2017 Iowa Diabetes Summit:

Changing the Landscape of Prevention & Management



Friday, November 17, 2017

8:00 AM – 4:30 PM


FFA Enrichment Center

Des Moines Area Community College

1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway, Ankeny, IA


The summit will provide a forum to discuss thelatest practices, opportunities, resources, and toolsfor addressing diabetes prevention, control and management. National, state, and local experts will share innovative strategies for reducing the burden of diabetes in Iowa.

Objectives for Summit

By the end of the program, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify key interventions, models of success, resources, and tools for enhancing diabetes prevention and control programs at thestate, and local level
  • Discuss how Iowa’s Diabetes Statewide Strategic Plan aligns with other initiatives in Iowa to foster collective impact
  • Describe the focus and key outcomes of the Iowa Diabetes Prevention Action Plan
  • Describe how the social determinants of health are used to develop programs and services for diabetes prevention and interventions
  • Explain the purpose of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Coverage Toolkit, including the intended audience
  • Examine coverage and reimbursement for diabetes treatment and management

Target Audience

The intended audience for the Summit is public health professionals, healthcare providers such as: physicians, nurses, advance practice nurses,chiropractors,physical therapist, health coaches, diabetes educators, dieticians, pharmacists, diabetes prevention program facilitators, diabetes self-management education coordinators, certified diabetic educators,and third-party payers.


7:30 a.m. Registration and Networking



8:15Setting the Stage on Diabetes Prevention and Interventions in Iowa: A Focus on Prevention Efforts in the Workplace

Dr. Paul Mulhausen, MD, MHS, FACPAmi Bolles,

Chief Medical OfficerStrategic Account Manager

Telligen Telligen

9:15Diabetes Statewide Strategic Plan

Kady Reese, MPH, CPHQ

Program Lead, Statewide Strategies

Iowa Healthcare Collaborative

9:45Networking Break

10:00Iowa’s Diabetes Prevention Action Plan

Andrew Minear, MPHSusan Lopez-Payan, BA

Diabetes Primary Prevention Coordinator Public Health Consultant

Iowa Department of Public HealthNational Assoc. of

Chronic Disease Directors

11:00Different Models of Success and Collaboration Across the Nation in the Treatment of Diabetes

Janelle Ali-Dinar, PhD

VP Population Health & Global Health Initiatives

MyGenetx Inc.

12:00Morning SessionClosing Remarks

Karen Crimmings and Andrew Minear

12:15Lunch Provided & Networking

1:00National DPP Coverage Toolkit: An Overview

Susan Lopez-Payan, BARebecca Nielsen, MBA

Public Health ConsultantSenior Advisor

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors Leavitt Partners

2:00How Does the Treatment and Management of Diabetes Fit Within the Scope of Reimbursements

Janelle Ali-Dinar, PhD

VP Population Health & Global Health Initiatives

MyGenetx Inc.

3:00 NetworkingBreak

3:15World Café on Diabetes Prevention and Interventions

(A collaborative dialogue to explore and exchange perspectives, and insights)

Diabetes PreventionDiabetes Interventions

DPP Participant RetentionDiabetes Pharmaceuticals

Screening, Testing, & ReferralsFamily Engagement

Recruitment, and AwarenessPatient Care Coordination

Corporate DPPDSME Collaboration &

Referral From Healthcare

4:15Closing Remarks & Evaluation

Karen Crimmings and Andrew Minear



The program is funded, in part, by Iowa Department of Public Health, the Midwestern Public Health Training Center (funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UB6HP27879, Affordable Care Act (ACA Public Health Training Centers), and Telligen. The cost per individual will be $35.00 and will cover the cost of a light breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.


Online registration is available until November 6, 2017.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received in writing or by email on or before November 10, 2017 will receive a full refund less a $10 service fee. Cancellations after November 10, 2107 will not be eligible for a refund. In lieu of cancellation, another representative from your organization may attend in your place by notifying the registration officer. All changes and cancellations must be in writing and emailed to Kate Burnette, registration officer, at


The following CEUs are pending: Nursing (to be granted by Iowa Board of Nursing, Provider #94); Dietitians, this program can be acceptable for your Portfolio. For CDEs (to be granted by Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on behalf of Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)), The Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the approved provider who has been given this designation by CDR.

Sponsored by:

American Diabetes Association

Association of Public Health Nurses

Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health

Clinical Health Coach

Community Health Partners,LLC

Iowa Alliance of YMCAs

Iowa Department of Public Health

Iowa Healthcare Collaborative

Midwestern Public Health Training Center


Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Laurie Walkner in advance at 319-335-6836.