The purpose of the Council is to provide direction for the College president in all matters included in academic affairs, including course outlines, award requirements, academic standards, course and program components, and the inventory of course and program offerings.


Present: Linda Anderson, Doug Laven, Deb Salmon, Cathy Sandman, Deb Selbach, Darci Stanford, Jay Wendelberger, Nancy Genelin, Jane Greathouse

Absent: Kurt Dershem, Ryan Langemeier, Jodi Olson, Linda Beer, Suzanne Nordblom, W.C. Sanders

Darci called the meeting to order at 2:38 p.m.

Ø  No voting due to no quorum

  1. Approval of Agenda

Ø  Add: AASC Membership Update: Nancy Genelin

MOTION: Non-binding vote to approve: Jay Wendelberger, with revision.

MOTION SECONDED: Linda Anderson / Passed unanimously

  1. Approval of Minutes / September 28, 2012 (ATTACHMENT)


  1. 5 Day Final Exam Schedule – NEXT AGENDA

Ø  Jay Wendelberger noted a request to consider going to 5-day exam schedule

Ø  Necessary for LAS program students

Ø  Per Linda Anderson for previous faculty sub-group, looked at implementing exam times and following concerns by faculty

o  Did Dena do a survey?

o  Looked at what was best for final exam process, did not adopt 5-day due to concern by technical side of taking away too many days of hands-on class time

o  Guidelines that were drafted and posted on web site came from that committee

o  Did pilot, evaluated process and then evaluated again

o  Students could be excused to take LAS test and then were expected to return to technical area

o  Ask for a sub-committee to consider how it affects the calendar, guidelines, etc., when would it go into effect (2 years)? Do not have a quorum to propose a sub-committee

Ø  Who is requesting this? Can a request, in writing, clarify why this request is being made. Give feedback to MSCF reps

Ø  Nursing schedules are challenging

Ø  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night classes would all have their own class times at test times

Ø  Need to consider when grades are due, academic progress, student appeals

Ø  Instead of using anecdotal info from faculty, do a survey with Dena (survey monkey)

o  Expanding from 3 days to 5 days, what are the issues? Can’t get everyone in for a regular class-time test if it is a 2 hour test in a 1 hour class

Academic Affairs and Standards Council Minutes

Friday, October 26, 2012

Page 2

  1. Division Chairs

Ø  Darci shared a request to bring back division chairs for all divisions, based on need to improve communication

Ø  Bring a group together to look at pros and cons

Ø  Could some other process be used to improve communication

Ø  Need to consider financial obligations for college, needs adequate amount of study

Ø  Rewrite job description to include communication and some of the Deans’ work and add and clarify expectations. Needs to be more than what was included in the past: What is the role of a division chair? Need to talk and compare to other schools.

Ø  Some work is already being done by faculty in departments without division chairs / need some release time. Linda Anderson will give name(s) to Nancy.

o  Coordinate job searches

o  Coordinate adjunct schedules (some other schools have the division chairs do scheduling rather than the Dean)

o  Some division chairs in other colleges work on reviewing and approving CCO’s, budgets, scheduling, etc.

Ø  PACE survey reflected a ‘needs improvement,’ communication, spirit of cooperation

o  Faculty report backs on communication

o  Faculty report backs on responsibilities

Ø  Compensation for former UTCE and MSCF -- are they the same in other colleges

Ø  Division Chair cannot supervise other faculty

Ø  Jay and Darci will collect job descriptions from other schools

  1. Curriculum Process Revisions – Darci Stanford NEXT AGENDA

Ø  Curriculum Committee role – define job description for Curriculum Committee Chair, will curriculum committee continue or be moved into AASC?

Ø  Need to review process as technology increases

Ø  Curriculum Committee is looking to revise by-laws and process

o  Are other groups doing the same thing? Are they working with WIDS, new technology, is everyone fully informed of current curriculum committee process? Ask the faculty ‘group requesting changes’ to attend meetings to understand the process

o  Ask faculty what their concerns are about Curriculum Committee and what is the concern of the Curriculum Committee process

Ø  Faculty need to learn WIDS system / on-line training needs to be offered

Ø  Allow Curriculum Committee to move ahead with reforms, come to AASC with questions or concerns

Ø  Curriculum Committee should write job description of Curriculum Committee Chair (who can chair the committee), make-up of committee, length of terms, etc. and recommend to AASC, revise curriculum process with committee

Ø  Does state MSCF have an opinion on unlimited, part-time, etc. to be a Chairperson (should be full–time MSCF member)

Ø  Recommendation that the chair of AASC contact Curriculum Committee co-chairs regarding job description, etc.

Ø  Ask Curriculum Committee chair to come to AASC to report on curriculum, not required to attend the entire meeting

Academic Affairs and Standards Council Minutes

Friday, October 26, 2012

Page 3

  1. AQIP Questions – Nancy Genelin NEXT AGENDA

Ø  Pilot this activity at AASC; Becomes standing agenda item: What decisions were made? What data was used? What was outcome of meeting?

o  Jay and Darci will contact other colleges regarding division chairs

o  Darci will contact Laurie Oelslager and Dan Zielske work on CC guidelines / job description

o  Darci will work with Dena’s office to create a survey for 5-day exam schedule; attach survey questions to next month’s agenda

  1. AQIP Poll

Ø  See item #6

  1. Policy Changes – Linda Beer NEXT AGENDA
  1. Safety Glasses (ATTACHMENT)
  2. PSEO – No Changes to Existing Policy
  3. ACT Score/Waiver of Accuplacer (ATTACHMENT)

9.  Written Reports Attached for the Following: (Read Before Meeting, Discussion Only If Needed.)

a.  Curriculum Committee – Darci Stanford (ATTACHMENT)

b.  Global Education Initiatives Team - Kathi Rusch

c.  Marketing and Recruitment – Ann Anderson (ATTACHMENT)

d.  Online Action Team - Lynda Ernst

e.  Policy Sub-Committee – Linda Beer

f.  Student Retention Committee – Ben Braswell

g.  Technology Update – Wes Taylor

10.  Announcements / Reminders

NOTICE: Next meeting on November 9

Adjourn at 3:35 p.m.