PRESENT:– Cllr J Wilding (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr W Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor), Deputy Mayor, Cllr Z Argent, Cllr A Bufton, Cllr N K Bally, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr A Lord, Cllr R Reid, Cllr Pip Turner

APOLOGIES:- Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk

17/160 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr N Bally declared an interest when discussing the former Mid Wales Hospital issues.

17/161 MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2017 - Previously circulated, Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, sought adoption.

Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr W Powell, all in favour, that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th June 2017 be signed as a correct record.


Defibrillators- Received from Cardiac Safe information re Defibrillator for the community.

Noted that we do have a Defibrillator on the Town Hall and on the Rugby Club in Talgarth.

Agreed to arrange another training session in the Autumn with Cariad, our existing Defib company.

PCC Reception at Royal Welsh Show - hosted by the Leader and Chairman of PCC – Invitation received on Mon 24th July - 5.00 pm until 6.30 pm or Wed 26th July - 5.30 pm until 7.00 pm

Powys Teaching Health Board reception – Tues 25th July – 2.30pm – 6pm - Invitation received from to an informal reception at the Royal Welsh Show on Tues 25th July. Response by 17th July.

Agreed Cllr W Powell attend both these events on behalf of the Town Council.

PCC -Have Your Say: help make PCC become an innovative, agile commissioning organization – Received e-mail dated 28 June from PCC re the draft Commissioning, Procurement & Commercial Strategy which is published on Powys County Council’s website “have your say” page http://www.powys.gov.uk/en/corporate/find-out-about-consultations-in-powys/.

Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, agreed to respond by 10th Aug 2017, the consultation closing date.

PCC - Newsletter – County Councillor John Evans says that PCC is keen to reach as many residents as possible with information about council services. As part of the process PCC wants to contact as many local news organisations as possible.

PCC - Powys War Memorials Project: Powys Archives representation – Board meeting 29th June 1.30pm Llandrindod – Noted Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, attended.


BBNPA Planning Application 17/14920/FUL – “Extension of existing access/egress to incorporate raised terrace for occasional recreational use” – Address: Gwernyfed Rugby Football Club, Talgarth - Town Council comments - Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr Pip Turner, all in favour that we support this Planning Application.

BBNPA PlanningApplication 17/15075/FUL – “Construction of two storey extension” – Address: 27 Woodlands Ave, Talgarth – Noted that this Planning Application had only been received on 7th July and only seen by some Town Councillors, who had supported the Planning Application, however, there was concern from one Town Councillor re the Parking arrangements.

Agreed to circulate amongst all Town Councillors for final comments by 20th July so that Clerk can forward to BBNPA within the timescale.

BBNPA –Re Proposed 15 houses – Hay Road – Agreed to chase current position.

BBNPA - Agenda for Planning, Access and Rights of Way, Tuesday, 18th July, 2017, 10.00 am


Two applications received from local residents - Philip Lewis and Donald Moore. Noted Clerk confirmed that she tried to contact OVW on the morning of 12th July to ask would it be in order to ask both applicants to attend an interview. Unfortunately, there was no one available at OVW to advise her that day so she contacted Wyn Richards PCC, who has advised us on many occasions in the past, who informed her that we cannot now interview applicants. We acted on the advice from PCC and the Town Council as a result decided to take a vote with Philip Lewis - 5 votes and Donald Moore- 4 votes. Philip Lewis was appointed Town Councillor.

Noted Cllr N Bally abstained from voting.

Agreed Clerk to notify Philip Lewis of his appointment and to arrange for him to sign up the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as a Talgarth Town Councillor in the presence of the Town Clerk as Proper Officer as soon as possible.


High Street Traffic issues – Received e-mail from John Williams, Talgarth Stores, High Street, thanking the Town Council for confirming that there is no additional information since the last review and that the article in the Newsletter had been prompted by a verbal conversation between a resident and a councillor. He stated that if we are receiving complaints about traffic on High Street then these should be referred/reported to the traffic police and/or the local authority so that the situation can be properly monitored and reviewed, as previously agreed by PCC and the Police.

He also said that, for completeness, given that there is an issue of public safety here, he has written to the Police and to PCC Highways and cc to the Town Council, in which he also informed them that a basic internet search finds references to studies that confirm one-way systems contribute to increased traffic speed.

Town Councillors agreed that there is a problem in High Street and a general suggestion that came out of the discussion was, may be a ‘Give-way to on-coming traffic system’.

It was noted however that minimal responses were received from our public request in the Newsletter, which were insufficient and mixed in regard to whether a one-way system would be appropriate.

It was reported that some articulated lorries, delivering to the Co-op, travel along High Street.

Agreed to write to the Co-op and ask if they could request that the drivers of these lorries refrain from travelling High Street due to the current difficulties.

Corner Fence adjacent the Cantonese – It was noted that the corner fence had been damaged.

PCC Household waste and recycling centre opening days could increase – Information received confirming that Household waste recycling centre opening days will increase to five days a week and will include Saturdays and Sundays – this was approved at the PCC’s Cabinet on 11 July and to come into effect from 1 Sept - details of the new opening days and how residents who wish to use commercial-type vehicles can apply for permits will be announced in due course.

Temporary road closure of the U0152, New Street, in Talgarth. The closure will be in operation from 09:00 – 17:00, on the 24/07/2017.

The Old Council Highways Yard Talgarth – E-mail update 30th June received from Sue Bolter PCC, confirming that PCC has received full business cases from two applicants which are being evaluated and due to be moderated next week with the outcome communicated to the applicants shortly thereafter.

Agreed Clerk ask to be kept informed.

PCC Proposed Talgarth Car Park Charging – See County Councillor W Powell’s Monthly Report later on in the meeting.

Agreed to invite Cllr Liam Fitzpatrick to the 13th Sept meeting re all Highway issues in Talgarth

Penbont Road bridge - Response received from Adam Parry re our request for width restriction signage in this location, stating that he had a discussion with the traffic department and it is a recommendation that the advance warning signs be replaced with a Traffic Regulation Order width restriction due to the nature of the site, this would be 2.45m or 8 feet (8 feet 10 inches minus 6 inches to pass then round down to nearest 6 inches). He said that as the existing highways capital spreadsheet has been approved for this financial year and as these works are not classed as emergency it is unlikely to be included within this year's list of projects. Also that, unfortunately, to install the width restriction signs the process is more complicated and drawn out than simply erecting some signs. A traffic regulation order will need to be raised, a consultation period with any objections addressed and the order sealed prior to the signs being erected.

Cllr W Powell reported that both he and Kirsty Williams AM had attended a further incident on the afternoon of 10th July in this location. Cllr Powell reported that there are currently 2 live insurance claims ongoing in this location, arising out of previous collisions.

Heol las Road – Removal of Width Restriction Bollards 5’6” width – Noted the Bollards have been re-instated and Mrs Thornton advised of the current position.

Parking at Entrance to Queen’s Ave – Response dated 29th June received from PCSO Helen Scott in respect of our report of the increased parking in this location, both day and night, causing danger problems to pedestrians/motorists etc, and noted that she is already aware of the issues and will contact the Road unit for suggestions to remedy the situation.

17/166 Community Land Trust (CLT) Ltd –Invitation received from Lydia Powell to their event on Sun 16th July 2pm – 4pm at the Royston Hall, Bronllys – topics to be discussed –

• meet the Board members and our Community Land Trust Advisor

• share the results of the work carried out so far

• and give your feedback and advice which is very much valued as ever

Cllr J Wilding, Mayor reported that William Boyd, Chair of the Group, would be opening the Event and she would be attending.

CLT Membership Subscription fees – Noted a further £12 subscriptions fees received.


Police – Speedwatch Scheme Training – Noted that Cllr R Reid had completed his Application form and awaiting completed forms of Cllr A Lord and Cllr J Lilly so that training can commence.

QR codes for Talgarth WW1 trail -The Town Council agreed to display at the following locations:

·  Two small QR-code plaques outside the Town Hall on the wooden legs of the "Welcome to Talgarth" sign to the left of the entrance. The plaques would measure 14cm x 5cm - one of the plaques would enable people to read a concise history of the Town Hall - this would include the WW1 connection, as in the booklet, but also the hall's general history. The other plaque would relate to the history of the Market Square.

·  Two QR codes near the war memorial – one plaque facing upwards on the top of the low stone wall (forming a planter box) to the left of the memorial and one on the back of one of the benches (whichever is most suitable). This would enable people to read summary details of each of the people named on the memorial, including date of death, age, regiment, rank, next of kin and local address where known.

Wye & Usk Foundation Offices – Some queries had been previously raised re the new window overlooking the River Ennig. Noted that this new window had been built as per the agreed plans.

The Mill – Noted Liz Rose, Manager leaves end of Aug and Kate Popsys, newly appointed Manager had resigned from her post.

King George V Fields/Pavilion/TADSCA - Community Asset Transfers:- TADSCA

Solicitor for Town Council – Noted that Mike Harris will be dealing with matters on behalf of the Talgarth Town Council going forward.

Pavilion Replacement Locks/Keys – Update received from Steve Butcher confirming that due to lack of monies in the financial year, he was unable to place the order for these replacement locks but will now do so. He has also agreed that we include the £17.80 paid out to Jones Hardware for keys to be cut this week for the janitor cupboard and the disabled toilet.

Agreed to pay Jones Hardware initially for these keys.

Legionnaires checks – Steve Butcher reminded us that PCC got rid of tanks in the Pavilion attic so there is no risk with cold water as Pavilion as it is now mains fed. He said to run hot water through all taps and showers for about 30 seconds to get fresh water into pipes before any events.

Noted that Talgarth School is hiring the Pavilion and playing fields next Tues 18th July and the Football Club, is aware of this.

Fire Extinguisher Tenders – Noted Invitations to Tender were sent to 3companies and 2 Tenders received as follows:- Noted Cllr A Bufton had met with reps of the 3 companies.

Blackwood Fire Service - £54.25+ VAT for full service inspection report plus a Recommendation list of works – approx. total cost £594.18.

Fire Protection Service - £39.75for full service inspection report but no recommendations. Costs for replacement Fire Extinguishers quoted, if necessary.

Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour, for Cllr A Bufton to liaise with Blackwood Fire Service and ask them to agree to include the full service, inspection and report into the Recommendation list at no additional charge (saving £54.25) So the final price will be no more than £594.18 + VAT and if they agree to accept this Tender as the Preferred Option.

Agreed Cllr A Bufton also ask Blackwood Fire Service if we could get a Contract with them to do a Fire Risk Assessment of the Pavilion and to discuss further at our 13th September meeting.

Fire Alarm & Emergency Light Testing (Annual- due Aug 2017) and Provision of Sensor/sin the attic space – Noted Skyrme Electrical Solutions have agreed to undertake the Fire Alarm & Emergency Light testing at the same periods and at the same quoted costs as that of the Town Hall.