Chalmers Town Council Meeting

Monday April 11th, 2016


The Chalmers Town Council met in regular session on Monday April 11th, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Chalmers Town Hall. Present were Council President Marcus King, VP Clark Gick, Councilmen David Hurth, and Herb Chamberlain. Present were Town Manager Faith Willoughby, Utility Superintendent Jeff Haynes, Town Engineer Ken Smith, Town attorney Rebecca Trent and Town Marshal Gary Adams. Not present was Councilman Pat Pool and Clerk Treasure Jeff Resnick. CP King called the meeting to order, then led all in The Pledge of Allegiance. Council read minutes from March 28th, 2016 meeting. VP Gick made motion to approve the minutes, CM Chamberlain seconded the motion. Motion Carried by a vote 4-0.

VP Gick discussed status of financial Planning Committee. No report at this time. Committee will reschedule a time. VP Gick informed council that when budget for each account have been supplied the committee will have a report on balances. P King suggested contacting SBOA.

TA Trent explained more on Net Metering Tariff. TE Smith also gave input. VP Gick made motion to approve Net meter tariff ordinance. CM Kurth 2nd the motion. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0.

CP King discussed how we need to complete a budget. King requested that we budget in all known expenses. Ex. Bug Spray cost $3,000.

There were no CT report given as the CT was absent. TM Willoughby suggested County Ordinance on Child Care will need to be presented at next meeting.

TE Smith gave status report for WW study. TE stated the flow meter is in place and is recording. Smith also informed council on a hole that was discovered in the pipe. Recommending that the town repair hole. Smith volunteered to get for repair. TE Smith also submitted a water loss audit survey to Idem. The second part should be completed by US Haynes and TM Willoughby.

TA Trent submitted policies on Cell phone use,Updated bereavement policy to state it is paid, Snow removal, Returned Check policy, and separate checking for Park fund. Motion was made By VP Gick to pass Ordinance adopting revised personnel policies and procedures section 1.12 and adding 1.74. CM Kurth 2nd motion. More discussion will follow in next meeting on remainder of policies.

TM Willoughby updated the council on Electric Pole damage lawsuit. Attorney will prepare to set court date for May 6th.

TM Willoughby submitting her town report. Highlighting on Street Work report. US Haynes met with contractors and received all the bids. Willoughby also discussed upcoming newsletter, Temp power for Yates Construction, and Ed Delashmit will assist her in completing a Burn ordinance by last meeting in May 2016 to be presented to Council. TM also will supply a Labor allotment Report at next scheduled council meeting.

CP King updated council on Bicentennial/legacy project. King will be meeting with area plan to locate section 25.

No delinquents’ reports were submitted. Cash flow was 80% accurate per letter from CT Resnick.

No Time Cards were reviewed.

CM Dave Kurth updated Council on BPA color walk on April 30th.

TC reviewed department report submitted by TM Adams.

VP Gick made motion to accept claims totaling $70, 167.24. CM Kurth 2nd motion. Motion carried with vote 4-0

Executive meeting was scheduled for May 2nd at 7pm, to review employee performance.

CM Kurth made motion to adjourn meeting. CP King 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.