VISION: The Florida Native Plant Society, Ixia Chapter is a primary resource and leader on issues affecting native plants and native plant communities.

MISSION: The Florida Native Plant Society and Ixia Chapter will promote the conservation, preservation and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.

GOALS: The importance of native plants and native plant communities will be recognized universally and will be promoted, conserved and preserved.

OBJECTIVES: Increase the use of native plants in residential and commercial areas of Clay, Duval and Nassau counties.


  1. Schedule educational programs at general meetings that engage the interest of members and encourage their involvement.
  1. Continue broad range of monthly field trips that includes trips and tours of locations other than parks and preserves.
  1. Continue using social media to publicize Chapter mission, activities, events, etc.
  1. Increase and strengthen partnerships with other environmental and community groups.
  1. Survey members to gather information about areas of interest, and reasons for participation in Ixia events such as programs and field trips. Analyze responses and determine action to take based on findings.
  1. Support native pollinators by promoting the use of pollinator-friendly native plants and encourage local landscaping practices that enhance habitats suitable for wildlife.
  1. Increase opportunities for plant swaps and sales.
  1. Hold 4th Annual Native Plant Sale in partnership with the Riverside Avondale Preservation’s Home Tour.
  1. Increase diversity among membership.
  1. Have a kiosk at Native Park for display of educational and informational material
  1. Provide workshops and learning events, including tours of native landscape and demonstration gardens.
  1. Create an Ixia Lending Library.
  1. Create a list of local places to see native plants that members can visit and make list available.
  1. Increase transparency by posting Ixia documents, such as Mission Statement, Bylaws and Board of Directors position descriptions, on the Ixia webpage.