Chapter 11Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy1
Chapter 11
Selecting the Best Alternative
Design Strategy
True-False Questions
1. / To bring analysis to conclusion, your job is to take the structured requirements and transform them into several alternative design strategies.Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 349
2. / Selecting the best alternative system involves generating a comprehensive set of alternative design strategies and selecting the one that is most likely to result in the desired information system.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 349
3. / A system design strategy represents a particular approach to developing a system.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:EasyReference: p. 349
4. / In theory, if there are four sets of requirements, three implementation environments, and four sources of application software, then there would be thirty-six possible design strategies.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 351
5. / During alternative generation and selection, management may decide to end the project for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the needs of the organization have changed.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 351
6. / The primary deliverables for alternative generation and selection are process, data, and logic models.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 351
7. / The primary deliverable for alternative generation and selection is an updated Baseline Project Plan.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 351
8. / A good number of alternatives to generate is five.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 351
9. / Midrange alternatives are the most conservative in terms of the effort, cost, and technology involved in developing a new system.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
10. / High-end alternatives not only solve the problem in question but include many extra features as well.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
11. / Cost is the primary focus of high-end alternatives.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
12. / The minimum requirements for a new system are also its mandatory features.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
13. / Essential features are those that everyone agrees are necessary to solve the problem or meet the opportunity.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
14. / The identification of a system’s mandatory features is performed during systems planning and selection.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 352
15. / While essential features help screen out possible solutions, desirable features help compare alternative design strategies.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 352
16. / Desired features are those that users could live without but that are used to select between design strategies that are of almost equal value in terms of essential features.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
17. / During systems development, essential features to consider include data, output, and analyses.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
18. / Constraints on systems development include time, finances, and legal.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
19. / When identifying alternative design strategies, the date when the replacement system is needed is a possible constraint.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 352
20. / Low-end alternatives will meet every requirement.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 353
21. / High-end alternatives meet every constraint.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 353
22. / Most of the substantive debate about alternative design strategies hinges on the relative importance of system features.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 353
23. / Issues of functionality help determine whether the system should be developed and run in-house, software and hardware selection, implementation, and organizational limitations.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 353
24. / System consignment is the practice of turning over responsibility of some to all of an organization’s information systems applications and operations to an outside firm.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 353
25. / Hiring a company to run your applications on your own computers is an example of outsourcing.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 353
26. / A company may consider outsourcing if it feels that its core mission does not involve managing an information systems unit and that it might achieve more effective computing by turning over all of its operations to a more experienced, computer-oriented company.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 354
27. / Hardware manufacturers, packaged software producers, custom software producers, enterprise-wide solutions, and in-house developers are sources of software.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 354
28. / Sun and Hitachi are well known for their enterprise-wide solutions.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 356
29. / SAP, PeopleSoft, and Baan specialize in enterprise-wide solutions.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 357
30. / Software companies will test their systems in actual organizations to determine whether there are any problems or if any improvements can be made, and until this testing is complete, the system is not offered for sale to the general public.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:HardReference: p. 355
31. / A tiered system cannot be modified to meet the specific, individual needs of a particular organization.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 356
32. / Properly designed turnkey systems will perfectly match the way an organization does business.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 356
33. / A reasonable estimate is that off-the-shelf software can at best meet 70 percent of an organization’s needs.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 356
34. / A turnkey system is a system that integrates individual, traditional business functions into a series of modules so that a single transaction occurs seamlessly within a single information system rather than several separate systems.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 356
35. / Referencing enterprise solutions, the difference between the modules and traditional approaches is that the modules are integrated to focus on the business functional areas, rather than on business processes.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 356
36. / Using enterprise software solutions, a firm can integrate all parts of a business process in a unified information system.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 357
37. / One of the primary benefits of using an enterprise software solution is the short time period required for implementation.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 357
38. / Lack of in-house expertise is a disadvantage associated with enterprise solutions software.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 357
39. / One of the primary advantages of using an enterprise software solution is that the organization does not have to change how it does business.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 357
40. / The choice to acquire software from outside sources is made at the end of the systems design phase.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 358
41. / When choosing off-the-shelf software, cost, functionality, response time, and ease of installation are several of the common criteria that should be considered.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 359
42. / When choosing off-the-shelf software, the two most important criteria are functionality and ease of installation.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 359
43. / Functionality refers to the tasks the software can perform and the mandatory, essential, and desired system features.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 360
44. / When a task requires custom support and the system cannot be built internally, a company should consider obtaining its software from a packaged software producer.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 359
45. / When a company needs complete systems that cross functional boundaries, it should use in-house development.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 359
46. / When a company needs system software and utilities, hardware manufacturers are a good source.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:HardReference: p. 359
47. / If a company purchases application software, it does not necessarily need to conduct systems analysis.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 360
48. / Selecting the best design strategy for an Internet-based electronic commerce application differs significantly from the process used for other types of applications.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:MedReference: p. 373
49. / Scalable refers to the ability to seamlessly upgrade the capabilities of the system through hardware upgrades, software upgrades, or both.
Answer:TrueDifficulty:MedReference: p. 374
50. / A Web server is a “middle tier” software and hardware combination that lies between the host computer and the corporate network and systems.
Answer:FalseDifficulty:HardReference: p. 374
Multiple Choice Questions
51. / The point in the analysis phase where the analyst is ready to transform all of the information he or she has gathered and structured into some concrete ideas about the nature of the design for the new or replacement information system is referred to as:a.the design strategy
b.requirements determination
c.requirements structuring
d.logic modeling
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 348
52. / As a result of this sub-phase, the analyst knows what the current system does and knows what the users would like the replacement system to do.
a.requirements structuring
b.requirements determination
c.alternative generation and selection
d.project initiation and planning
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 348
53. / As a result of this sub-phase, the analyst understands what forms the replacement system’s process flow, process logic, and data should take, at a logical level independent of any physical implementation.
a.requirements structuring
b.requirements determination
c.alternative generation and selection
d.project initiation and planning
Answer:aDifficulty:HardReference:p. 348
54. / To bring analysis to a conclusion, the analyst should:
a.determine what forms the replacement system’s process flow, process logic, and data should take, at a logical level independent of any physical implementation
b.define what the current system does and identify what the users would like the replacement system to do
c.take the structured requirements and transform them into several competing design strategies
d.state the general functions within the system to be analyzed
Answer:cDifficulty:HardReference:p. 349
55. / Part of generating a design strategy is:
a.specifying in general terms what types of information and information processing are needed
b.stating in general terms what functions within the system or department will be analyzed
c.programming the system, building all data files, and testing the new system
d.determining how the replacement system can be acquired by using a combination of sources inside and outside the organization
Answer:dDifficulty:HardReference:p. 349
56. / Selecting the best alternative system involves:
a.generating a comprehensive set of alternative design strategies
b.selecting the alternative design strategy that is most likely to result in the desired information system, given all of the organizational, economic, and technical constraints that limit what can be done
c.developing all technology and organizational specifications necessary to implement the new information system
d.both a and b
Answer:dDifficulty:MedReference:p. 349
57. / A high-level statement about the approach to developing an information system refers to: strategy
b.problem statement
c.requirements statement
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 349
58. / This statement includes statements on the system’s functionality, hardware and system software platform, and method for acquisition.
a.problem statement
b.requirements statement strategy service request
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 349
59. / All of the following are systems analysis subphases except:
a.alternative generation and selection
b.requirements structuring
c.logical design of user dialogue and interfaces
d.requirements determination
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 350
60. / Shaping alternative system design strategies involves:
a.enumerating different potential implementation environments
b.proposing different ways to source or acquire the various sets of capabilities for the different implementation environments
c. dividing requirements into different sets of capabilities
d.all of the above
Answer:dDifficulty:MedReference:p. 350
61. / In theory, if there are four sources of application software, two implementation environments, and three sets of requirements, how many design strategies are possible?
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 351
62. / Who is responsible for making the ultimate decision about which systems design strategy to follow? analysts
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 351
63. / The primary deliverable from generating alternative design strategies and selecting the best one that is carried forward into design is: updated Baseline Project Plan case
c.request for proposal
d.requirements statement
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 351
64. / Which of the following are deliverables for the subphase that involves generating alternatives and selecting the best one?
a.identifying at least three substantively different system design strategies for building the replacement information system
b.identifying a design strategy judged most likely to lead to the most desirable information system
c.updating the Baseline Project Plan to detail the work necessary to turn the selected design strategy into the desired replacement system
d.all of the above
Answer:dDifficulty:MedReference:p. 351
65. / A good number of alternatives to generate is:
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 351
66. / The most conservative solutions in terms of the effort, cost, and technology involved in developing a new system are the:
a.low-end solutions
b.high-end solutions
c.midrange solutions
d.recommended solutions
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
67. / The alternative that goes beyond simply solving the problem in question and focuses instead on systems that contain many extra features users may desire is referred to as a:
a.low-end alternative
b.high-end alternative
c.quality-focused alternative
d.high-gloss alternative
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
68. / Which of the following types of alternatives represent compromise solutions?
a.low-end alternatives
b.high-end alternatives
c.midrange alternatives
d.leveled alternatives
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
69. / The minimum requirements for the new system are called:
a.essential features
b.desired features
c.minimum features
d.mandatory features
Answer:dDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
70. / Features that everyone agrees are necessary to solve the problem or meet the opportunity are called:
a.desired features
b.essential features
c.mandatory features
d.minimum features
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
71. / Identifying mandatory features by surveying users and other stakeholders who have been involved in requirements determination would occur:
a.near the end of the analysis phase, after all requirements have been structured and analyzed
b.near the end of the project identification and selection phase, after a formal request to conduct a project to design and develop an information systems solution has been approved
c.during the logical design phase, while detailed function specifications of all data, forms, reports, screens, and processing rules for all aspects of the system are prepared
d.during project initiation and planning
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
72. / The difference between mandatory features and essential features is that:
a.mandatory features screen out possible solutions; essential features are the important capabilities of a system that will serve as the primary basis for comparison of different design strategies
b.essential features screen out possible solutions; mandatory features are the important capabilities of a system that will serve as the primary basis for comparison of different design strategies
c.mandatory features screen out possible solutions; essential features are those that users could live without
d.essential features screen out possible solutions; mandatory features are those that users could live without
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
73. / Constraints on systems development may include such factors as:
a.available financial and human resources
b.elements of the current system that cannot change and contractual restrictions
d.all of the above
Answer:dDifficulty:MedReference:p. 352
74. / Which of the following is a true statement?
a.Low-end alternatives will meet every constraint.
b.High-end alternatives will meet every constraint.
c.Low-end alternatives fulfill every wish end users have for the new system.
d.Midrange alternatives include all desired features.
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 353
75. / The practice of turning over responsibility of some to all of an organization’s information systems applications and operations to an outside firm is referred to as:
d.time sharing
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 353
76. / Hiring a company to run your applications at your site on your computers is an example of:
a.a turnkey system
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 353
77. / Which of the following are major categories of organizations that produce software?
a.hardware manufacturers
b.packaged software producers
c.custom software producers
d.all of the above
Answer:dDifficulty:EasyReference:p. 354
78. / Based on 1999 revenues, which of the following companies had the highest revenues?
a.Price Waterhouse Coopers
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 355
79. / Based on software license revenues, which of the following companies ranks fourth?
Answer:dDifficulty:HardReference:p. 355
80. / Off-the-shelf software systems that cannot be modified to meet the specific needs of a particular organization are sometimes called:
a.custom software systems developed systems
c.turnkey systems
d.standard systems
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 356
81. / Based on service revenue, the top ranked software company is:
a.Andersen Consulting
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 356
82. / SAP AG, J. D. Edwards, and The Baan Company can best be classified as:
a.hardware manufacturers
b.application service providers
c.enterprise solution software providers
d.custom software producers
Answer:cDifficulty:MedReference:p. 357
83. / Organizations that host and run computer applications for other companies, typically on a per use or license basis best describe:
a.hardware manufacturers
b.application service providers
c.enterprise solution software providers
d.Internet service providers
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 357
84. / An organization should acquire software from hardware manufacturers when:
a.the supported task is generic
b.system software and utilities are needed
c.the task requires custom support, and the system cannot be built internally
d.the resources and staff are available, and the system must be built from scratch
Answer:bDifficulty:MedReference:p. 359
85. / An organization should acquire software from in-house developers when:
a.the supported task is generic
b.system software and utilities are needed
c.the task requires custom support and the system cannot be built internally
d.the resources and staff are available and the system must be built from scratch
Answer:dDifficulty:MedReference:p. 359
86. / An organization should acquire software from packaged software producers when:
a.the supported task is generic
b.system software and utilities are needed
c.the task requires custom support and the system cannot be built internally
d.the resources and staff are available and the system must be built from scratch
Answer:aDifficulty:MedReference:p. 359
87. / The choice to acquire software from outside sources should be made: the beginning of the analysis phase the middle of the analysis phase the end of the analysis phase