
Chapter 1 Exam 50 Multiple Choice/ 2 Short Answer

1. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?

A.  Christian devotion

B.  art and learning

C.  chivalry and tournaments

D.  good health after the plague


2. The study of classical texts caused humanists to focus on what subject?

A.  human potential and achievements

B.  an understanding of early Christianity

C.  an understanding of ancient Muslim values

D.  Roman law and government

3. For what is the Medici family famous?

A.  for being artists

B.  for being writers

C.  for being rulers and supporters of the arts

D.  for being religious reformers

4. What were Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More?

A.  German painters

B.  Flemish painters

C.  patrons of the arts

D.  Christian humanists

5. What was the first full-sized book Gutenberg printed?

A.  Utopia

B.  Romeo and Juliet

C.  the Bible

D.  The Prince

6. In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the Renaissance Man?

A.  He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist.

B.  He painted the Mona Lisa while holding scientific discussions.

C.  He lived in Italy during the 1500s.

D.  He used perspective in all of his drawings and paintings.

7. Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice?

A.  Clergy members bought indulgences to reach higher offices.

B.  The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.

C.  Charles V told his people that buying indulgences was a way to earn a way to heaven.

D.  Indulgences permitted priests to marry and have children.

8. Who declared himself the head of the English Church?

A.  Henry VIII

B.  John Knox

C.  Martin Luther

D.  Emperor Charles V

9. What was one of John Calvin's major teachings?

A.  humanism

B.  adult baptism

C.  indulgences

D.  predestination

10. Who was the important Catholic Reformer who founded the Jesuit order?

A.  Katarina Zell

B.  Girolamo Savonarola

C.  Ignatius of Loyola

D.  Pope Paul III

Using the exhibit, choose the letter of the best answer. (4 points each)

11. Which cities were the centers of Calvinism and Lutheranism?

A.  Rotterdam and London

B.  Geneva and Wittenberg

C.  Wittenberg and Rotterdam

D.  Worms and Geneva

12. In which two countries was Calvinism the dominant religion?

A.  England and Ireland

B.  France and Poland

C.  Scotland and the Netherlands

D.  Sweden and Norway

13. Between 1500 and 1600, which religion was dominant in the greatest number of countries?

A.  Anglican

B.  Calvinist

C.  Lutheran

D.  Roman Catholic

14. In what year did Denmark adopt Lutheranism as its chief religion?

A. 1517

B. 1523

C. 1527

D. 1579

15. Around which body of water did the Lutherans dominate?

A.  Mediterranean Sea

B.  Black Sea

C.  Baltic Sea

D.  North Sea

Mark A for true and B for false. (1 point each)

16. Utopia, the title of a book by Thomas More, has come to mean an ideal place.

17. The Renaissance in northern Europe lagged behind the Renaissance in Italy because of the bubonic plague.

18. When Jerusalem fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, scholars fled to Rome with ancient Greek manuscripts.

19. The Act of Supremacy was passed during the reign of Henry VIII.

20. During the Renaissance, artists were often supported by wealthy people known as humanists.

21. Gutenberg's invention of the vernacular made possible the quick spread of ideas.

22. To set aside a marriage as having not been legal is to recant the marriage.

23. The name Anabaptist is from the Greek for baptize again.

24. In England, the king was declared to be the head of the Lutheran Church .

25. The term Protestant comes from the name given some German princes who protested against joining forces with the pope against Luther's ideas.

Using the exhibit, choose the letter of the best answer. (4 points each)

26. In which state were three different religions practiced?

A.  France

B.  Holy Roman Empire

C.  Netherlands

D.  Italy

27. What was the northernmost country where Calvinism spread?

A.  Norway

B.  Netherlands

C.  Scotland

D.  Poland

28. During what time period did Lutheranism win the most followers?

A. 1517-1536

B. 1541-1579

C. 1559

D. 1527-1536

29. Judging from this map, about how many miles east of Geneva did Calvinism spread?

A. 350

B. 500

C. 900

D. 1050

30. What geographic pattern can you observe from the way Catholicism and the Protestant faiths were distributed?

A.  Lutheranism was more widely distributed than Catholicism.

B.  The lands closest to Rome, center of the Catholic Church, remained mostly Catholic.

C.  People who lived in harsh northern lands were drawn to strict Calvinism.

D.  Eastern Europe remained completely Catholic because reformers did not cross the mountains.

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31. What kind of person represented the ideal of the "Renaissance man"?

A.  someone who enjoyed worldly pleasures

B.  someone who excelled in many areas of study

C.  someone who specialized in a particular field of study

D.  someone who supported and appreciated the arts without creating art

32. How did Italy's location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance?

A.  Ideas could be spread easily by means of Italy's fleet.

B.  Italy was protected from the rest of Europe by the Alps.

C.  Italy had access to Roman ruins and ancient manuscripts from Constantinople.

D.  The bubonic plague had not reached the southern tip of Europe.

33. What was an important effect of the invention of the printing press?

A.  Gutenberg used his wealth from the invention to support artists.

B.  It led to the development of public libraries.

C.  It led to a renewed study of Latin and Greek.

D.  It increased literacy and the use of the vernacular.

34. Why was block printing more useful in Europe than in China?

A.  Chinese paper was difficult to print on.

B.  The Chinese had invented movable type but not the printing press.

C.  European languages had a smaller number of characters than Chinese.

D.  All of the above are true.

35. Which of the following was a major reason for the Reformation?

A.  European merchants resented paying taxes to the Church in Rome.

B.  The Church was threatening to excommunicate the king of France.

C.  The pope in Rome insisted on speaking only Latin.

D.  Martin Luther said he could interpret the Bible better than the pope.

36. Which of the following was one of Luther's main beliefs?

A.  Men and women are naturally sinful.

B.  Christians needed to be baptized again as adults.

C.  Good works were required for salvation.

D.  All people with faith were equal.

37. What was the main reason for Henry VIII's split with the Roman Catholic Church?

A.  his religious beliefs

B.  his desire for a male heir

C.  his treatment of Catherine of Aragon

D.  his unwillingness to pay Church taxes

38. Which of the following was agreed upon at the Council of Trent?

A.  The Church's interpretation of the Bible was final.

B.  Selling indulgences was an appropriate practice.

C.  Local priests had to originate the process of excommunication.

D.  Church and state should be separate.

39. The Peace of Augsburg ended a war between the supporters of which two groups?

A.  England and Spain

B.  Catholic and Protestant German princes

C.  Roman Catholics and Anglicans

D.  French Catholics and Huguenots

40. Which idea of Luther's most influenced John Calvin?

A.  Humans cannot earn a place in heaven.

B.  There was no hierarchy of believers.

C.  The Church should not sell indulgences.

D.  People did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them.

41. The followers of John Knox became known as

A.  Amish.

B.  Quakers.

C.  Lutherans.

D.  Presbyterians.

42. Predestination was one of the main doctrines of

A.  theocracy.

B.  Calvinism.

C.  Lutheranism.

D.  the Catholic Reformation.

43. The founder of the religious order known as the Jesuits was

A.  Matthew Zell.

B.  St. Bartholomew.

C.  Ignatius of Loyola.

D.  Marguerite of Navarre.

44. The education of children and missionaries was the principal goal of

A.  the Jesuits.

B.  the Huguenots.

C.  the Anabaptists.

D.  the Presbyterians.

45. The Council of Trent agreed that

A.  Christians need only faith for salvation.

B.  the Church's interpretation of the Bible is final.

C.  priests cannot pardon sinners for committing sins.

D.  the Bible is the only authority for guiding Christian life.

46. Renaissance painters in Flanders, as in Italy, tended to produce work that was

A.  realistic.

B.  idealistic.

C.  distorted.

D.  formal and tightly structured.

47. In Greek, the word utopia means

A.  "highest."

B.  "no place."

C.  "everywhere."

D.  "an ideal place."

48. The first use of movable type was in

A.  Greece.

B.  Germany.

C.  Italy.

D.  China.

49. The printing press was invented by

A.  Jan van Eyck.

B.  Johann Gutenberg.

C.  Peter Bruegel the Elder.

D.  Hans Holbein the Younger.

50. Which of the following correctly matches the author with something he wrote?

A.  Thomas More and Utopia

B.  Christine de Pizan and Hamlet

C.  William Shakespeare and The Praise of Folly

D.  Desiderius Erasmus and Gargantua and Pantagruel

Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. 2 Sentences minimum.

51.  Recognizing Effects What were the effects of Gutenberg's printing press?

52.  Analyzing Issues What were Luther's chief objections to the Roman Catholic Church?