Part 1: Course Details

Division/Department requesting change: CIT

Course developer name and contact information: Mari Good ()

Division Dean: Christopher Rehn

Academic year (e.g., 2018-19) change will take effect: 2018-19


New course (brand new course or courses that have not been offered in three or more years)

Currently a 199 or 299 experimental course?Attachthe 199/299course outline or syllabus

New199/299experimental course (May be offered two times over a two-year period. After that, experimental courses to be submitted as a new course.)


Lower Division Collegiate
Developmental, numbered below 100


To determine a transfer course number, check the Catalog of Lower Division Collegiate Courses or do a web search for schools with similar courses. For CTE, look at schools with similar courses or contact the Curriculum Office for help.

Course Number / Short Course Title for Banner (30 character limit) / Full Course Title for print catalog
CS 233 JS / Int Programming: JavaScript / Intermediate Programming: JavaScript

COURSE DESCRIPTION (aim for 300-400characters/approximately 60-70 words) For help and examples, see Sample Course Descriptions.

This is the second in a sequence of 2 courses that teaches students to develop client side or “front end” code for browser based applications. The course introduces intermediate level programming concepts and skills as well as JavaScript syntax, tools and frameworks required for modern “front end” development.


Prerequisite courses: CS 133JS and CS 233N

Placement test code and scores (e.g., 4cpa score of 75-120; if you need a code, contact testing) na

Co-requisite courses: na

Grade Option: Graded (with P/NP option) Pass/No Pass only

Repeatable for credit? no

Credit Breakdown
2 Lecture
1 Lecture/Lab
1 Lab
4 Total Credits / Contact Hours Per Week
2 Lecture
2 Lecture/Lab
3 Lab
7 Total Contact Hours per week / Contact Hour Formula
1 lecture = 1 contact hour
1 lecture/lab = 2 contact hours
1 lab = 3 contact hours

Part 2: Rationale, Equity, Library Resources, Course Overlap

RATIONALE AND CONTEXT Describe the context and rationale for the new course. How will this course meet the needs of transfer students or employers? What is the demand for this course? How does this proposal further the goals of the program or department? Provide as many details about this new course as possible.

This course is being developed as a direct result of feedback from the professional software development community as well as previous graduates working as software developers. The current curriculum in the Computer Programing degree introduces students to JavaScript as a programming language but does not provide students with enough knowledge or skill to use JavaScript professionally. This course will expose students to more advanced JavaScript syntax in the most recent version of JavaScript as well as to the software tools and frameworks that are used in professional level JavaScript projects.

CURRICULUM EQUITY STATEMENTPlease do not copy/paste the COPPS equity statement. Reflect how your course supports equity. To promote an environment where all learners are encouraged to develop their full potential, this course will support Lane’s Curriculum Equity policy in the following way(s):

  • Use as examples browser based applications that are culturally (race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, national origin, marital status, or class background) sensitive.
  • Use as case studies organizational problems that encourage students to see the uniqueness and worth of all individuals and all roles within an organization.
  • Use instructional practices that support and encourage all students in ways that are culturally sensitive.

LIBRARY CONSULTATION Please contact your liaison librarian to schedule a 30+ minute individualized instructional consultation and collaboration session. In addition to your specific course-related questions, your librarian will be prepared to share:

  • Library resources and services that support your teaching and student learning needs
  • OER (Open Educational Resources) options that align with your program and course curriculum
  • Strategies for integrating the development of information literacy skills into course content and/or assignments

Please allow one week for the librarian to prepare for your consultation. If you are not sure who your liaison librarian is, you can either look it up on the Library’s website or call the Library Reference Desk at 463-5355. (Librarian signature required above.)

COURSE OVERLAP Indicate any topic/content overlap with other courses. How will this course's topics and content be differentiated? If there is overlap, faculty of overlapping courses must agree on the extent of overlap andinclude a rationale explaining its necessity. The dean of the division in which overlap occurs must sign approval (see checklist).

Division/department / Course Number / Title / Rationale / Dean of overlap course (name)

CAREER/TECHNICAL COURSE TRACKING(required only forcareer/technical courses)

Career/Technical courses are tracked within programs for purposes of Carl Perkins funding and budgetary planning. Indicate all degree or certificate programs for which this course will be required.

Programs in which course will be required / Division
Computer Programming / CIT

Part 3: Outcomes, Assessments, Topics

List course outcomes, Core Learning Outcomes (CLOs), and Assessments The information in this section should be used to create your course outline and syllabus.

Core Learning Outcomes and Dimensions covered or assessed in the course. You do not need a CLO for each course outcome. / COURSE-LEVEL LEARNING OUTCOMES (course outcomes)
What will the student know or be able to do at the end of the course? Write outcomes that are measurable, observable, or demonstrable. See this list of measurable verbs or this web page and verb wheel (based on Bloom’s taxonomy) for guidance. / ASSESSMENTS Include specific assignments you will use to measure/observe student attainment of outcomes. Some assignments may be used for multiple outcomes. For assessment ideas see Authentic Tasks
CLO 3: Create ideas and solutions AND
CLO 5: Apply learning / Design, implement, test and debug “front end” browser based applications written in modern JavaScript and using modern JavaScript tools. / Programming lab assignments
CLO 3: Create ideas and solutions AND
CLO 5: Apply learning / Design, implement, test and debug “front tend” browser based applications written using a modern JavaScript framework and using modern JavaScript tools. / Programming lab assignments
CLO 1: Think critically AND
CLO 4: Communicate Effectively / Describe programming concepts, themes and issues orally and in writing. / Peer evaluations of programming assignments AND
Essay questions on written exams

Are Lane’s Core Learning Outcomes emphasized in this course, and measured or demonstrated through course assessments? Please indicate which Core Learning Outcomes and Dimensions are linked to your course outcomes. Need help? Contact Tammy Salman, Faculty Coordinator, Assessment and Curriculum Development or Sarah Lushia, Core Learning Outcomes Coordinator.


Example: Course Outline Sample (from COPPS)

  1. Review of concepts and skills from CS 133 JS
  2. Modern JavaScript (ES6) – including but not limited to
  3. Object Oriented Programming in JS
  4. Arrow functions
  5. Let and var – scope of variables
  6. Template literals
  7. Local Storage
  8. Event handling
  9. Using the canvas
  10. Geolocation
  11. Compatibility with older browsers
  12. Front end techniques
  13. AJAX
  14. Common APIs including but not limited to
  15. Charts
  16. Google Maps
  17. Web RTC
  18. JavaScript tools including but not limited to
  19. Node.js and npm
  20. Babel
  21. Webpack
  22. JavaScript frameworks including but not limited to
  23. React
  24. Redux

Part 4: Financial and Student Impact

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Financial Impact Analysis

Describe the financial impact of the proposed course, including: including: Instructional costs; workload (both FT and PT faculty and classified staff); physical space requirements (e.g., labs); additional equipment needs; additional fees; any cost reductions

Current CIT faculty have the technical knowledge and skills to teach the course and will do so as part of regular teaching load. The current CIT classrooms and labs can support the new course. All of the software used in the course is open source and as such free to students and the college.

Student Impact Analysis

Describe the proposed course’s potential impact on students, including: Effect of changes on program requirements, articulations, cost, credit load, avoiding excess credits in transfer, financial aid credit limits, completion, and enrollments; determination of how new/revised courses transfer to four-year schools (please consult with your advisor).

The new course will replace a 4 credit elective in the Computer Programming degree. It should not impact the credit load or the cost of the degree program to students. The course is likely to transfer to four-year schools a Math/Science/Computer Science credit but as an elective rather than a specifically articulated computer science course.

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Part 5: Degree Requirements Applications (if applicable)

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If applying for any of the following, check the appropriate boxes and include your completed degree requirements forms with this course proposal. Go to the Curriculum Office website to download the appropriate forms.

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AAOT(Career Technical courses not eligible)

Arts & Letters

Cultural Literacy

Information Literacy


Science /Computer Science

Social Sciences

Speech/Oral Communication

Health/Wellness/Fitness (all degrees)

Human Relations designation (for AAS degrees and certificates)

Sustainability course status (optional)

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College Approval (before signing, please see Curriculum Committee recommendations for this course in the committee’smeeting minutes)


Executive Dean for Academic AffairsDate


Vice President for Academic & Student AffairsDate

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