Department Chairs and Program Directors (Chairs are elected for 3 years)
East Asian Languages and Cultures / Bob Ramsey (F12– S15)Film Studies Program / Liz Papazian (F12-S15)
French and Italian / Caroline Eades (F12 -S15)
Germanic Studies / Peter Beicken (F13-S16)
Middle Eastern Studies / Ahmad Karimi-Hakak (F12-S15)
Russian / Liz Papazian (F12- S15)
Spanish and Portugués / Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia (F12-S15)
Second Language Acquisition / Steven Ross (F12-S15)
Coordinator for Instruction and Professional Development
Mel Scullen (F13-)
EEO Officer of the School (2-year term). The EEO Officer, appointed by the Director, shall promote nondiscrimination and affirmative action in the School in accordance with University policies and procedures.
GuiseppeFalvo (F13-Sp15)
1. The Undergraduate Committee
Membership: The Program Director from each language prefix (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, HEBR, ITAL, JAPN, KORA, PORT, RUSS, SPAN, PERS); and two additional members representing the Language House, and FOLA programs. The Associate Director for Academic Affairs shall convene the committee and serve as a member of it. The committee shall elect its own chair.
ARAB / Valerie AnishenkovaCHIN / Minglang Zhou
FILM / Elizabeth Papazian
FREN / Sarah Benharrech
GERM / Rose-Marie Oster
HEBR / Avital Feuer
ITAL / Giuseppe Falvo
JAPN / Carlos Pimentel
KORA / Robert Ramsey
PERS / Ali Abasi
PORT / Regina Igel
RUSS / Elizabeth Papazian
SPAN / Roberta Lavine
LH / Phoenix Liu
FOLA / Naime Yaramanoglu
Chair: / Sarah Benharrech
Undergraduate Advisors
ARAB / Zein El AmineCHIN / Jung Jung Lee
FILM / Marianne Conroy (ENGL)
FREN / Casey Casebier
GERM / Peter Beicken
HEBR / Avital Feuer
ITAL / Giuseppe Falvo
JAPN / Carlos Pimentel
KORA / Robert Ramsey
PERS / Ali Abasi
PORT / Regina Igel
RUSS / Cynthia Martin (new majors); Liz Papazian (general) and Masha Lekic (placement)
SPAN / Karen Krausen
Minor Advisors
ARAB / Zein El AmineCHIN / Jung Jung Lee
FREN / Casey Casebier
GERM / Gabi Strauch
ITAL / Stefania Amodeo
JAPN / Michele Mason
KORA / Robert Ramsey
PERS / Ali Abasi
PORT / Regina Igel
RUSS / Cynthia Martin
SPAN / Karen Krausen
2. The Graduate Committee
Membership: One member from each existing graduate degree program: French, German, SLA, and Spanish. The Associate Director for Academic Affairs shall convene the committee and serve as a member of it ex officio. The committee shall elect its own chair.
FREN / Andrea FrischGERM / Hester Baer
SPAP / Eyda Emerediz
SLA / Steven Ross
3. The Salary/Merit Committee
Membership: The Salary/Merit Committee shall consist of two faculty representatives from each Department and from the SLA program, elected by their units for a 2-year term. Two peer-elected, job-secure lecturers are associate members of the Salary/Merit Committee who will, under a system to be developed and in consultation with the rest of the Committee, evaluate their peers. Insofar as possible, the composition of the Salary Committee should reflect the gender and racial diversity and breadth of interests within the School. At the first meeting of the year, the Salary Committee elects its Chair from among the returning members. The Committee will follow the School’s merit pay plan in making its decisions, and the Chair of the Committee will be responsible for making the Committee standards available to tenure and tenure-track faculty and job-secure lecturers so that they can prepare their FAR records in the following year according to its recommendations.
East Asian / Minglang Zhou (F12-S14)Michele Mason (F12-S14)
FRIT / Andrea Frisch (F13-S15)
Mel Scullen (F12-S14)
GERS / Rose-Marie Oster (F12-S14)
MIDDLE EASTERN / Sayed Elsisi (F12-S14)
Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak (F12-S14), Chair
RUSS / Masha Lekic (S14-S16)
SPAP / Roberta Lavine (F12-S14)
SLA / Robert DeKeyser (F12-S14)
4. The Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee
Membership: (1) Search Committees shall be appointed by the Director, as appropriate for each search, in accordance with the University’s affirmative action guidelines. (2) The full professors and tenured associate professors of the School shall constitute the Promotion and Tenure Committee for all members of the School’s faculty, with the proviso that actions concerning the rank of full professor are reserved to the body of full professors.
SLLC APT Chair: Robert DeKeyser
5. The Advisory Council – See Department Chairs and Program Directors
6. The Programs, Curricula and Courses (PCC) Committee
Membership: 1 representative from each department (Asian and East European, French and Italian, Germanic Studies, and Spanish and Portuguese) for a two-year term, and a representative from Academic Affairs, who serves as Chair. PCC meetings are open and a matter of public record.
EAST ASIAN / Robert RamseyFRIT / Sarah Benharrech
GERMAN / Rose-Marie Oster
Middle Eastern / Peter Glanville
RUSSIAN / Marianna Landa
SPANISH / Roberta Lavine
Chair / Gabi Strauch
7. Initiatives Committee
The role of the Initiatives Committee (IC) is to identify and recommend mid-and-long-term initiatives and priorities which should guide the SLLC in its strategic planning for the future. Such initiatives may concern, but not be limited to, curriculum development, long-term hiring emphases, potential entrepreneurial programs, and the development of large conferences, workshops etc. which would require longer than one year to plan. Two year assignment.
FatemehKeshavarzMichele Mason
Mel Scullen
8. Travel and Conference Committee
Now handled by Associate Director for Academic Affairs, Gabi Strauch
IRB Liaisons
As of Fall 05, the IRB will no longer request that IRB applications be reviewed by a Human Subjects Review Committee. Instead, the IRB applications will be reviewed by an IRB liaison at the unit level, who will sign the completed application and forward it to the University's IRB.
Note from Kira Gor: This job requires some specialized knowledge that I have accumulated over those years and the majority of the projects using human subjects are related to SLA. BTW, now any person working with human subjects must complete a web-based training program and receive IRB certification, whether these are students or faculty. And to answer your question about the amount of work, it is indeed a lot of work given that any data collection, whether it is for a term paper, qualifying paper, dissertation, TA project, etc, goes through the IRB approval process and through the liaison.]
SLLC IRB Liaison: Kira Gor Alternate: Steven Ross
Language House Liaisons
ARAB / Zein El-AmineCHIN / Guiling Hu
FREN / Casey Casebier
GERM / Peter Beicken
HEBR / Aharona Gazit-Rosenthal
ITAL / Stefania Amodeo
JAPN / Makiko Inoue
PERS / FatemehKeshavarz
RUSS / Zhanna Vernola
SPAN / Talia Guzmán González
Graduate Student Representatives
GERS: Petra Volkausen and Claudia Mastriana
FREN: Kristen Gunderson and Nathan Dize
SLA: PaymanVafaee and Eric Pelzl
SPAP: Doug Glynn and Ginette Alomar Eldredge
ARHU Committee on Student Learning:
Administrative Council Representative:
APAC Representative:
College APT Representative:
Committee on Programs, Courses, and Curricula (PCC): Minglang Zhou
Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee Representatives
Undergraduate:Sayed Elsisi, Minglang Zhou, Sarah Benharrech, Rose-Marie Oster/Gabi Strauch, GuiseppeFalvo, Nahal Akbari-Saneh, Carlos Pimentel, Liz Papazian, Roberta Lavine
Collegiate Council Representatives (Representatives are elected for 2 years)
Representative: Nan Jiang (2013-14); Alternate: 2014-15
Alternate: Alaa Elgibali (2013-14); Representative: 2014-15
Senate Representatives (Elected for 3 years)
José M. Naharro F11 – Spr 14 (gone in S14)
Hervé Campangne F11 – Spr 14
AhamaKarimi F13 – Spr 16