Minutes of Meeting held on 06/July/2011
Dated: 6th July 2011
Venue: Office of Secretary (MDWS), Nirman Bhawan
A one day review meeting of nodal officers of the National Key Resource Centres was held on 6th July 2011 at Nirman Bhawan under the chairmanship of Shri Arun Misra Secretary (MDWS). 16 Nodal persons of Key Resource Centres having a vast experience in rural water supply participated in meeting. The list of participants is annexed.
Key objective of the meeting:-
- To review the activities ( Trainings, Workshops and Seminars) undertaken up during 2010-11 by the KRCs which have been sanctioned funds
- To discuss the Annual Calendar/Plan and also to review the Proposals submitted by the identified Key Resource Centres (KRCs), for the year 2011-12
Proceeding of the Meeting
The meeting began with the welcome by Joint Secretary (Water), on behalf of the Department. He shared the objectives of the meeting and pointed out the poor status of uploading of annual calendar. He said that only 3 KRCs namely ESCI, NIRD and IRMA have uploaded the training calendar on MDWS website. It was desired that KRCs present in the meeting to upload the training program on the department’s website at the earliest so that participation from all the states could be effected. It was also suggested that the trainings be conducted in a coordinated manner by the KRCs without duplication of content in the training modules. The nodal officers of the KRCs and the program managers of MDWS may also be invited to the training workshops. KRC were advised to also call for applications online from the participants for which a 2 days training has held in October 2010 at NIC headquarters in Delhi for the nodal officers of KRCs.
Secretary (MDWS) observed that large resources are left un-utilized and the trainings conducted by KRCs were generic and repetitive in nature. He pointed that during the last meeting of KRCs it was requested to designate one nodal person from each KRC to coordinate in the matters related to training and workshops. Since large amount of funds has been allocated to the KRCs, Secretary (MDWS) desired that KRCs should take ownership of the training program conducted by them. He desired to obtain feedback on training program and the participant’s response to them.
1. Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad
ESCI briefed about the achievements of their institution. Out of the total release of Rs 23 lakhs ESCI has so far spent Rs 15 lacks for 3 programmes during 2010-11. The institute limits the participants to 30-40 in each training and has recently conducted training on Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance attended by 34 participants.
Key Observation:
- Proposal submitted by ESCI is satisfactory and may be approved.
- ESCI training/ seminar conducted last year may be held in Delhi also this year
- Since the expertise of ESCI lies in Water Engineering aspect, it is suggested that the institute should remain focused on engineering aspect of drinking water and not on sanitation.
- KRC may also conduct training on GIS and on soft skills like communications
The Secretary mentioned that ESCI may first concentrate on the water training rather than both on water and sanitation. He advised that on Sanitation effort may be made on formulating communication strategy on sanitation and development of soft skills.
2. NIAR, Mussuoorie, Uttarakhand
Dr Bisht shared that 5 States viz MP, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhnad and JK were selected for training under KRCs. NIAR conducted 6(six) training programmes last year. The KRCs received good response from the participants. Sixty percent of the total amount released has been spent by the KRCs so far.
Key Observations:
- Topics like Management Devaluation Index, theme based programmes may be introduced.
- NIAR may also undertake Impact Assessment of the Trainings and Workshops.
- Bihar and UP may be covered by NIAR
- The number of participants to be increased from 30 to 60 for national seminar of 3 days be conducted in Feb-March 2012
- In-principle approval was given to the NIAR proposal.
(i) Dr.B.C. Bisht, the representative from the Institute presented the details of training organized in 2010-11 and Annual Work Plan for 2011-12.
(ii) The Secretary, MDWS advised that workshops may be organized on issues of “devolution” of water and sanitation for the seminars of Secretaries. He advised for trainings on Management Devolution Index. Secretary desired that more of theme based programmes should be taken up.
(iii) The Secretary agreed for seven workshops on water and five workshops on sanitation and one three day national workshop on sanitation and workshop, as proposed by the Institute.
(iv) Regarding the proposal of the Institute for Evaluation Studies on Awareness Campaign, on studies the Secretary, MDWS clarified that for evaluation studies approved procedure would be required to be followed. However, he advised the Institute send across their proposal for evaluation study for evaluation from October, 11 to I2 October, for consideration by MDWS.
(v) The Secretary, MDWS requested that the nodal officers of KRCs may also be invited to attend the National Seminars.
3. Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad
Centre for Good Governance have imparted 12 trainings of 4 days each with 30 participants in AP/MP. Feedback from trainers was on the following lines:-
◦ Demand for more and preferably field-level trainings
◦ Exposure visits to areas of good practices
◦ Subject experts of International / National repute
◦ On the job training
◦ Topical and new developments to be made part of the curriculum
Following issues were raised by the KRC
- Release of second installment
- Duplication of training (NIAR) at the same venue due to lack of coordination among KRCs nodal officers
Key Observations:
- CGG should conduct training in Chhattisgarh also on the same topics.
- In principle approval was accorded for the proposal submitted by CGG
4. NIRD, Hyderabad
Out of 12 sanctioned only 4 trainings were conducted last year (2010-11) and remaining 8 would be conducted the current year. Secretary (MDWS) desired that report be submitted on the details of Trainings conducted and the feedback from the participants. He desired that a format be prepared and sent for obtaining reports from KRCs.
5. XLRI, Jamshedpur
XLRI conducted 7 training programmes in 5 states. They are planning to conduct one regional workshop of 25-30 persons for 4 and half days. Secretary MDWS suggested that there should be around 40 participants in the regional workshop. He said that 7 programmes of 5 days each be conducted in the concerned states. Revised sanction would be used with these changes. In Principle approval was given to go ahead with the training programs. Proposal for research and case studies should be separately sent by XLRI.
6. WASH Institute( Plan India)
Key Observations:
WASH institute conducted 7 Training Programs last year. They said they would conduct 3 programs of 5 days and 5 programs of 5 days each. Training would be completed by November. In principle approval was given to their proposal. It was desired by Secretary that WASH may conduct saturation program in Bihar, UP, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand on training modules on different topics. It was also desired that nodal officer may finalize the topics for the National workshops in consultation with Deputy Advisor (Shri D.Rajshekhar).
(i) The representative from the WASH Institute Berna Mary presented proposed Annual Plan for 2011-12.
(ii) The Institute informed that they had introduced a one year certificate course for health workers in collaboration with Madurai Kamraj University.
(iii) The Secretary suggested that they should take up saturation programmes on” sanitation”, in states like Bihar, Jharkhand, instead of working in Tamil Nadu and asked other KRCs as well for taking up similar saturation drive in Bihar and Jharkhand.
(iv) The Institute informed that they are keen to organize a Conference on “Sustainable Sanitation”
7. Ramakrishna Mission Lok Shiksha Parishad, Narendrapur, Kolkata
(i) The nodal person of the KRC Shri Candi Charan Dey informed that in 2010-11 an amount of Rs 24,05,636/-was sanctioned and Rs 9.65,636/-was released as 50% advance. The KRC informed that due to election in the state and they could fell short of executing the training and they would send UC after utilizing 60% of the released fund. They informed that they had conducted 5 training programmes till the day of presentation.
(ii) The KRC informed about the details of training programmes organized in 2010-11 and opined that they were finding it difficult to arrange 2-3 days of exposure visit and field-based training within a stipulated budget of Rs15, 000/- for 30 trainees in each batch and appealed for reviewing the budget sub-head. On this the Secretary, MDWS asked the concerned officials to examine and submit comments for consideration.
(iii) The Secretary, MDWS asked R.K. Mission for taking up saturation drive on sanitation in Bihar and Jharkhand. On this the representative informed that they were imparting training on sanitation for the state of Bihar and Jharkhand.
(iv) Shri C.C. Dey informed that they have formulated many training modules on sanitation especially on DLWM and requested that training modules of other kRCs should be made available on MDWS website.
On the above suggestion the Secretary, MDWS requested all the Organizations to send the hard and soft copies of training modules to MDWS, so that MDWS can upload the modules on MDWS website.
8. National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi
NIHFW was advised to submit revised proposal focusing on trainings and workshops on Linkages between Health and Water Quality and Sanitation. It was also advised that NIHFW may develop training modules on
- Sanitation and Hygiene Practice
- Awareness on water borne disease
- Training module for PRI , ASHA, Aanganwadi workers after reviewing the existing training modules prepared by States and other KRCs
- Stress may be given on research on various Health Indicators
9. National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
NIH will be conducting 6 programs in different states. Secretary desired that states Jammu& Kashmir, UP, Uttarakhand, HP, Punjab and Haryana may be covered for imparting trainings in Jammu, Roorkee and Chandigarh centres of NIH. In principle approval was accorded on these lines.
10. All India Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, Kolkata
It was desired by Secretary that AIPHH may conduct a training program in Water and one regional workshop each on Water and Sanitation. They were advised to submit a Comprehensive plan for Arsenic, Fluoride and Iron removal plants in the north eastern States and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Dr. R.C. Shrivastava, Professor and Head of the Sanitary Engineering informed that Rs. 61,62,000/- was sanctioned and Rs. 30,81,000/- was released as 50% advance towards sanctioned amount for organising training by the institute. The institute proposed two regional workshops at Kolkata for a period of two days with 75 participants and 10 resource persons. In addition one regional workshop of 2 days duration with 75 participants and 10 resource persons had been proposed. The institute proposed for 9 training courses of 5 days duration, with 30 participants in each training in 2011-12.
11. Tata Energy and Research Institute, New Delhi
Secretary (MDWS) desired that TERI may submit the revised proposal based on their expertise on issues related to climate change, water security and on TNA. The nodal officer was advised to revise the proposal in consultation with Joint Secretary (Water).
(i) Following the presentation of TERI, the Secretary, and MDWS advised Dr. G .Bhagat of TERI to attend a consultation with JS (VB) for re-structuring the proposal and he advised trainings on issues of climate change and water and sanitation may be explored.
(ii) On the Institute informed that they had submitted separate proposal for training on sanitation and from Sanitation Wing it was clarified that the proposal was being processed and sanction order will be issued shortly.
12. Arghyam, Banglore
Secretary (MDWS) suggested the KRC to undertake programmes on their own without MDWS funds. They may work closely with MDWS with software inputs and for joint development of training modules.
(i) Shri Rahul Bakare, Director, Grant Programme suggested that NGOs should be engaged in the capacity building on sanitation.
(ii) The Secretary, MDWS requested Graham for taking sup saturation programme in Bihar and Jharkhand and also requested for sharing modules various trainings organized on sanitation for grass root level organizations .The Secretary, MDWS also requested other KRCs to share the modules of trainings, so that the modules could be uploaded on MDWS website, or being shared by KRCs and SIPRDSs.
13. Centre for Excellence of Change Management, Chennai
In principle approval was accorded to the KRC for imparting intensive trainings in UP and in Orissa with follow up leading to outcome and a national workshop on Water Partner’s Organization.
14. Environmental Sanitation Institute (for TSC division), Ahmedabad
The training coordinator Shri Davendra Parekh explained about the training programmes organized by the Institute in 2010-11 and proposed training being organized in 2011-12.It was informed 15 training programmes are proposed for 2011-12, for a duration of five days each course and they placed required a total budget of Rs 69 Lakhs .The Secretary, MMDWS advised the Institute to go ahead with the proposed plan and asked the Department to quickly process for communicating the sanction.
The Institute informed that they organized 7 training programmes in 2010-11 in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
The institute has had proposed for 31 trainings in five states namely Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Maharashtra, and Chhattisgarh:
- On WASH & SSHE five days of training programme on each above mentioned states.
- On Hydrological conditions & technological options five days training programme-one in each of the five states.
- On IEC five days training programme-one in each of the five states
- Off site training for three days -one on each of the five states.