The Kenton County Board of Education met in regular session at 1045 Eaton Drive, Ft. Wright, KY at 7 o’clock PM on the 4th day of May, 2015 with the following members present: Karen Collins, Josh Crabtree, Jesica Jehn, and Carl Wicklund.
Mrs. Collins called the meeting to order.
Roll call showed the following members present:
Karen Collins, Josh Crabtree, Jesica Jehn, and Carl Wicklund.
Mrs. Collins called for a moment of silence and Mr. Wicklund led
the Pledge of Allegiance.
Last Name First NameMiddle NameSchool
Eaton AmandaSueScott
Monthly Reports –Attendance, Energy, Finance, Student Nutrition
Certified Personnel
Appointment of Regular Teachers (Limited Contract)
Appointment of Regular Teachers (Continuing Contract)
Renewal of Teacher Internship Limited Contracts (Expiration of Certification)
Non-Renewal of Limited Contracts (Expiration of Certification)
Statement of Intent to Terminate Continuing Contracts (Expiration of Certificates)
Non-Renewal of Contract
Classified Personnel
Cafeteria Staff
Central Office
Therapist & Therapy Assistants
School Secretaries
Family Resource Staff
Social Workers
School Nurses
Plant Managers
Building Operation Support Staff
Bus Drivers
Bus Monitors
Transportation Staff
Maintenance Staff
Instructional and Non-Instructional Assistants
Non-Renewal of Classified Employees
Certified Recommendations
Certified Change of Assignments
Classified Change of Assignments
Classified Involuntary Change of Assignments
Certified Non-Renewed
Classified Non-Renewed
Disability Retirement
Extended Unpaid Medical Leave
Certified Resignations
Certified Retirements
Classified Resignations
Classified Retirements
Medical Leave Exhausted-Not Returning
Unpaid Days
Substitutes – Classified
Leaves of Absence without Compensation
Approval of Minutes – Board Meetings – April 13, 2015 and April 17, 2015
Monthly Bills
Fundraisers (2) - External Support Fund-Raising Requests
Field Trips (5)
Extra Curricular Camps (5)
Bids (2)
Professional Travel
1. Mr. Crabtree motioned that the Consent Agenda be approved. Mrs. Jehn seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda.
2. Mr. Wicklund motioned that the Board approve the 2015-2016 Student Fees. Mrs. Jehn seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve the 2015-2016 Student Fees.
3. Mr. Crabtree motioned that the Board approve the 2015-2016 School Beginning and Ending Times. Mrs. Jehn seconded the motion and it was voted to unanimously to approve the 2015-2016 School Beginning and Ending Times.
4.Mr. Wicklund motioned that the Board approve Policies 03.122/03.222 – Holidays, Non-Working Days, and Annual Leave. Mr. Crabtree seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve Policies 03.122/03.222 – Holidays, Non-Working Days, and Annual Leave.
5.Mr. Crabtree motioned that the Board approve Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 staffing allocations for the 2015-2016 school year. Mr. Wicklund seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 staffing allocations for the 2015-2016 school year.
6.Mrs. Jehn motioned that the Board approve the schools’ professional development plan permitting personnel to participate outside the days scheduled on the school calendar. Mr. Crabtree seconded the motion and it was unanimously voted to approve the schools’ professional development plan permitting personnel to participate outside the days scheduled on the school calendar.
7. Mr. Wicklund motioned that the Board approve the contract with Strothman and Company as the independent auditor for the 2014-2015 financial audit for professional fees of $28,500, subject to the terms and conditions of the attached independent Auditor’s Contract, required to submit to KDE by May 29, 2015. Mrs. Jehn seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve the contract with Strothman and Company as the independent auditor for the 2014-2015 financial audit for professional fees of $28,500, subject to the terms and conditions of the attached independent Auditor’s Contract, required to submit to KDE by May 29, 2015.
8.Mrs. Jehn motioned that the Board approve the commitment and transfer of funds from the Capital Outlay Fund to the General Fund. Mr. Wicklund seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve the commitment and transfer of funds from the Capital Outlay Fund to the General Fund.
9. Mr. Crabtree motioned that the Board approve the revised 2015-16 Tentative Budget. Mrs. Jehn seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to approve the 2015-16 Tentative Budget.
10.Mr. Wicklund motioned that the Board approve the revision to Policy 4.7 effective with the 2014-15 fiscal year. Mrs. Jehn seconded the notion and it was unanimously voted to approve the revision to Policy 4.7 effective with the 2014-15 fiscal year.
11.Mrs. Jehn motioned that the Agenda be made a part of the official board minutes. Mr.
Crabtree seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously to make the Agenda a part of the official board minutes.
Dr. Cox-Cruey shared the following:
It is Teacher Appreciation Week. She sent a note thanking the teachers for their dedication and work.
She traveled to Washington D.C. to receive the Sustained Energy Star Award. She received a congratulatory letter from Jean McCarthy with EPA.
She congratulated Mr. Wicklund for receiving the Partner of the Year Award.
She stated that the 2015-16 salary negotiations are completed and awaiting KCEA vote.
She shared that Tracy Mann and Barb Martin are meeting with KCEA regarding the teachers’ contract expiring in June.
Mr. Wicklund shared information regarding grant funding available at the National Level which would be beneficial to our students.
Mrs. Collins stated that it was necessary to go into Executive Session for the purpose of KRS 61.810 (c) (Litigation) and (f) (Personnel).
- Mrs. Jehn motioned that the Board go into Executive Session. Mr. Wicklund seconded the
motion and the Board unanimously voted to go into Executive Session.
- Mr. Wicklund motioned that the Board go into Open Session. Mrs. Jehn seconded the
motion and the Board unanimously voted to go into Open Session.
The Board Members reviewed the Superintendent’s Evaluation in open session. After the review Mrs. Collins, Board Chairperson made the following Statement:
The Superintendent’s, annual evaluation was done using the new Superintendent Leadership Plan, endorsed by KSBA and KDE. This was the first year to implement the new tool using 7 Standards and indicators. While all standards were reviewed the Board chose to focus on Standards 2, 4, and 7 for this school year. Next year the Board plans to review 1, 3, 5, and 6. Based on the standards, it was determined that her performance overall ranged from Accomplished to Exemplary. Superintendent Cox-Cruey and the Board members discussed ideas for goals for the 2015-16 Growth Plan.
- Ms. Jehn motioned for adjournment. Mr. Crabtree seconded the motion – meeting was
Karen Collins, Chairperson
Phyllis Schry, Secretary