The meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the WEST HAVEN HOUSING AUTHORITY was held on September 9, 2015at Meadow Landing, 397 Meadowbrook Court, West Haven, CT 06516.

Chairwoman Stella Cretella called the meeting to order at 6:23P.M.

Present were: Chairwoman Cretella,Vice Chairwoman Paine, Commissioner Nugent, Commissioner O’Connor and Commissioner Zullo. Also in attendance were West Haven Housing Authority Executive Director John Counter, Attorney Kravetz of Susman, Duffy & Segaloff, and Robert Fetrowof HSF Consulting. Eric Stokes, Meagan Golde, Elizabeth McManus and Jessie Fennellwerealso in attendance.

Absent and Excused:None.

  1. Approval of the Minutes

The Chairwoman called for the approval of the minutes of the July 21,2015Special meeting.Commissioner Zullo made a motion for the approval of the minutes.Seconded by Commissioner O’Connor. All in favor. Motion carries unanimously.

  1. Committee Reports

Finance Committee:


Personnel Committee

Executive Session

Organizational Structure Committee

Development Committee

Executive Session

Executive Director Report:

  1. Executive Director John Counter reviewed with the Board the Public Leased Housing Management Indicators.Counter also noted to the Board that Section 8 was recently rated a High Performer under HUD standards.
  2. Robert Fetrow of HSF Consulting provided a brief review of the finance report and reported on the recent audit for the Housing Authority. HSF reported that all findings in the prior year should be clear. Pending final word from Guyder Hurley.
  3. Executive Director John Counter provided the Board with the ACOP/Section 8 administrative plan that have been completed with a summary of significant changes, specifically to service animals, preferences, income targeting and selection.
  4. Vice Chairwoman Paine made a motion to approve the WHHA Section 8 Administrative Plan. Seconded by Commissioner O’Connor. All in favor. Motion carries unanimously.
  5. Commission Zullo made a motion to approve the WHHA Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP). Seconded by Commissioner O’Connor. All in favor. Motion carries unanimously.
  6. Vice Chairwoman Paine made a motion to approve the retention of CT Urban Legal Initiative and authorize John Counter to sign the contract and addendum with an additional addendum to state that the billing shall not exceed $25,000. If additional billing is necessary in excess of $25,000 further approval will be necessary. Seconded by Commissioner Zullo. All in favor. Motion carries unanimously.
  7. John Counter provided a plaque in recognition of Chairwoman Cretella for her service to the WHHA.
  1. Legal Counsel Report:

Executive Session

  1. Unfinished Business:
  1. New Business:


  1. Executive Session:

The Board entered into Executive Session at 7:02 PM. The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:38 PM

  1. Action on executive session issues

Commissioner Zullo made a motion to move that the Board approve the 2015-18 tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement as presented and to authorize John Counter to sign the agreement. Seconded by Commissioner O’Connor. All in favor. Motion carries unanimously.

Vice Chairwoman Paine made a motion to move that the Board approve the contract amendment for John Counter. Seconded by Commissioner O’Connor. All in favor. Motion carries unanimously.

  1. Adjourn meeting:

As there was no other business to come before the Commissioners, ChairwomanCretella adjourned the meeting at 7:40pm.


John P. Counter

Executive Director / Secretary

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