Case Study



Module Title:
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS and DESIGN / Module Leader: Mansha Nawaz
Module Code: 1001COM-N
Assignment Title:
SAD Case Study / Deadline Date: AUG 2011
Deadline Time: 3.00pm
Submission Method: OASIS
OASIS Submission Notes:
·  All work (including CDs etc) needs to be secured in a plastic envelope or a folder and clearly marked with the student name, number and module title.
·  An Assignment Front Sheet should be fully completed before the work is submitted to OASIS.
·  When an extension has been granted, a fully completed and signed Extension form must be submitted to OASIS together with your work.
ONLINE Submission Notes:
·  Please follow carefully the instructions given on the Assignment Specification
·  When an extension has been granted, a fully completed and signed Extension form must be submitted to OASIS as soon as it had been signed.



Analysis and Design a proposed computer system for a generic sales order processing system based on POWERQUOTES.

All related material is contained on the SAD Website on M. Nawaz staff page.

For a PASS grade you only need to cover one of the main modules ie QUOTES

The ICA case study and resources are available online.

System Analysis and Design Case Studies
There are many ways to develop a proposed computer system model
… see what you can utilise from the following guides
Guide to documenting DFDs using Toy Sales Order Example / Toy Sales Ordering System
Guide to modelling multilayered systems / DFD Review 1
Guide to modelling basic systems / DFD Review 2
Common Functions, Features, Events and Sub-Events / SOP
Common Functions, Features, Events and Sub-Events from PowerQuotes Case Study / powerquote
Sample DFD Models / Ascent Solutions


·  Main Learning Outcomes

·  Assessment Criteria



Case Study


Student Name:
Module Tutor: M. NAWAZ Method of Working : Individual
Assignment Title: POWERQUOTE Assignment : 1
Section No / Section Description / GRADE
1.1 / Terms Of Reference
1.2 / Statement of Purpose
1.3 / Requirements List
1.4 / Context Diagram & Events List
Pass / All sections professionally complete
Refer / Not met criteria for pass
2.1 / Dataflow Diagram Fragments
2.2 / Top-Level Dataflow Diagram
2.3 / Low-Level Dataflow Diagrams
Dist / DFD - fully complete. Must demonstrate Top-Level and Low-Level development (Event Partitioning). Correct usage of Yourdon notation. Identification of almost all system data stores, transformations (processes) and dataflows. Almost complete consistency between Context Diagram., Top-Level DFD & Low-Level DFD.
Merit / DFD - mainly complete. Must demonstrate a full Top-Level and several (4 or 5) Low-Level development (Event Partitioning). Correct usage of Yourdon notation. Identification of most system data stores, transformations (processes) and dataflows. Consistency between Context Diagram and DFD.
Pass / DFD - partially complete. Must demonstrate Top-Level development only (supported by dfd fragments). Correct usage of Yourdon notation. Identification of key system data stores, transformations (processes) and dataflows. Consistency between Context Diagram and DFD.
Refer / Not met criteria for pass
3.1 / Data Dictionary : Datastores Structures and Elements
3.2 / Data Dictionary : Dataflows Structures and Elements
3.3 / Data Dictionary : Process Descriptors
Dist / Data Dictionary – all Datastores Structures & Elements. All main Process Descriptors. 2 examples of Dataflow
Merit / Data Dictionary – all Datastores Structures & Elements. 2 examples of Dataflow. 2 examples of Process Descriptors
Pass / Data Dictionary – major Datastore Structures & Elements only. 2 examples of Dataflow and Process Descriptors
Refer / Not met criteria for pass
4 / REPORT / P / M / D
Dist: / The report fully conforms to the SCM guidelines. All parts professionally
Merit: / The report mainly conforms to the SCM guidelines. Most parts professionally documented.
Pass: / The report partially conforms to the SCM guidelines. Some parts professionally documented
Refer: / Not met criteria for a pass.


Case Study

Assessment Criteria Grades for

HND Systems Analysis & Design HSA

CRITERIA / Distinction / Merit / Pass / Fail
1. Introduction to Case Study
·  Define project and objectives
·  Problem Definition
·  Discuss Case Study
·  Terms Of Reference (ToR), Statement of Purpose (SoP), Requirements List (RL)
·  Context Diagram (CD) & Events List (EL) / - Provided a thorough and detailed insight to the areas for consideration.
- Good evidence of ToR, SoP, RL, CD & EL / - Provided a thorough and detailed insight to the areas for consideration.
- Reasonable evidence of ToR, SoP, RL, CD & EL / - Provided none or limited insight to the areas for consideration.
- Ad-hoc approach to ToR, SoP, RL, CD & EL / - Incomplete.
- No attempt to follow any guidelines.
- Some major deviations from accepted standards.
2. Systems Analysis
(Data Flow Diagram)
·  Demonstrate the ability to develop an analysis specification
·  Define detailed project deliverables.
·  Demonstrate project decomposition & task identification.
·  Demonstrate use of appropriate CASE tools and techniques.
·  Outline, sketch, plan and develop an improved system. Build a blueprint or model of the required system.
·  Must specify "What is needed." / - Appropriate systems development plan followed to a high standard.
- Good use of appropriate CASE Tools and Techniques used to develop a fully functional systems model.
- Systematic and creative analysis. / - Relevant use of CASE tools and techniques to develop system model. . - Accurate and consistent analysis and design for main system functions.
- However some areas of the system have not been fully modelled.
Succinct. / - Techniques are relevant but some minor inconsistencies and system model not fully explored.
- Thorough but not succinct.
- Evidence of a reasoned system model / - Misapplication or several serious inconsistencies in analysis or design.
- Analysis and design poor.
- No use of appropriate techniques and no rigour.
- Investigation is flawed and is generally poor
3. Systems Design
(Data Dictoionary)
·  Demonstrate the ability to develop a design specification.
·  Define how the detailed project deliverables are to be achieved.
·  Demonstrate use of appropriate CASE tools and techniques.
·  Identify HOW the ‘what’ from analysis it is to be achieved.
·  Specify design of proposed system.
·  Written Specifications for actual construction
·  Must specify “How it is to be achieved” / - Appropriate systems development plan followed to a high standard.
- Good use of appropriate CASE Tools and Techniques used to develop the design of the model identified in analysis.
- Analysis to Design is consistent.
- Systematic and creative design. / - Relevant use of CASE tools and techniques to develop system model. . - Accurate and consistent analysis and design for main system functions.
- However some areas of the system have not been fully modelled.
Succinct. / - Techniques are relevant but some minor inconsistencies and system model not fully explored.
- Thorough but not succinct.
- Evidence of a reasoned system model / Misapplication or several serious inconsistencies in analysis or design. Analysis and design poor. No use of appropriate techniques and no rigour. (Investigation is flawed and is generally poor)
4. Report : Presentation and General Quality of: Critical Evaluation
·  Demonstrate the ability to write a technical SAD Report.
·  Demonstrate report writing skills in accordance with the SCM – Writing Reports Guideline
·  Layout, structure, grammar, spelling, diagrams, references, etc / - Professional quality. Style is fluent. - - Report is concise and conforms to accepted standards.
- Systematic with evidence and constructive criticism. Contribution to knowledge. / - Well presented and argued.
- Style is mature and conforms to main standards. Coherent, well- structured. - - Some quality supporting material - Awareness and understanding of success and limitations of study. A useful contribution. / - Presentation and style acceptable. - - - Generally clear and consistent layout.
- Minor errors and lacks some depth.
- Reasonable list of tasks with reasonable support evidence in main report.
- Some depth of understanding but lacks any real insight. Useful for self-development. / - Incomplete.
- Many careless errors and no attempt to follow any guidelines.
- Some major deviations from accepted standards.

Main Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the use of CASE tools and techniques when modelling systems (context diagram, events list, data flow Diagram) and systems data (Data Dictionary and Normalisation).

2. Describe participation in Systems Development.

3. Illustrate analysis and design decomposition and task identification.

4. Produce relevant systems documentation to a defined standard.

5. Appraise a critical review of analysis and design.

Assessment Criteria Definition of Grades

D / The student produced a professional solution exhibiting creativity; owing to their efforts, significantly exceeded in quality any solution that could have been expected of someone in their position.
An authoritative grasp of the subject, significant originality and insight, some minor limitations. Ability to sustain an argument, to think analytically and/or critically and to synthesise material effectively. Evidence of extensive study where appropriate.
M / The student understood the problem or task (fully within its context, not necessarily in all its ramifications), and produced an effective solution.
A sound and above average understanding of concepts, methodology and content. Clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content. Demonstrates some ability to synthesise material and to construct responses which reel insight and mat offer some originality. Draws on an appropriate range of properly referenced sources.
P / The student seriously attempted a solution, or attempted to perform a task with some (perhaps not great) effect, even with little success.
A grasp of relevant material and key concepts and an ability to structure and organise arguments. Accurate, clearly written/presented and including some critical analysis and a modest degree of insight. No serious omissions or irrelevances
Covers the basic subject matter adequately and is appropriately organised and presented but is rather too derivative and insufficiently analytical. There may be some misunderstanding of key concepts and limitations in the ability to select and present relevant material. The work may be flawed by omission and irrelevance. Study may be limited and narrowly focused.
R / The student showed that he/she was aware (perhaps not fully aware) of the problem to be solved, or task to be performed. Achieves some of the learning outcomes required for a Pass grade but falls short in some of the areas. Not a pass grade but sufficient to warrant resubmission.
F / Does not perform to any of the above standards.

Case Study



See study guide and report for further details

2.  A CD containing your report and all working files.

SAD Report Document and all Data Models (DFDs) in Ascent2.

The report must conform to the SCM report writing guidelines

Remember to keep a copy of your own work. The work submitted is to be kept for the external examiner. You will receive a feedback sheet (see front cover) regarding your performance.

Your report should be a single MS Word document saved as sad.surname.firstname.09



Analysis and Design a proposed computer system for generic sales order processing system.


The HSA is regarded as a contribution to a student’s personal development. It is a learning environment in which the student takes sole responsibility for the analysis and design of a proposed computer system.

First consult the Assessment Feedback sheet and note the Assessment Criteria to determine the deliverables.

The ICA is intended to introduce you to a live and realistic business environment. Your task is to produce the analysis and design of a proposed system model using CASE tools (Context Diagram, Events List, Data Flow Diagram & Data Dictionary).

Remember it is you that is making a recommendation of how the proposed computer system should operate and in this respect your DFD conveys all operational requirements.

·  You are only expected to produce a paper based fully working model.

·  Always obtain feedback on your model during your practical period to help keep you on track.

·  Start with the Context Diagram. One process descriptor to represent the whole system and ask who or what does the system communicate with in the outside world.

·  Build the Events list from your inputs (and if possible identify temporal events)

·  Develop a DFD fragment for each event.

·  Combine the fragments of common datastores and/or external entities

·  Complete by checking all datastores are at least read from and written to at least once. If not create the extra processes and add them to the events list.

·  Check for consistency between context, event and dfd.

·  Remember not to expect a good solution without going over your context diagram, events list and dfd fragments several times.

·  For a higher grade you need to consider Event Partioning to produce a Top-Level and a Low-Level DFD. (see lecture notes 06 and 07)

·  Again make sure they are all consistent.



Review the above document and address the question ‘what should the system to do?’. You may also review the sample HND final year projects.

Consider building a requirements list of all the functions and features required from the system.

Modularise your requirements list and DFD. Then systematically model the DFD for the system. Ideally model and refine repeatedly. Hopefully thought and consideration given to SAD should give a smooth transition to implementation.

Decide the level of development to meet the grades you are aiming for.