Windows Internet Explorer 7: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Page 1 of 10

Chapter 1: Introduction to Windows Internet Explorer

A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:

We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in red that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the section, if any, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared toward quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.

In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.

For your students:

Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up-to-date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.

Table of Contents

Chapter Objectives / 2
IE 3: TheInternet / 2
IE 5: The World Wide Web / 2
IE 10: What Is Internet Explorer 7? / 3
IE 16: Browsing the World Wide Web / 4
IE 30: Keeping Track of FavoriteWeb Pages / 6
IE 35: Saving Information Obtained with Internet Explorer / 7
IE 47: Printing a Web Page in Internet Explorer / 8
IE 49: Internet ExplorerHelp / 8
IE 52: Quitting Internet Explorer / 9
End of Chapter Material / 9
Glossary ofKeyTerms / 10

Chapter Objectives

Students will have mastered the material in Chapter 1 when they can:

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Define the Internet and the World Wide Web

Discuss threats on the Internet

Explain a link, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Describe Internet Explorer features

Enter a URL

Use the History List and the Favorites Center

Use buttons on the toolbar

Add and remove a Favorite

Save a picture or text from a Web page or an entire Web page

Copy and paste text or pictures from a Web page into WordPad

Print a WordPad document and Web page

Use Internet Explorer Help

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IE 3: The Internet


  • Introduce the terms Internet, Internet backbone, and the last mile.
  • Use Figure 1-1 to provide an overview of the Internet.
  • Use Figure 1-2 to provide an overview of a network.

FIGURES: 1-1 and 1-2


1. BTW:The Internet. Discuss the origins of the Internet.


1. Class Discussion: Survey students about their experience using the Internet. Review some of the many utilities available via the Internet (e-mail, Newsnet, Telnet, FTP) and ask students about their experiences with each.

2. Quick Quiz

  1. The ____ is a worldwide collection of networks, each of which is composed of a collection of smaller networks. (Answer: Internet)
  2. A(n) ____ is composed of several computers connected together to share resources and data. (Answer: network)
  3. The Internet has high-speed data lines that connect major computers located around the world, which form the ____. (Answer: Internet backbone)

IE 5: The World Wide Web


  • Provide definitions for the termshypermedia andhyperlink.
  • Students should be able to tell the difference between theWorld Wide Web and the Internet.
  • Use Figure 1-3 to illustrate the concept of a Web page.
  • Discuss the difference between adware and spyware.
  • Use Figure 1-4 and Table 1-1 to discuss the components of a URL.
  • Use Figure 1-5 to illustrate the concept of Hypertext Markup Language.
  • Explain that a home page is an introductory page for a Web site.
  • Explain that a browser takes a URL and locates a computer containing the associated Web page.

FIGURES: 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5

TABLE: 1-1


1. BTW: Web Sites. Discuss the reasons why an organization would have more than one Web site.

2. BTW:HTML. Discuss the HTML editing programs used to create Web pages.


  1. Class Discussion: Present students with a variety of URLs and ask them to identify the domain name, file specification, and Web page name in each.
  1. Projects to Assign: Ask students to find the complete URLs of their favorite Web pages.
  1. Quick Quiz:
  1. A(n) ____ provides resources such as text, graphics, and other files to other computers on the Internet. (Answer: Web server)
  2. The collection of links throughout the Internet creates an interconnected network called the ____. (Answer: World Wide Web)
  1. Critical Thinking: What is the relationship between spyware and computer slowdown?


  1. After installing Internet Explorer 7, ask students to turn on the Phishing Filter. What type of Web sites does the filter recognize?

IE 10: What Is Internet Explorer 7?


  • Use Figures 1-6 and 1-7 to illustrate starting Internet Explorer.
  • Students should become familiar with the termstitle bar, menu bar, toolbars, Instant Search box, Address bar, tab row, Command Bar, scroll bars,and status bar.
  • Use Table 1-2 to discuss toolbar buttons and functions.
  • Use Table 1-3 to discuss commands on the Command Bar.

FIGURES: 1-6 and 1-7

TABLES: 1-2 and 1-3


1. BTW:The Internet Explorer Icon.Discuss the circumstances under which the Internet Explorer icon appears.

2. Q&A: Can I change the home page in the Internet Explorer window?Instruct students on how to change the home page in the Internet Explorer window.

3. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of starting Internet Explorer.

4. BTW: The Address Bar. To move the insertion point to the Address bar when the box is empty, or to highlight the URL in the Address bar, press ALT+D.

5. BTW: The Command Bar. Instruct students on how to display text labels on buttons.


1. Quick Quiz:

1.The Internet Explorer 7 application program is included with the Microsoft Windows ____ operating system. (Answer: Vista)

2.When Internet Explorer first starts, ____ is displayed as the default home page. (Answer:

3.Clicking the ____on the title bar will display the System menu, which contains commands to carry out the actions associated with the Windows Internet Explorer window. (Answer: System menu icon)

4.True or False: The menu bar is located below the title bar. (Answer: True)

IE 16: Browsing the World Wide Web


  • Use Figures 1-8 to 1-15 to demonstrate browsing the Web by entering a URL.
  • Students should understand how to stop the transfer of a Web page.
  • Use Figure 1-16 to explain how to refresh a Web page.
  • Use Figure 1-17 to illustrate finding a previously displayed Web page.
  • Use Figures 1-18 to 1-21 to illustrate the use of the Back and Forward buttons.
  • Use Figures 1-22 to 1-23 to illustrate displaying Web pages using the Recent Pages list.
  • Use Figures 1-24 to 1-28 to illustrate displaying a Web page using the History List.


Emphasize that you can store the URLs of favorite Web pages permanently in an area appropriately called the Favorites list.

FIGURES: 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12, 1-13, 1-14, 1-15, 1-16, 1-17, 1-18, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24, 1-25, 1-26, 1-27, and 1-28


1. BTW:The Great Outdoors Travel Web Site. Point out that the URL entered for the Great Outdoors page contains a domain name ( that belongs to the publishing company.

2. Q & A: Why don’t I have to type www. at the beginning of each URL?Most Web servers don’t require you to type www. at the beginning of each URL.

3. Q & A: Why is the text, photo gallery, underlined? Explain that links to other Web pages are underlined.

4. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of browsing the Web.

5. BTW: Stopping the Transfer of a Web Page. Encourage your students to explore other ways of stopping the transfer of a Web page.

6. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of refreshing a Web page.

7. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of finding recently displayed Web pages.

8. Q & A: Why does my Recent Pages list look different? Explain that everyone’s Recent Pages list may look different.

9. Q &A: Why do some Web page names only partially display in the Recent Pages list?Explain that some Web page names are too long to fully display.

10. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of displaying the Recent Pages list.

11. BTW: Clearing the History List: Instruct students on how to clear the History List.

12. Q & A: Why is the Explorer Bar often hidden from the Internet Explorer window? Caution students about continuously displaying the Explorer Bar.

13. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of displaying a Web page using the History List.


1. Quick Quiz

1.The most common way to browse the World Wide Web is to obtain the ____ of a Web page you want to visit and then enter it into the Address bar. (Answer: URL)

2.____ is text that displays in place of the image if a user configures his or her Web browser not to display images. (Answer: Alternate text)

3.The ____ button on the toolbar allows you to stop the transfer of a page while the transfer is in progress. (Answer: Stop)

2. Critical Thinking: How would you use the History List to find a Web page you visited a few weeks ago?


1. Ask students to sort their frequently visited Web pages by Date, Site, Most Visited, and Order Visited Today.

IE 30: Keeping Track of Favorite Web Pages


  • Introduce the concept of favorites.
  • Use Figures 1-29 to 1-30 to demonstrate how to add a Web page to the Favorites Center.
  • Use Figure 1-31 to illustrate how to display a home page using the Home button.
  • Use Figures 1-32 to 1-33 to illustrate how to display a Web page using the Favorites Center.
  • Use Figures 1-34 to 1-36 to illustrate how to remove a Web page from the Favorites Center.

FIGURES: 1-29, 1-30, 1-31, 1-32, 1-33, 1-34, 1-35, and 1-36


1. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of adding a Web page to the Favorites Center.

2. BTW: Importing and Exporting Favorites.Instruct students on how they can use Internet Explorer’s Import/Export Wizard to preserve favorites.

3. Q&A: Can I have more than one home page? Instruct students on how they can create multiple home pages.

4. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of displaying the home page using the Home button.

5. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of displaying a Web page using the Favorites Center.

6. Q&A: Why does the dialog box tell me that I am deleting a file?Discuss how Internet Explorer and Windows Vista store favorites.

7. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of removing a Web page from the Favorites Center.


1. Quick Quiz

1.A(n) ____ consists of the title of the Web page and the URL of that page. (Answer: favorite)

2.In many cases, individuals designate their ____ as the Web page they most frequently visit. (Answer: home page)

3.Because favorites are stored as files on your computer, deleting a folder or favorite will move it to Windows Vista’s ____. (Answer: Recycle Bin)

IE 35: Saving Information Obtained with Internet Explorer


  • Use Figures 1-37 to 1-38 to illustrate saving an entire Web page.
  • Use Figures 1-39 to 1-41 to illustrate saving a picture on a Web page.
  • Use Figures 1-42 to 1-43 to illustrate starting WordPad.
  • Use Figures 1-44 to 1-45 to illustrate displaying the Yellowstone National Park Web page.
  • Use Figures 1-46 to 1-49 to illustrate copying and pasting text from a Web page into a WordPad document.
  • Use Figures 1-50 to 1-52 to illustrate copying and pasting a picture from a Web page into a WordPad document.
  • Use Figures 1-53 to 1-55 to illustrate saving a WordPad document and quitting WordPad.


Emphasize that if content on a Web page is protected by a copyright, or if it displays a copyright symbol, you should contact the Web page author to obtain permission before copying or using the content. Copying an image that is protected by a copyright could carry legal consequences.

FIGURES: 1-37, 1-38, 1-39, 1-40, 1-41, 1-42, 1-43, 1-44, 1-45, 1-46, 1-47, 1-48, 1-49, 1-50, 1-51, 1-52, 1-53, 1-54, and 1-55


1. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of saving a Web page.

2. Q&A: Should I store all my pictures in the Pictures folder?Discuss how folders can be used to organize pictures.

3. BTW: Setting a Picture as a Background.Instruct students on how to set a picture as a background on their desktop.

4. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of starting WordPad.

5. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of displaying the Yellowstone National Park Web page.

6. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of copying and pasting text from a Web page into a WordPad document.

7. BTW: Copy and Paste URLs.Discuss the use of the copy and paste operation to insert a URL that appears in the Address bar into a document or e-mail message.

8. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of saving a WordPad document and quitting WordPad.


1. Quick Quiz:

  1. The ____ file format is a method of encoding pictures on a computer. (Answer: JPEG)
  2. The ____ is a storage area in main memory that temporarily holds the information being copied. (Answer: Clipboard)
  3. ____ is a word processing program that is supplied with Microsoft Windows Vista. (Answer: WordPad)
  4. The ____ is the window currently being used. (Answer: active window)

IE 47: Printing a Web Page in Internet Explorer


  • With the aid of Figures 1-56 and 1-57, discuss Internet Explorer’s enhanced printing capability.

FIGURES: 1-56 and 1-57


1. BTW: Printing.Point out that you can suppress the title and URL of a Web page that are displayed at the top of a printout using the Page Setup command on the File menu.

2. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of printing a Web page.

3. BTW: Print Options. Instruct students on how to print a table containing a list of all links on the Web page you are printing or all documents with links on the Web page.


1. Quick Quiz

  1. A printed version of a Web page is called a(n) ____. (Answer: hard copy, printout)
  2. You can click ____ on the File menu to print a Web page. (Answer: Print)

IE 49: Internet Explorer Help


  • Use Figures 1-58 to 1-61 to illustrate how to use Internet Explorer Help.
  • Use Table 1-4 to explore various commands on the Help Menu.

FIGURES: 1-58, 1-59, 1-60, and 1-61

TABLE: 1-4


1. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of accessing Internet Explorer Help.


1. Class Discussion: What are some of the topics covered by the Help feature?

IE 52: Quitting Internet Explorer


  • Use Figure 1-62 to illustrate the steps involved in quitting Internet Explorer.

FIGURE: 1-62


1. Other Ways:Encourage your students to explore other ways of quitting Internet Explorer.


1. Class Discussion: Do you lose the Web pages you saved when you quit Internet Explorer?

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End of Chapter Material

  • Learn It Online is a series of online student exercises that test your knowledge of chapter content and key terms.
  • Apply Your Knowledge is a problem set designed to reinforce skills and apply the concepts learned in the chapter.
  • Extend Your Knowledge is a series of tasks designed to extend the skills learned in the chapter and experiment with new skills.
  • In the Lab (Lab) is a series of student assignments that ask you to design and/or create a presentation using the guidelines, concepts, and skills presented in this chapter. The assignments are listed in order of increasing difficulty.
  • Case and Places contain six scenarios that allow students to explore the topics in the chapter. Each of the six case studies contains an assignment for students.
    Glossary of Key Terms

Windows Internet Explorer 7: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Page 1 of 10

  • active window (IE 40)
  • Address bar (IE 14)
  • Address bar arrow (IE 14)
  • Address bar list (IE 21)
  • alternate text (IE 19)
  • antivirus software (IE 7)
  • Automatic Update feature (IE 7)
  • browser (IE 10)
  • Clipboard (IE 39)
  • copied (IE 39)
  • Command Bar (IE 14)
  • computer virus (IE 7)
  • copy and paste method (IE 39)
  • definition updates (IE 7)
  • display area (IE 13)
  • domain name (IE 8)
  • extension (IE 8)
  • favorite (IE 30)
  • file specification (IE 9)
  • Go To List ( IE 21)
  • hard copy (IE 47)
  • History List (IE 26)
  • home page (IE 10)
  • hyperlink (or link) (IE 5)
  • hypermedia (IE 5)
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) (IE 9)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) (IE 8)
  • inactive window (IE 40)
  • Instant Search box (IE 15)
  • Internet (IE 3)
  • Internet backbone (IE 4)
  • Internet Explorer Help (IE 49)
  • Internet Explorer 7 (IE 10)
  • Internet Explorer window (IE 12)
  • Internet Protocol address (IE 8)
  • Joint Photographic Experts Group JPEG) (IE 37)
  • keyboard shortcut (IE 13)
  • the last mile (IE 4)
  • markup language (10)
  • Maximize button (IE 13)
  • menu bar (IE 13)
  • menu name (IE 13)
  • Minimize button (IE 13)
  • network (IE 3)
  • pasted (IE 39)
  • patches (or service packs) (IE 7)
  • path (IE 9)
  • Phishing Filter (7)
  • phishing scams (IE 7)
  • printout (IE 47)
  • protocol (IE 8)
  • Recent Pages arrow (IE 21)
  • Recent Pages list (IE 21)
  • Refresh button (IE 20)
  • Restore button (IE 13)
  • software firewall (7)
  • spyware (IE 6)
  • System menu icon (IE 13)
  • tab row (IE 15)
  • Temporary Internet Files folder (IE 20)
  • title bar (IE 13)
  • toolbars (IE 14)
  • Uniform Resource Locator (IE 7)
  • Web page (IE 5)
  • Web site (IE 5)
  • WordPad (IE 39)
  • World Wide Web (or Web or WWW) (IE 5)

Windows Internet Explorer 7: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Page 1 of 10