum combined total of $100
  • Be from a Huron business and include business name (please write business name on receipts which do not include the name)
  • Be only submitted once
  • Be saved & verified with Chamber if you win
  • Not be credit card statements or receipts for regularly monthly or annual payments.

Note: In order to be in the weekly drawing, receipts must be entered by 5pm each Thursday during the promotion.


  • A random drawing will be held each week for 20 qualifiers; one qualifier each week will win a great prize
  • All remaining entries will be held over for more chances to win throughout the promotion
  • Twenty finalists will be drawn from the 160 qualifiers at the WIN-ter Fest event on January 21 in downtown Huron
  • Shoppers will have one more chance to qualify at the WIN-ter Fest event. Combined receipts totaling $100 or more dated January 21st may be submitted at the event on January 21st. One receipt will be drawn and that shopper will then qualify for the prizes given that day.
  • Each finalist will choose a gift containing either the grand prize or another valuable prize
  • Should any winner be unable to accept their prize another name from the registered receipts will be drawn
  • All winners agree to allow photo and name to be used for promotional purposes


All entrants and winners agree that the sponsors and affiliates shall have no liability and shall be held blameless for any injury, misfortune, or damage to either persons or property incurred by entering, participating in, winning, or losing any contest by use or non-use of any prize received.Participation in the contest constitutes entrants full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these official rules and the decisions of the sponsor, which are final and binding. Winning a prize is contingent upon being compliant with these rules and fulfilling all requirements set forth.