Chapter 13: Multiple-Window Strategies
13.1 Introduction
- Users need to consult multiple sources rapidly
- must minimally disrupt user's task
- With large displays, eye-head movement and visibility are problems
- With small displays, windows too small to be effective
- Need to offer users sufficient information and flexibility to accomplish task, while reducing window housekeeping actions, distracting clutter, eye-head movement
- opening, closing, moving, changing size
- time spent manipulating windows instead of on task
- Can apply direct-manipulation strategy to windows
- Rooms - a form of window macro that enables users to specify actions on several windows at once
13.2 Individual-Window Design
- Titles
- Borders or frames
- Scroll bars
- Window interface actions include:
- Open action
- Open place and size
- Most recently placement and size approach
- Open new window close to current focus to limit eye-movement
- Close action
- Resize action
- Move action
- Bring forward or activation
- Clicking on part of window
- Moving the cursor into a window
13.3 Multiple-Window Design
- Multiple monitors
- Reduce number of monitors because eye movement across monitors slows work
- Rapid display flipping
- Greater burdens on users to recognize where they are, to know the commands, to formulate a plan to reach the desired display, and to execute the plan
- At airport multiple monitors is better than flipping
- split displays (two show two or more parts of document)
- Fixed number, size, and place, and space-filling tiling
- No overlapping
- Variable size, place, and number, and space-filling tiling
- Start with a single large window and when a second window is opened, cut the first one in half horizontally or vertically
- Non-space-filling tiling
- piles-of-tiles
- windows stacked one on top of another
- Subsequent windows are placed on the least recently used pile, with tabs protruding to allow selection
- Window zooming
- Arbitrary overlaps
- Cascades
- Successive windows are offset below (or above) and to the right to allow each window tile to remain visible
13.4 Coordination by Tightly Coupled Windows
- Synchronized scrolling
- Scroll bar in one window tied to scroll in other
- Useful for comparing two versions of program or document
- Hierarchical browsing
- If one window contains the table of contents of a document, selection of a chapter title by a pointing device should lead to display, in an adjoining window, of the chapter contents
- Direct selection
- Pointing at an icon, a word in the text, or a variable name in a program pops up an adjoining window with the details of the icon, word definition, or the variable declaration. (e.g., Macintosh balloons)
- Two-dimensional browsing
- Similar to hierarchical
- Overview of map, graphic, or photograph in one window, and the details in a second window
- Dependent-windows opening
- E.g., when users open a main procedure, the dependent set of procedures could open up
- Dependent-windows closing
- Save or open window state
13.5 Image Browsing and Tightly-coupled Windows
- Large images from medical, geographic info, or graphic systems
- Tight coupling between an overview and detail view
- Action in one window tied to action in other
The design for image browsers should be governed by the user's tasks which can be classified into:
- Image generation
- Open-ended exploration
- Diagnostic
- Navigation
- Monitoring
13.6 Personal Role Management and Elastic Windows
- Vision statement
- Each role has vision statement reminding user of their goals
- As professor, teaching role might have vision statement about desire to “increase class participation by collaborative methods, improve teamwork on term projects by requiring regular management meetings …”
- Set of people
- Make role relevant people continuously visible (names and photos on the border of the large screen)
- Cues to remind user of need to inform, make request of, or communicate with individual
- Can be used to active menus initiate telephone, fax, or electronic mail
- Dropped onto an image to trigger electronic mail
- Task hierarchy
- Tasks for multiple grants
- Each ourse has multiple subtasks, such as writing the syllabus, ordering textbooks, giving exams, and preparing grades
- The task hierarchy acts as a to-do list, and is linked to the schedule calendar to remind users of upcoming deadlines
- Schedule
- For professor role, semester schedule is visible
- The requirements for personal role management include:
- Support a unified framework for information organization according to users' roles
- Provide a visual, spatial layout that matches tasks
- Support multi-window actions for fast arrangement of information
- Support information access with partial knowledge of its nominal, spatial, temporal, and visual attributes and relationships to other pieces of information.
- Allow fast switching and resumption among roles
- Free user's cognitive resources to work on task domain actions rather than interface domain actions.
- Use screen space efficiently and productively for tasks.
- Figure depicts an example of mapping of different roles of a student onto a hierarchical window organization
- Student takes two course this semester: software engineering and compuer networks
- Project materials and partners; homework assignments, and correspondence with the professor, TAs, and classmates for each course are organized in a hierarchical fashion
- This student has a number of other roles, in which he manages home duties, job responsibilities, and the planning of a birthday party.
- Partners, schedules, tools, and documents pertaining to each of these roles are mapped hierarchically into different windows
- The interface layout provides an overview of the roles, enables direct access on demand to details of role, and can be custom-tailored for a specific task
- In elastic windows, users can change the layout according to task quickly, by applying operation on groups of windows