Tuesday, April 21, 2015
W8349 DUMKE RD., PORTAGE, WI 53901
Citizens Present: Mary Walker, Abby Patchin,, Jane Schroeder, Bruce Walker, George Thornton, Brandon Ashbrook, John Neu, David Conway, Florence Dalton,
Chairman Schroeder called the Annual meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:30 pm.
Clark Cupery moved, seconded by Jon Conway to approve the Agenda omitting New Business Item B. All Citizens Approved.
Roll Call: William Schroeder, Clark Cupery, Jon Conway, Delmont Molden, Kris Conway.
Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting notice was posted in three locations in the township and Fort BP on April 16, 2015 and the meeting notice was published in the Portage Register Government Meeting Column.
Administered the Oath of Office for the Town Board Members, Treasurer, and Clerk. William Schroeder Sr., Chair, Jonathan Conway, Supervisor I, Clark Cupery Supervisor II, Delmont Molden, Treasurer, Kristine Conway, Clerk.
Jane Schroeder moved, seconded by Mary Walker, to approve the April 15, 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes as printed. All Citizens Approved.
New Business
a) Jane Schroeder moved, seconded by George Thornton to accept and approve the 2014 Township Annual Financial Report, prepared by the Clerk. All Citizens Approved.
b) 2015 Road Inspection Town Board Meeting will be held April 27, 2015 at 4 pm.
c) Bruce Walker shared the Bach Cemetary Folk Lore Story. Per Ervin Walker, they were cleaning the cemetery and Johann Sebastian Bach remains were accidently unearthed and in his remains they found a paper and eraser lying there just decomposing.
d) Bill Schroeder Sr. presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Bruce Walker for the years of service as Town Supervisor I.
e) Clark Cupery reported that the Columbia County Shooting Range is currently on hold.
f) Enbridge project will be completed in July 2015, at that time the Town Chair will meet with Enbridge to assess road damage costs to be covered by Enbridge.
g) CESA-5 is in the process of purchasing the Fort Winnebago School Building from the Portage School District. The Township has an agreement with CESA-5 to utilize the Fort Winnebago School building for township meetings/business as long as the school is operational.
h) William Schroeder Sr. moved, seconded by Clark Cupery, to authorize the Town Board, based on their discretion, to annually set aside money into a New Town Hall Fund based on a certain percentage of unused funds from Annual Town Budget. All Citizens Approved.
i) William Schroeder Sr. welcomed Jon Conway to the Town Board.
Jane Schroeder motioned, seconded by George Thornton to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm. All Citizens Approved.
Next Year’s Annual Meeting will be held the third (3rd) Tuesday of April 2015, April 19, 2016.
Minutes Prepared by Kris Conway, Clerk