Project P13037 Risk Assessment

Revision: B by JML 5/9/2013

ID / Risk Item / Effect / Cause / Likelihood / Severity / Importance / Action to Minimize Risk / Owner
Describe the risk briefly / What is the effect on any or all of the project deliverables if the cause actually happens? / What are the possible cause(s) of this risk? / L*S / What action(s) will you take (and by when) to prevent, reduce the impact of, or transfer the risk of this occurring? / Who is responsible for following through on mitigation?
1 / New technology for the members to learn / Issues implementing the Bluetooth and App. / Lack Of experience / 2 / 3 / 6 / Begin testing Development board early. Beginning learning how to make iPhone apps early. / All
2 / Going over budget / Target cost will not be met / Product features more expensive than estimated. / 2 / 2 / 4 / Discuss with customer realistic price range / All
3 / Code does not function as desired / Product will not interface with tablet. / Lack of experience/ insufficient testing of code / 1 / 3 / 3 / Test the code Fully / Mark/Jared
4 / Availability of components / Project not completed on time / Not ordering on time / 1 / 3 / 3 / Order Early / All
5 / Bluetooth Module is not compatible with microcontroller / Product will not function as desired / Poor choice of technology / 2 / 3 / 6 / Test hardware early for compatibility issues / Mark/Jared
6 / Incompatible Bluetooth Profiles / Product will not function / Use of iPhone and Android platforms / 2 / 3 / 6 / Make sure we understand the difference between Android and IOS Bluetooth / All
7 / Will not receive Apple
Bluetooth certification / Will not have access to iPhone Bluetooth / Apples strict requirements for the use of their Bluetooth. / 2 / 3 / 6 / Apply Early for the Bluetooth Certification / Jared
8 / PCB Lead time pushes back testing / Must have a turnaround time of 2-4 weeks / Fabricator has heavy workload / 2 / 3 / 6 / Look at different fabricators and send the design early / Muhammad
9 / Components will draw more current than supplied / Power supply may be damaged / Improper design of regulation circuit / 1 / 2 / 2 / Make sure we are aware of the current draw of the LED’s and bed shaker. / Muhammad/Jared
10 / Stand not big enough for all components / Design will not be compact / Case is being outsourced / 1 / 2 / 2 / Provide minimum size of base needed for our components to fit / Jared
12 / Alarm will not function when communication is lost / Alarm will not activate when desired / The microcontroller does not keep track of the time properly. / 2 / 3 / 6 / Research the reliability of microcontroller’s internal clock. Test extensively / Mark
13 / Will not receive bed shaker and tablet. / Testing will be delayed / Not receiving item from customer / 1 / 3 / 3 / Make customer aware of when we need items for testing. / Jared
14 / MSP430 will not be compatible with current APP / APP will not function / Switch from ARM processor to MSP430 / 2 / 3 / 6 / Begin analyzing app ASAP / Jared
15 / MSP430 will not respond fast enough / Signals from phone may be missed / Messages from APP may be sent to close to one another / 1 / 3 / 3 / Make sure there is a delay between messages sent / Mark
Likelihood scale / Severity scale
1 - This cause is unlikely to happen / 1 - The impact on the project is very minor. We will still meet deliverables on time and within budget, but it will cause extra work
2 - This cause could conceivably happen / 2 - The impact on the project is noticeable. We will deliver reduced functionality, go over budget, or fail to meet some of our Engineering Specifications.
3 - This cause is very likely to happen / 3 - The impact on the project is severe. We will not be able to deliver, or what we deliver will not meet the customer's needs.
“Importance Score” (Likelihood x Severity) – use this to guide your preference for a risk management strategy
Prevent / Action will be taken to prevent the cause(s) from occurring in the first place.
Reduce / Action will be taken to reduce the likelihood of the cause and/or the severity of the effect on the project, should the cause occur
Transfer / Action will be taken to transfer the risk to something else. Insurance is an example of this. You purchase an insurance policy that contractually binds an insurance company to pay for your loss in the event of accident. This transfers the financial consequences of the accident to someone else. Your car is still a wreck, of course.
Accept / Low importance risks may not justify any action at all. If they happen, you simply accept the consequences.