Monclova Township Board of Trustees October 20, 2014

Special Meeting 4:45 PM As duly posted, Special Meeting for the purposes of entering into an Executive Session to discuss a potential amended JEDD I (Joint Economic Development District) contract.

Lang moved, Hoecherl seconded, to move from General Session to Executive Session for the purposes of discussing potential amended Joint Economic Development District contract. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes.

At 5:20 PM Lang moved, Hoecherl seconded, to return to General Session noting that no action items will be taken as a result of the Executive Session. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes. Noted by Pike that Trustee Craig left the premises. Lang moved, Hoecherl seconded to adjourn the Special Meeting. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Working Session: For the purposes of obtaining signatures from the Board of Trustees for payment of the bills. Agenda items were reviewed; department head meeting with Fire Chief.

General Session: The regular meeting of the Monclova Township Board of Trustees commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:30 PM.

Roll call of members: Trustee Barbara Lang, present; Trustee Chuck Hoecherl, present; Trustee Brian Craig, absent; Fiscal Officer Gavin Pike, present.

Lt. Luettke, Lucas County Sheriff’s Department, reviewed activities since last month. Speed trailer will be put back into use in the spring.

Moved by Trustee Lang, seconded by Trustee Hoecherl to dispense with the reading of the October 6, 2014 minutes and approve as submitted by Fiscal Officer Pike. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Fiscal Officer noted larger bills, including OTARMA annual payment and Lucas County Engineer for road striping Moved by Trustee Hoecherl, seconded by Trustee Lang to approve payment of the bills as presented by Fiscal Officer Pike totaling $402,791.41. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.


Fiscal Officer noted letter to Toledo Lucas County Plan Commission (5:42 PM).

Fiscal Officer read into record Resolution 10202014-01. Hoecherl moved, Lang seconded, to approve Resolution Number 10202014-01, recognizing Bill Strayer’s community efforts and extending deepest sympathies to his wife, Martha, and family. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Hoecherl moved, Lang seconded, to approve Resolution Number 10202014-02, recognizing the passing of former trustee Galen Ebright. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Old Business:

Update of Ziegler property; Wagner stated that progress is being made. Chair Lang noted that no action will be taken at this time due to progress however Wagner to report back if clean up stalls.

Township Fiscal Officer’s Report:

Fiscal Officer Pike reported on Historical Foundation contribution for $8,000. Included was $5,000 for parking lot sealing; $3,000 for block windows. Pike noted that block window project did not proceed and the $3,000 allocated amount was approved to defer costs of the catch basin repair.

New Business:

Playground Committee: Review of meetings with suppliers, process. Fiscal Officer confirmed appropriations. Discussion; Lang moved, Hoecherl seconded, to approve playground equipment for Keener Park per attached quote, #2648 from Service Supply and to authorize Harold Grim to make the necessary arrangements for delivery of the system. Roll Call: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Department Reports:

Zoning: (5:57 PM) Monthly activity in report; made himself available for questions.

Fire~Rescue: Fire Chief reviewed monthly activity. Mike Hampton promoted to Captain. Six applicants for paid on call; hiring process should be complete in few weeks. After that process, the Fire Department will have 52 staff members. This is in line with recommendations from the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association recommendations.

Update on MedBox collections. Chief reports that DEA one day events will no longer take place due to the availability of drop off boxes.

Road Maintenance: Trees along path at Keener Park have been planted; snow and ice guards have been installed on Administration and Maintenance Department buildings. Leaf collection started today.

Township Administrator’s Report:

Hoecherl moved, Lang seconded, to authorize up to $3,000 for contract road brine applications on township rural roads by Lucas County Road Maintenance. Roll Call: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Sidewalks in Downtown Monclova. Trustees are interested in learning more.

Citizen Comment:

Mary Richard, 4826 Lakeside Drive, voiced concern about speed on Lakeside Drive. Noted missing speed signs. Requesting yield sign on MetroPark trail be changed to “stop.” Administrator will look into. Hoecherl suggested impediments on the trail at road crossings so that bikes will slow down. Concerned about apartment parking spaces and lot 30. Wagner to investigate landscaping – screening in southern part of the development.

Cathleen Newacre, 4614 Lakeside, also noted speed on Lakeside Drive.

Executive Session:

Moved by Lang, seconded by Hoecherl, to close General Session and move into Executive Session for the purposes of discussing contract for non “regular Monclova Township employee.” Roll Call: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

Moved by Lang, seconded by Hoecherl, to return from Executive Session and enter into General Session. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes. Lang noted no action items as a result of the Executive Session.


Moved by Lang, seconded by Hoecherl to adjourn at approximately 6:45 PM. Mr. Pike called roll: Lang, yes; Hoecherl, yes.

ATTEST: ______BOARD OF TRUSTEES Accepted 11/03/2014

Gavin S. Pike, Fiscal Officer


Barbara S. Lang


Charles V. Hoecherl


Brian D. Craig

Roll calls taken in random order. Official minutes will display signatures. This meeting was electronically recorded. Audio is available at during that same calendar year. Also on file in the Office of the Fiscal Officer in accordance with the township’s Records Retention Schedule.