Chapter 11 & 12 Unit Key Concepts
1. Know what geographical regions Jefferson received the most support. Pg. 214
2. Know the importance of the “Revolution of 1800”. Pg. 215
3. Know the goals of Jefferson’s tenure as president. Pg. 215
4. Understand how Jefferson approached the administration of public policy. Pg. 217
5. Know John Marshall and his view on the power of the federal government. Pg. 218
6. Understand the importance of Marbury v. Madison. Pg. 218
7. Know the reasons why Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the U.S. Pg. 221
8. Know what areas of Jefferson wanted to purchase from France. Pg. 221
9. Know what troubled Jefferson concerning the purchase of Louisiana. Pg. 222
10. Know what was demonstrated to be possible by Lewis and Clark. Pg. 223
11. Know what Aaron Burr did after the duel with Hamilton. Pg. 224
12. Know the meaning of impressment. Pg. 225
13. Know why the British impressed American sailors. Pg. 225
14. Know what action Jefferson took to deal with British and French violations of America’s neutrality. Pg. 226
15. Know the reasons Jefferson’s embargo failed. Pg. 227
16. Know the effect of Jefferson’s foreign policy of economic coercion on American manufacturing. Pg. 228
17. Know the provisions of Macon’s Bill No. 2. Pg. 228
18. Know what was President Madison’s major mistake in dealing with Napoleon. Pg. 228
19. Know what areas wanted war against Britain. Pg. 229
20. Know the reasons war hawks wanted war with Britain. Pg. 229
21. Know the arguments made by the war hawks for war against Britain. Pg. 229
22. Know how the battle of Tippecanoe affected William Henry Harrison. Pg. 230
23. Know the reasons New England opposed the War of 1812. Pg. 231
24. Know what regions supported the War of 1812. Pg. 231
25. Know the reason Federalists opposed acquiring Canada. Pg. 231
26. Know how prepared the U.S. was for war in 1812. Pg. 233
27. Know the reasons why the War of 1812 was one of the worst-fought wars in U.S. history. Pg. 233
28. Know how the U.S. navy fought during the War of 1812. Pg. 234
29. Know the result of America’s campaign against Canada in the War of 1812. Pg. 233-234
30. Know how the attack on Baltimore and the writing of the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Pg. 235
31. Know the effect the Battle of New Orleans had on the U.S. Pg. 237
32. Know the reasons Britain was willing to sign the Treaty of Ghent. Pg. 237
33. Know the results of the Hartford Convention. Pg. 239
34. Understand why the War of 1812 was referred to as the Second War for American Independence. Pg. 240
35. Know the outcome of the War of 1812. Pg. 240
36. Know what British manufacturers did at the end of the War of 1812. Pg. 240
37. Know what region of the country supported Henry Clay’s American System. Pg. 242
38. Know the reason New England opposed the construction of federally funded roads. Pg. 242
39. Know the reason Democratic-Republicans opposed the American System. Pg. 242
40. Know the effect of the fall of the Federalist party. Pg. 243
41. Know the first state to be formed within the Louisiana Territory. Pg. 245
42. Know how the Missouri Compromise affected slavery. Pg. 245
43. Know the results of the Missouri Compromise. Pg. 245
44. Know the effect of the McCulloch vs. Maryland decision. Pg. 247
45. Know the effect of Supreme Court case rulings on States’ rights. Pg. 247
46. Know how Florida was acquired by the U.S. Pg. 251-252
47. Know why Spain sold Florida to the U.S. Pg. 252
48. Understand why Britain did not want Spain to reestablish its control in Latin America. Pg. 253
49. Know why the Monroe Doctrine was not look upon seriously in the early 1820’s. Pg. 253
50. Know Latin America’s reaction to the Monroe Doctrine. Pg. 254