Chapter 1: Mission, Enrollment, Contract, Codes, and OrganizationPage

1.1 AFJROTC Mission1

1.2 AFJROTC Objectives1

1.3 Enrollment2

1.4 Dis-Enrollment2

1.5 Cadet Contract3

1.6 Cadet Codes3

1.7 Organization4

1.8 Job Descriptions4

1.9 Unit Manning Document5

1.10 Chain of Command5

Figure: 1.1 – VA-20023 Leadership Chart7

Figure: 1.2 – Cadet Job Descriptions8

Figure: 1.3 – Unit Manning Document15

Figure: 1.4 – Military Chain of Command16

Chapter 2: Classroom Rules / Procedures, Curriculum and Grading

2.1 Classroom Rules17

2.2 Classroom Procedures18

2.3 Curriculum20

2.4 Grading Scales20

2.5 Homework Policy21

2.6 Parent Conferences21

Chapter 3: Customs and Courtesies

3.1 Salute23

3.2 United States and other Flags24

3.3 Cadet Etiquette27

3.4 Position of Honor28

3.5 Prisoner of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA)28

Chapter 4: Rank, Promotion, Cadet Boards, and Hazing

4.1 Rank29

4.2 Promotions30

4.3 Cadet Action Board (CAB) 32

4.4 Hazing32

4.5 Merit/Demerit’s – 341’s33

Chapter 5: Uniforms, Books, and Personal Appearance

Section A – Accountability, Cadet Responsibilities & General Policies

5.1 AFJROTC Cadet Uniform35

5.2 Uniform, Book, & Equipment issue37

5.3 Cadet Uniform Issue38

5.4 Return of Issue Items38

5.5 Tips for reducing uniform costs38

5.6 What Uniform to wear and when39

5.7 Uniform Inspections39

5.8 Uniform Inspection Preparation Tips39

5.9 General uniform Wear Criteria40

Chapter 5: Uniforms, Books, and Personal Appearance (cont.)

5.10 Name tags on the Blue Uniform40

5.11 Light Weight Blue Jacket41

5.12 Service Coat41

5.13 Coat, All Weather41

Section B – Male Uniforms

5.14 Cadet Uniform Combinations, Male41

5.15 Belt & Buckle, Male42

5.16 Cap, Blue Service (Wheel Cap)42

5.17 Cap, Blue Garrison (Flight Cap)42

5.18 Shirt, Light Blue Short Sleeve with Epaulet, Male43

5.19 Socks, Male43

5.20 Tie, Blue43

5.21 Trousers, Dark Blue, Male44

5.22 Shoes, Male44

5.23 Undergarments, Male44

Section C – Male Personal Appearance

5.24 Hair, Male45

5.25 Jewelry, Male45

Section D – Female Uniforms

5.26 Cadet Uniform Combinations, Female46

5.27 Cap, Blue Garrison (Flight Cap)46

5.28 Panty Hose46

5.29 Socks, Female47

5.30 Blouse, (shirt) Light Blue, Female47

5.31 Slacks, Dark Blue, Female47

5.32 Skirt, Dark Blue47

5.33 Undergarments, Female47

5.34 Shoes, Female47

Section E – Female Personal Appearance

5.35 Jewelry and Accessories, Female48

5.36 Hair, Female48

5.37 Cosmetics49

5.38 Fingernails49

Section F – General Uniform & Personnel Appearance

5.39 Buttons49

5.40 Uniform Strings49

5.41 Necklaces, Pendants, & other Adornments49

5.42 Ribbons49

5.43 PE and The AFJROTC Uniform50

5.44 Tobacco use50

5.45 AFJROTC Sweater50

5.45 Umbrellas50

5.46 Semi-Formal Uniform50

5.47 Sunglasses50

5.48 Further Uniform Guidance50

Chapter 6: Awards, Decorations, Certificates

6.1 Awards and Decorations51

6.2 Medals and Ribbons51

6.3 Decoration Criteria51

6.4 Presentation and Publicity51

6.5 Order of Precedence52

6.6 Devices53

6.7 Ribbons of other Services54

6.8 Valor Awards55

6.9 Awards and Ribbons Descriptions and Criteria55

6.10 Honor Flight Award69

6.11 Air Force Association Award69

6.12 Iron Eagle Fitness Award69

6.13 Monticello High School Scholarship Award70

6.14 Monticello High School Letter “M” Service Award70

6.15 Cords and Berets71

6.16 Certificate of Completion71

6.17 Certificate of Training72

Figure: 6.1 – Letter “M” Points73

Chapter 7: Drill and Ceremonies

7.1 Drill and Ceremonies (D&C)75

7.2 Drill Requirements75

7.3 Ceremonies75

Figure: 7.1 AFJROTC Drill Sequence 76

Figure: 7.2 Drill Sequence Evaluation Sheet 77

Chapter 8: Eligibility for Field Trips and Competitions

8.1 One Day Field Trips or Drill Competitions79

8.2 Over night Field Trips or DrillCompetitions79

Chapter 9: Flight Competition Rules

9.1 Flight Competition Scoring81

9.2 Honor Flight Points System84

9.3 Honor Flight Rewards84


1) AFJROTC Patch Explained85

2) Air Force JROTC Code of Honor86

3) Cadet Officer/NCO Pledge87

4) The Air Force Song88

5) AFJROTC Insignia Rank ChartInside Back Cover

6) Ribbon ChartBack Cover



Chapter 1


1.1. AFJROTC's mission is to "Build Better Citizens of Character for America";

1.1.1. Instill positive character traits, self-discipline, leadership, and respect for authority.

1.1.2. Assist cadets in the development of educational/vocational goals to prepare for life after high school.

1.1.3. Teach aerospace science classes and individual/group leadership skills.

1.1.4. Provide opportunities for cadet’s involvement in community service opportunities.

1.1.5. Develop each cadets essential social values and life skills.

1.1.6. Present instruction on the role of patriotism in a democratic society.

1.1.7. There is NO Military service obligation associated with participation in the Monticello High School AFJROTC program.

1.2. Objectives. Cadets will:

1.2.1. Develop self-discipline and respect for authority using the military training model.

1.2.2. Develop morals, self-reliance, self-esteem, leadership, and communication skills.

1.2.3. Develop study skills, graduate from high school, and pursue higher education or vocational goals.

1.2.4. Develop social skills and values and strive to adhere to the Cadet Code of Conduct and Cadet Honor Code.

1.2.5. Be familiar with aerospace history, doctrine, and career opportunities.

1.2.6. Understand importance of patriotism in our democratic society.

1.2.7. Be familiar with military customs, courtesies, and traditions.

1.2.8. Be respectful and follow the rules of parents/guardians, school administrators, teachers, community officials, and cadet corps Chain of Command.

1.2.9. Participate in community service activities.

1.3. Enrollment

1.3.1. Must be a full time student in good standing at MHS.

1.3.2. Be at least a ninth grader.

1.3.3. Be a US citizen or an alien applying for permanent residence.

1.3.4. Be of good moral character and be able to participate in all facets of AFJROTC training.

1.3.5. For AFJROTC courses with enrollment limits, SASI and Principal will establish criteria.

1.4. Dis-enrollment. The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI), with the concurrence of the Principal, will disenroll with no academic or military training credit a cadet who DOES NOT meet the following criteria. Cadet(s):

1.4.1. Must properly wear the AFJROTC uniform properly on all prescribed days.

1.4.2. Must pass an AFJROTC aerospace science course. The SASI will approve continued enrollment on a space available basis, with no military training credit, for failed courses.

1.4.3. Must meet personal appearance and uniform standards as prescribed by the cadet handbook, the uniform and awards guide, AFI 36-2903, and SASI/ASI. Parents are notified of any uniform or performance deficiencies concerning their student. Must conduct themselves professionally and adhere to personal grooming standards while wearing the AFJROTC uniform. Failure to wear the uniform respectfully at all times will result in loss of uniform wear privileges and dismissal from the program.

1.4.4. Will abide by Monticello High School student rules of behavior. With a history of suspensions and any expulsions are subject to AFJROTC course dis-enrollment as determined by the SASI and Principle.

1.4.5. Will establish a positive record of behavior in the community. Instance(s) of misconduct will be evaluated by the SASI to determine appropriate actions.

1.4.6. Will follow classroom and behavior rules, show a positive attitude towards training, and respect for instructors, administrators, parents, and fellow cadets.

1.4.7. Will strive to live by the Cadet Code of Conduct and Cadet Honor Code.

1.5. Cadet Contract. All cadets will complete, sign, obtain parents/guardians signature, and return the:

1.5.1. Cadet Memorandum of Understanding.

1.5.2. AFJROTC course syllabus.

1.5.3. E2C wellness questionnaire.

1.5.4. Uniform Issue Hand Receipt.

1.6. Cadet Code of Conduct, Honor Code, and Code of Ethics.

1.6.1. These codes are closely related and supplement each other.

1.6.2. They guide cadets as they strive to become productive citizens in a society with demanding and seemingly conflicting standards and questionable role models.

1.6.3. Cadets should live by these codes and encourage other cadets to also live by them to the best of their ability.

1.6.4. Cadet Code of Conduct. This general guide for a cadet's conduct is written on the inside cover of this cadet handbook.

1.6.5. Cadet Honor Code. "A Cadet will not Lie, Cheat, or Steal nor Tolerate Among Them, Anyone who Does." These simple words are the basis for a code to live by for the remainder of a cadet's life. A cadet should be HONEST in both words and deeds. A cadet must not make quibbling or evasive statements; they must do their own work, and assist others in meeting common goals. Eventually, living by the code will become a part of the cadet's total lifestyle. The Honor Code stresses that lying, cheating, or stealing are not tolerated and that HONOR is a noble, moral standard that is the essence of our Corps and a civilized society.

1.6.6. Code of Ethics. Cadets WILL: Love and hold in high regard their personal higher beliefs and their country. Respect their parents, school officials and staff, teachers, community leaders, fellow cadets, and the chain of command. Refrain from any act or derogatory word(s) that would discredit themselves, their family, school, or Corps. Refrain from vulgar conduct/language which is socially unacceptable and hinders effective communications. Dedicate themselves to succeed in academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and work. Perform all assigned duties and meet all obligations. Exhibit self-respect, self-control, honesty, and good behavior. Place the good of the Cadet Corps ahead of personal gain. Be proud of their uniform and commitment to AFJROTC which sets them apart from other Monticello High School students. Be an exemplary role model with high standards of conduct. Respect other cadets and follow the directions of senior cadet officers, AFJROTC instructors, teachers, school administration, and parents.

1.7. Organization. The AFJROTC VA-20023 Cadet Corps is base upon the number of cadets enrolled in the cadet corps. (Fig. 1.1)

1.7.1 The Corps is comprised of one Group offour Squadrons, andthree Flights.

1.7.2 Alpha Flight – 3rd/4th year, Bravo Flight – 2nd year, and Charlie Flight – 1st year cadets. Additional Flights may be added based on enrollment.

1.8. Job Descriptions. VA-20023 Cadet Corps general job descriptions. ( Fig. 1.2)

1.8.1 These job descriptions are a guide only and may be supplemented or changed by the SASI/ASI.

1.8.2 Like the Air Force, job responsibilities and duties will increase with promotion and experience.

1.8.3 Cadets earn their job assignments and are encouraged to carry out their duties, which include supervisory responsibilities, to the best of their ability.

1.8.4. Job Assignment Policies. Cadets who are proven performers, have JROTC seniority, and are ready for senior leadership positions receive priority for assignment to senior cadet staff positions. Key positions will be filled with cadets who have the time to dedicate to that position, appropriate grades in all classes, and display the commitment to AFJROTC. Cadets who have clearly demonstrated outstanding performance, leadership potential, appropriate grades in all classes, and personal excellence will be selected for VA-20023 cadet cadre leadership positions. Not all cadets will be selected for leadership positions due to the limited number of available positions. All cadets interested in a cadet cadre leadership position must enroll and successfully complete the Leadership Development Course (LDC). Cadets assigned cadre positions prior to enrolling into the LDC must successfully complete training within 9 weeks of assignment or relinquish the position.

1.8.5. Cadets initially assigned to cadet jobs will normally be awarded the minimum temporary rank authorized for the job in the VA-20023 Unit Manning Document (UMD). This is an incentive for the cadet to continue to perform to be eligible for promotion to the highest grade authorized for the position.

1.8.6. The SASI will select the Cadet Commander with recommendations from the current Cadet Commander and ASI. The SASI may seek recommendations from teachers, counselors, principle, assistant principals, and coaches. The Cadet Commander will convene a cadet senior leadership selection board to develop their recommendations for senior cadet leaders.

1.9. Unit Manning Document. The Cadet Unit Manning Document details the duty positions within the corps and the min - max rank for each position. (Fig. 1.3)

1.10. Chain of Command. Is a comprehensive list of personnel and their level of responsibility and authority pertaining to the cadet corps. (Fig. 1.4)

1.10.1. Each cadet will know the chain of command and the names of the personnel assigned to the positions of authority within the corps.

1.10.2. The Chain of Command clearly defines the lines of authority and communication for the entire cadet corps.

1.10.3. Cadets are mentored by the first cadet in their chain of command when they have questions on uniforms, customs and courtesies, drill, evaluations/promotions, cadet awards, extracurricular activities, and classroom rules and procedures.

1.10.4. When an individual cannot answer the questions or is absent, cadets may then go to the next level in the chain of command.

1.10.5. Cadets must always follow the chain of command and never bypass or go around any one in the chain of command without their permission.


Figure 1.1

Leadership Chart

Figure 1.2

Cadet Job Descriptions

Cadet Commander (CC) responsibilities:

1.Overall appearance, discipline, training, and conduct of the Cadet Corps.

2.Manage and coordinate all Cadet Corps activities, facilities, and resources.

3.Make recommendations for cadet cadre positions to SASI/ASI.

4.Ensure the responsibilities of all members of the cadet corps are commensurate with their cadet rank.

5.Develop and update State of the Cadet Corps Report bi-weekly or as required to ensure cadet corps and SASI/ASI are fully aware of the status of all activities.

6.Conduct Group staff meetings.

7.Chair the Honor Council.

Cadet Vice Commander(CCV) responsibilities:

1.Command the Cadet Corps during the absence of the CC.

2.Supervise the cadet Corps staff personnel.

3.Manage Flight Competition Program

4.Collect, tabulate, and post all intel regarding Flight Competition.

5.Backfill Squadron CC positions in the absence of Squadron CC’s.

6.Conduct Cadet Corps staff meetings in the absence of the CC.

7.Attend Cadet Corps staff meetings.

8.Vice-Chair the Honor Council.

Cadet Senior Advisor (SA/CCA) responsibilities:

1.Complete all duties assigned by the SASI.

2.Provide assistance and mentoring to the CC.

3.Position filled with a fourth year cadet who has been rotated from CC.

4.Position is not in the chain of command but garners the same respect as CC.

Cadet Operations Squadron Commander (COS/CC) responsibilities:

1.Overseeing training, standardization, and drill and ceremonies are conducted properly

2.Preparing the cadet Group master operation plan.


4.Ensuring training goals are met by each cadet.

5.Performingotherdutiesassigned by the CC

6.Manage all AFJROTC club personnel.

Cadet Operation Support Squadron Commander (COSS/CC) responsibilities:

1.Manage Color Guard, Drill, Exhibition, Raiders, Marksmanship, Rocketry, Static Model, and Radio Controlled Aircraft Teams.

2.Develop teams status report including rosters, practice attendance, training status, upcoming events, and cadets assigned to events.

4.Recommend cadets to CC for award of team appropriate ribbons.

5.Perform other duties as assigned by the CC.

6.Attend Cadet Corps staff meetings.

7.Serve on Honor Council.

Cadet Missions Support Squadron Commander (CMSS/CC) responsibilities:

1.Manage the appearance, discipline, effectiveness, training, and conduct of the cadet Mission Support Squadron.

2.Ensure proper maintenance, privacy, and security of all administrative and personnel files.

3.Manage the input of all personnel data, promotions, awards, ribbons, duty positions, community service participation, uniform and equipment inventory, and uniform receipts into Cybercampus.

4.Develop quarterly personnel status report for CC.

5.Perform other duties assigned by the CC.

6.Attend Cadet Corps staff meetings.

7.Serve on Honor Council.

Cadet Logistics Squadron Commander (CLGS/CC) responsibilities:

1.Manage the appearance, discipline, effectiveness, training, and conduct of the cadet Logistics Squadron.

2.Manage Recruiting, Public Affairs, Community Service.

3.Develop program status reports for each program including rosters, attendance, training status, upcoming events, schedules, cadets assigned to the events, and any other pertinent data.

4.Recommend personnel under your control for ribbons and awards.

5.Perform other duties assigned by the CC.

6.Attend Cadet Corps staff meetings.

7.Serve on Honor Council

Cadet 1st Sergeant (CV/1st Sgt) responsibilities:

1.Conduct periodic meetings with c/NCO’s to obtain inputs for CC.

2.Manage the Cadet Corps E2C wellness programs.

3.Collect, tabulate, and create weekly cadet E2C report for CCV.

4.Manage cadet excellence/discrepancy (341) program.

4.Collect, tabulate, and create weekly cadet 341 report for CCV.

5.Attend Cadet Corps staff meetings and prepare meeting room.

6.Supervise and train Cadet Corps Flight guides and guidon bearers.

7.Serve on the Honor Council.

Cadet Personnel Specialist responsibilities:

1.Maintain, secure, and organize all cadet records electronically as well as all paper records.

2.Enforce appearance, discipline, performance, training and conduct standards.

3.Print cadet reports from cyber campus as required by MSS/CC, CC, and SASI/ASI.

Cadet Comptroller responsibilities:

1.Manage, develop, and coordinate fund raising events throughout the school year and summer break.

2.Attend all meetings pertaining to cadet funds.

3.Track individual cadets fund raising efforts.

4.Develop fund raising report to include events, cadet volunteers, hours worked, funds collected, and individual cadet fund raising account status for MSS/CC.

5.Send thank you’s to any and all outside organization donating items to the Cadet Corps.

Cadet Awards and Decorations Specialist responsibilities:

1.Develop in-depth knowledge of ribbons and awards requirements and procedures.

2.Maintain cadet records of ribbons and award dates in Cybercampus.

3.Create ribbon and awards orders for CC and SASI approval.

4.Create/submit promotion and ribbon certificates to the SASI for approval.

5.Assist SASI/ASI with the awards ceremony preparation.

Cadet Classroom/Deputy Classroom Leader responsibilities:

1.Conduct classroom role call.

2.Report role call results to SASI/ASI.

3.Ensure compliance with classroom rules and procedures.

4.Enforce cadet conduct and discipline during class and formal formations.