Challenges Monitor for Scrutiny Committees March 2006
This monitor of challenge measures reflects the measures agreed for the 2005-08 Corporate Plan.
Some minor amendments have been made following officer clarifications and amendments where the information was incorrect – and reported to the Corporate Strategy Cabinet Panel November/December 2005.
Data for 2005/06 is the latest available data.
The Challenges for 2005/06 are listed alongside the relevant Scrutiny Committee:
Challenge / Scrutiny CommitteeHelp people feel safe and secure / Adult Care and Community Safety
Tackle the causes and impact of congestion / Environment
Deal with worn out roads and pavements / Environment
Reduce the impact of new development on the environment / Environment
Maximise opportunities for all children and young people / ChildrenSchools and Families
Support the independence of the growing number of older people / Adult Care and Community Safety
Maximise efficiency savings to help keep council tax at an acceptable level / Resources
Help people feel safe and secure
Performance Indicators / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in helping people feel safe and secure over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 62% / Baseline set by 05/06 result (62%) / 64% / 66% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 62% (excluding 13% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
The number of properties secured by the Hertfordshire Home Security Service / 2,664 / Apr – Dec =1,856. Full year projection=2,475 / 2,930 / 3,223 / 3,384 / A very large increase in 4th Quarter of 04 / 05 pushed up last year’s performance. First three quarters of 05 / 06 show a 22% increase on similar period in 2004 / 05. Targets for 05/06 and subsequent years have been amended in the light of 04/05 results.
The amount of time spent by a PCSO ‘out of station’ / 67% / 71% / 80% / 80% / 80% / Improving performance but still below target based on quarterly activity analysis
The number of licensed premises visited during multi-agency test purchase operations, to combat the illegal sale of alcohol to young people / 26 / Apr – Dec = 88.
Full year projection = 117 / Increase by 15%
Target = 30 / Increase by 20%
Target = 36 / Increase by 20%
Target = 43 / A substantial increase in premises visited has followed agreement of revised protocol arrangements, led by CDSU staff.
Number of persistent Offenders and other drug misusing offenders, case managed, referred into and engaged with the Hertfordshire Drugs Intervention Project (DIP) / Service not yet provided / 1065 (April-Dec) generic DIP clients / 450 Generic DIP clients 150 PPO clients / 470 Generic DIP clients 150 PPO clients / No uplift in 06/07 on PPOs these are id by CDRPs not DIP / This new initiative has achieved remarkable progress over the last 12 months, recognised in the eastern region as a solid performer.
Figures for Q4 will be published Mid April 2006 and a recognition that 2006/07 targets etc will need to be renegotiated.
Number of deliberate fires (excluding vehicles) / 342 / 312 / 325 / 309 / 293 / Initial estimates are encouraging, but this figure is not final. Final figures will be available after the end of March.
The number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads. / 691 / ANNUAL – Not yet available / 676 / 661 / 645 / This data is available annually after the end of March. These are calendar year stats. (Govt target is to reduce to 600 by 2010)
Tackle the causes and impact of congestion
Performance Indicators / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in tackling levels of road congestion over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 38% / Baseline set by 05/06 result (38%) / 40% / 42% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 38% (excluding 11% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
Changes in congestion levels are likely to be minimal in the early years, and therefore this target will depend on PR. The current campaign ends in March and will be evaluated for its effectiveness, but there is no budget identified for work beyond March. Hence there is no degree of confidence that these targets can be met. Longer term delivery of the target will require the full LTP2 programme to be delivered.
% of schools with approved travel plans (LTP2 - 20) / 40% / 40.43% currently / 53% / 64% / 76% / There is a high degree of confidence that the targets up to 2007/08 will be met. Delivery of the target beyond 2007/08 will depend on staff resources – the team is currently funded by a DfT/DfES grant, but this runs out in March 2008. The targets may need to be changed as the latest guidance from DfT is that the indicator should only include state schools – HCC currently include private schools which reduces the realistic level that can be achieved. A decision will need to be taken on which definition is used before the Final LTP2 is submitted in March 2006.
Number of passenger journeys made annually on local buses (BVPI 102) / 30.7m / ANNUAL – not yet available / 31m / 31m / 31m / The data is available annually. Previously reported targets of 33.2m have been brought into line with the targets in LTP2. This will need significant investment to achieve given the current trend of decline, requiring measures such as real time passenger information.
Integrated Works Programme monitoring. / Under development / Suggested target is “Percentage of LTP “F4” programmed outcomes achieved” with a target of 100% each year. This has not been agreed yet with Herts Highways
LTP2 average vehicle delay indicator / Working indicator is unlikely to be available until 2007/08. Data from DfT to develop indicator is still awaited.
new congestion indicator as part of Congestion Action Plan / No additional new indicators are currently planned
Business TravelWise / There are currently only minimal staff resources to progress business travel plans. Current target is to deliver 6 new plans per year, the majority of which are part of planning permission. At the moment it is difficult to see how this target could be increased. It should also be noted that the DfT recommend the use of percentage of employees or percentage of large employers as the target (although HCC are not using this business travel plans as a local indicator for LTP2)
Deal with worn out roads and pavements
Performance Indicators / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in dealing with deteriorating roads and pavements over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 36% / Baseline set by 05/06 result (36%) / 38% / 40% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 36% (excluding 6% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
Principal road network where structural maintenance should be considered (BVPI 223) / Not available due to measuring issues / ANNUAL – Not yet available / To be developed when baseline is available / The data is available annually. This Is being measured for FY05 and targets will be available from April 2006 after the initial measurement
Non-principal (minor) road network where structural maintenance should be considered (BVPI 224a) / 19.44% (was BVPI 097a) / ANNUAL – Not yet available / 19.44% / 19.44% / 19.44% / The data is available annually. Amendments made to previously reported targets. Now these targets are those set out in LTP2.
unclassified road network where structural maintenance should be considered (BVPI 224b) / 19.29% (was BVPI 097b) / ANNUAL – Not yet available / 19.29% / 19.29% / 19.29%
Footway network where structural maintenance should be considered (BVPI 187) / 45% / ANNUAL – Not yet available / 52% / 52% / 52%
Average condition of the highway network (carriageways) – proposed Whole of Government Accounting (WGA) indicator / Yet to be established / Yet to be established / To be developed when baseline is available / Discussions are being held with the Highways and Transport Panel to be agreed as part of final Local Transport Plan to be submitted at end of March. Baseline / targets should be available in April 2006
Reduce the impact of new development on the environment
Performance Indicator / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08
/ Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in balancing the need for new development with protecting the local environment over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 57% / Baseline set by 05/06 result (57%) / 59% / 61% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 57% (excluding 15% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
Amount of housing constructed on previously developed land (L002)
[Note – RPG is Regional Planning Guidance] / 70% / ANNUAL – Not yet available / Maintain above RPG level (60%) / Maintain above RPG level (60%) / Maintain above RPG level (60%) / The data is available annually.
% of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) by area meeting (national PSA) condition targets / 66% / ANNUAL – Not yet available / 72% / 77% / 82% / Data normally collected by English Nature, annually.
Area of Wildlife Sites affected by development / Under development / Data being recorded by Districts / Boroughs as part of Annual Monitoring Report for Local Development Document [LDD] from April 2006. Aggregate data available to HCC April 2007
River quality (WR2) / Dependent on new requirements of EU Water Framework Directive. Data normally collected from Environment Agency at end of calendar year and published in Hertfordshire Environmental Forum ‘Quality of Life’ report around March
Maximise opportunities for all children and young people
Performance Indicator / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in maximising opportunities for children and young people over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 58% / Baseline set by 05/06 result (58%) / 60% / 62% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 58% (excluding 30% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
the proportion of children who achieve at least level 4 in English, Mathematics and Science at KS2 / 70.9% / Awaiting data in Summer 06 / 73% / 74% / 75% / The 2004/05 outcome remains short of the target of 72% for 2004/05, but represents a 1% increase on the previous year’s performance. The result is 3% above the Statistical Neighbours and 5% above the National Average.
the proportion of children leaving care with 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE / 6.8% / awaiting data in summer 2006 / 11% / 12%% / 13.5% / This is a very small cohort so a small change in the number of looked after children obtaining the required GCSE grades can make a substantial difference to achieving performance targets. Target for 05/06 has been amended (from the lpsa1 target of 23%) to reflect 04/05 results, subsequent targets amended accordingly.
Average point score of 16 to18 year olds per entry at level 3 in schools and colleges / 198.8 / Awaiting data in Summer 06 / 202.7 / 206.7 / 210.8 / We have made some improvements compared to 2003/04. Hertfordshire is slightly better than our Statistical Neighbours by 0.3 points, however we are still below the National average by 1.2 points, and this is a priority area to work on
The proportion of initial assessments completed in statutory timescales / 37.8% / Data not available until early April 2006 / 46% / 56% / 66% / Performance for 2004/05 improved, but not to the degree hoped. More realistic targets set for 05/06 onwards to replace previously reported targets for 05/06 of 60%. Growth and Change restructuring should lead to quicker response to Initial assessments
The proportion of core assessments completed in statutory timescales / 37.7% / Data not available until early April 2006 / 55% / 60% / 75% / Performance 2004/05 improved, but not to the degree hoped. Growth and Change restructuring should lead to improved working with partner agencies in carrying out core assessments and more timely completion of them
The number of children who started the Libraries Summer Reading Challenge (SRC) / 12,803
(10.4%) / 13,302 / 12,803
(10.8%) / 13,800
(11.2%) / 14,302
(11.6%) / The focus of the SRC in 2004 and 2005 was to increase the number of participants and the number of children joining the library, rather than the number of completers. This was in line with nationally agreed priorities to increase young people’s participation in reading and membership of public libraries.
In 2004/5, the number of children joining the library to take part in the SRC increased by 8%. This was below the 10% target set, but above the 6% average increase achieved nationally.
In 2005/6, 13302 children started the challenge, compared to 12803 in 2004, thus achieving a 4% increase on the target set
This indicator and targets were originally expressed as a % increase in the number of eligible children in the 4 – 12 age range, who started the challenge
The percentage of children and young people who feel that their right to being listened to is being met / Baseline not yet available / 50% / 55% / 60% / This is a new measure. Targets only set for 2005/06 onwards and no performance Information is yet available
Support the independence of the growing number of older people
Performance Indicator / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in ensuring that older people are able to live independently within their own homes for as long as possible, over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 75% / Baseline set by 05/06 result / 77% / 79% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 75% (excluding 39% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
Satisfaction of older people following an assessment / Baseline being established / Not yet available / To be developed / To be developed / To be developed / This indicator is being developed to fit with the Having your say questionnaires given to older people after an assessment.
The number of hospital admissions prevented / 2,296 / 1,986 / 2,458 / 2,513 / 2,513 / We believe that the actions in place (to maximise returns) will mean that results will be close to the target by the end of the year.
The number of acute beds occupied by older people whose hospital treatment is complete and are waiting for social care / 16 / 18 / 14 / 14 / 14 / 2005/06 data as at end December 2005
Number of older people helped to live at home / 9,898 / 8,941 / 10,245 / 10,433 / 10,621 / The reduction is due to a change in the way that this indicator is calculated to provide more accurate information. Targets will need to be adjusted to reflect this.
Number of older people supported by the voluntary and community sector / 5,896 / 6,223 / 6,442 / 6,492 / 6,542 / 2004/05 performance was previously shown as 6,392 which represented the total number of people supported by the voluntary sector, not just older people. Targets are being investigated to ensure they are correctly calculated. Performance in 05/06 shows a significant increase on 04/05 levels.
Number of users aged 65 and over who have already had one or more items of telecare equipment in their own homes / This is being developed by the DoH, / Not yet available / No baseline yet / No baseline yet / No baseline yet
Maximise efficiency savings to help keep Council tax at an acceptable level
Performance Indicator / Performance / Targets / NOTES2004/05 / 2005/06 / 2005/06 / 2006/07 / 2007/08 / Assessment of performance against target and any reasons for non reporting.
% residents who expressed an opinion and believe the County Council has been successful in maximising savings through efficiencies over the past year (from Annual tracking survey) / Challenge began 05/06 / 58% / Baseline set by 05/06 result (58%) / 60% / 62% / The survey in Autumn 2005 provided the baseline of 58% (excluding 37% of the survey who didn’t respond/didn’t know)
Efficiency Saving Total (Gershon targets) / £7.02m / £14.13m / £13.68m / £13.68m / £13.68m / Figures for 2005/06 are the estimates as per the Annual efficiency statement mid-year update.
Efficiency Savings – Cashable (Gershon targets) / £6.30m / £8.70m / £6.84m / £6.84m / £6.84m / Figures for 2005/06 are the estimates as per the Annual efficiency statement mid-year update.
Agenda Item 4 Challenge Measures