I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT a meeting of the Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Prospect House, Hexham on Monday 3 August 2009 at 7.00 pm, when the following items will be discussed:-
1. Declarations of interest - planning applications only. [See memorandum].
2. To consider Planning Applications received [list enclosed].
3. [at 7.15 pm approximately] Apologies for absence.
4. Council will hear residents on any matters they may wish to raise in regard to Hexham. [Copy of public participation policy enclosed]
5. [at 7.30 pm] To agree the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 6 July 2009 enclosed.
6. Matters arising, if any.
7. Declarations of interest. [See memorandum].
8. Accounts for Payment [list enclosed].
9. To receive Planning Decisions [list enclosed].
10. Committee reports:-
a. To receive minutes and agree any recommendations of the Burial Board Management Committee meeting held on 6 July 2009, enclosed.
b. To receive a report of any urgent matters arising from the Burial Board Management Committee meeting held on 3 August 2009. [Minutes will be presented to the September meeting]. Please note Minute 4665b and memorandum enclosed.
11. Correspondence.
12. To nominate a Councillor to act as liaison with the Fire and Rescue Service regarding the proposed new fire station. [Minute 4664 refers].
13. To consider if the Council should be a member of the Historic Towns Forum. [Minute 4673 refers.]
14. NCC Car parking – future policy consultation. [Note enclosed copy questionnaire].
15. Any urgent matters at the Chairman of the meetings discretion. [Matters to be raised under this item should be written out [if possible] and handed to the Chairman of the meeting or the Clerk of the Council before the meeting begins].
D Tiffin,
Clerk of the Council.
25 July 2009.
Hexham Town Council
Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery
West Road, Hexham NE46 3RR Tel: 01434609575
4655. PRESENT. Councilor T Robson, the Town Mayor in the Chair together with Cllrs: J B Jonas, M F C Donnelly, D Kennedy, A R Travis, G C Ferguson, Mrs. I C Whale, A Snowball, J V R Hare, Mrs. J E Lloyd, P Dixon and Mrs. B E Smith.
4656. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST [PLANNING APPLICATIONS]. Cllrs. T Robson, J B Jonas and A Snowball declared personal interests in applications 20090397 and 20090409 as they were personally known to the applicants.
4657. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was AGREED there were no objections to the planning applications received in accordance with the list[s] circulated and attached hereto.
4658. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. C J Robinson and N J Holder.
4659. MINUTES. It was AGREED the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 1 June 2009 having been circulated, be signed as a true record.
a. NCC WEST AREA COMMITTEE. Minute 4642 refers. No reply had been received from the NCC to the Council’s questions about the Committee powers but a circular email had been received listing the members of the Committee and the Committee Officer. It also advised the next meeting of the West Area Committee would be on 7 July 2009 at Haydon Bridge. The agenda and minutes of the previous meeting could be downloaded from the NCC web site. It was AGREED to circulate Councillors with a schedule of the West Area Committee meeting dates. However the Clerk was not able to circulate Councillors with hard copies of West Area Committee agendas or minutes as the NCC did not place these on its web site until close to the date of a meeting nor did it yet individually or collectively circulate Committee meeting agenda papers to Town or Parish Councils. However the Clerk will display an agenda for the West Area Committee on the Council notice board as soon as possible after he is aware it is available to download. On a query regarding the Town Council web site the Clerk advised minutes and other agenda papers were uploaded after Council meetings and not in advance of them. However in future the web site will normally have the next meeting agenda available to download in advance of the meeting date
b. LITTER AND ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOR. Minute 4653 refers. The Clerk reported the NCC and the Police had both confirmed they were taking action to clear litter and to deal with anti-social behavior. [Note Minute 4666a hereafter].
4661. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllrs. T Robson, D Kennedy, Mrs. I C Whale, Mrs. B E Smith and G C Ferguson declared personal interests in the agenda item relating to Day Care for Older People as they were members of the NCC committee or employed by the NCC or related to a user of a day centre. Cllr J B Jonas declared a personal interest in the agenda item relating to the Hexham Abbey Conservation Plan as he was a member of the Hexham Abbey PCC.
4662. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was AGREED to authorize payments in accordance with the lists circulated and attached hereto.
4663. PLANNING DECISIONS. It was AGREED to receive the decisions of Northumberland County Council on planning applications in accordance with the list circulated and attached hereto.
4664. FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE MODERNISATION. Mr. Rob Clow of the Fire and Rescue Service was present and gave Council details of proposals to modernize the Fire Station in Hexham. The present site was no longer suitable as it was in a flood risk area and also had fewer facilities for the other work the Service was now carrying out. A new site at West Point had been chosen and outline planning was being applied for though it will be two or three years before any building work can begin. After answering questions from members the Mayor thanked him for his attendance. It was noted the Council had not objected to the planning application though the detailed planning application will be carefully perused. It was also AGREED to request the Fire and Rescue Service make an annual report at the Annual Town meeting in a similar manner as the local Police Superintendent. It was also AGREED to nominate a Councillor to liaise with the Fire and Rescue Service in order to improve local communication with the Service during the various processes leading to the new fire station.
a. BURIAL BOARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. It was AGREED to receive the minutes and agree the recommendations of the Burial Board Management Committee meeting held 1 June 2009 presented by Committee Chairman Cllr. J V R Hare.
b. BURIAL BOARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Committee Chairman Cllr. J V R Hare reported the Burial Board Management Committee had met earlier on the 6 July 2009 and there were no urgent matters arising however the Committee will be meeting again immediately prior to the next Council meeting. He will be presenting a report to the next Council meeting of the Committee recommendations on financing methods for the refurbishment of the presently disused toilet accommodation. The Council will need to make a decision at the next meeting on the Committee’s recommendations to enable the works to be completed in 2009/10.
c. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS WORKING GROUP. It was AGREED to receive the minutes and agree the recommendations of the Christmas Lights Working Group meeting held on 22 June 2009 presented by Group Chairman Cllr T. Robson.
d. CENTRAL TYNEDALE COMMUNITY FORUM. It was AGREED to receive for information minutes of the Central Tynedale Community Forum meeting held on 10 June 2009 presented by Cllr J V R Hare.
a. POLICE MATTERS. Cllr A R Travis had met with the local Police Superintendent and gave a report on local Police matters. Hexham was now in the Western division and the Eastern division boundary was between Hexham and Corbridge. This new system is responding better to incidents. In Hexham the Sele area has been an area the Police are targeting and the problems here have been reduced. The Police are holding regular meetings with local schools to engage more with their pupils. Finally overall there has been a reduction in reportable incidents over last year.
b. TOWN CENTRE MATTERS. Cllr M F C Donnelly did not feel able due to his ill health to present a report on this matter but he had previously advised the Clerk he considered there were no matters requiring any attention at this time. It was AGREED this information be noted.
c. COMMUNITY FORUMS. Cllr D Kennedy spoke on Community Forums. He stated a Forum will be ‘formed’ by its members and they should decide how the Forum will work and how it will engage with local voluntary organisations. No one member will be allowed to dominate a Forum. Hexham’s local forum, the Central Tynedale Community Forum, has held two exploratory meetings and will be holding a symbolic ‘Corn’ walk between Hexham and Acomb, meeting in the middle, to publicise and mark the beginning of the working of the Central Tynedale Community Forum. The next exploratory meeting is on 15 July 2009 and later in the year all local voluntary organizations will be invited to an inaugural meeting of the new Forum.
4667. TREE PRESERVATION ORDER. It was noted a TPO had been made for trees at Burswell House, Leazes Lane.
4668. FLOWER BEDS - PARKWELL. The flower beds near Parkwell had been maintained by the Town Council for many years until an alternate arrangement in about 1977 agreed in cooperation with Tynedale Council, had meant Tynedale carried out the maintenance. The beds were now in need of replanting and NCC was now responsible for the area following the demise of Tynedale. NCC had offered to replant and thereafter maintain the beds provided Hexham Town Council would make a donation of 50% of the planting cost amounting to £344.32. It was AGREED this amount be paid and it was noted the Council would have no further liability.
4669. ROAD CLOSURE. It was noted Gallows Bank B6306 will be closed for road works from 20 July to 31 July 2009.
4670. ROAD WORKS. It was noted highway resurfacing works would begin 10 August until 17 August 2009 on Elvaston Road.
4671. ELVASTON ROAD RESIDENTS PARKING – AMENDMENTS. The NCC was proposing minor amendments to the existing residents parking scheme. It was AGREED the Council would make no comment.
4672. NSP BOARD APPOINTMENT. It was noted Cllr Rob Macfarlane [Sandhoe Parish Council] had been appointed by the NALC to the Northumberland Strategic Partnership Board as the Parish Council representative on the Board.
4673. HISTORIC TOWNS FORUM. This organisation was now offering membership to Town Councils at £200.00pa. The communication had been received to late for the Mayor to consider it and therefore it was AGREED to defer any discussion until the next meeting.
4674. HEXHAM COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP. It was noted the AGM will be on 13 July 2009 at 3.30pm in Prospect House Chamber. Councillors were welcome to attend if they so wished.
4675. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Cllr T Robson proposed that some period be set aside in the Agenda for public comment. It was AGREED this be permitted though some rules for the way it takes place will be implemented.
4676. ST GEORGES DAY 2010. This is 23 April 2010 and the Hexham Community Partnership will be promoting celebrations to mark the event though the actual celebrations will probably culminate of the 24 April. It was AGREED the Partnership had the support of the Council.
4677. ARMED SERVICES DAY 2010. Cllr T Robson proposed the Council promote events to commemorate Armed Forces Day 2010. This annual event is on 27 June 2010 but as this is a Sunday any events should probably held on the 24th, 25th or 26th June. This proposal was AGREED.
4678. DAY CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Concerns were expressed at the NCC proposals to close day centre’s used by old people. Alternative service providers may not offer services for more than 1 or 2 hours whereas the NCC now offers 7-14 hours per week. In addition at Dene Park centre there are other services using the building such as Age Concern meals service and the question arises where they will find alternative accommodation. In addition the impact on the elderly users by all the changes in their service could be considerable. After noting the concerns raised it was AGREED no comment would be made on the consultation paper.
4679. NCC LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2010/11. After noting the various suggested highway works that were currently listed for consideration it was AGREED there were a number that were no longer valid or were duplications and should be deleted. The following items are the proposals that remain. The first three [but not in any order] are considered urgent and the NCC will be asked to treat them as priority.
a. 02272 Residents only parking scheme – Cockshaw/Kingsgate areas. Problems of all day parking/obstruction of junctions.
b. 04116 Improve traffic flow problems on Station Road, Haugh Lane, Alemouth Road, Rotary Way. [Called the Tesco corridor]. Requires also improvements for bus/train passengers, cyclists and pedestrians.
c. 02318 Provide pedestrian crossing, guardrails etc at Eilansgate/Burn Lane/Haugh Lane junctions.
d. 02240 Provide speed camera system on Allendale Road. Recent accidents show the need to reduce traffic speeds.
e. 02746 Move disabled parking bay at Community Centre, Gilesgate eastwards to a level site.