Chairman’s Annual Report April 2018

Instead of leaving it to the end of my report, I would like to start with my thanks and appreciation of some key people. These are the Parish and Ward Councillors for their hard work and support for the community we all serve and to myself as Chairman. Throughout the year, Denise has listened, guided and undertaken some challenging work for the Parish Council with her usual calm and efficient manner. Also, Ken has done far more than he is employed to do, with Shelia often by his side to help with the planting and sweeping up. My grateful thanks are extended also to them.

In the last year we have undergone the loss of two Parish Councillors and the recruitment of their replacements. Fran Christophers, decided to resign and Carol Sturgeon, decided also to resign after 11years service, thank you to them both for their service to BPC. We have been very lucky to have filled the two vacancies with Laura Harvey and Peter Wakeling. David Greenman felt he could no longer continue as the Speedwatch Co-ordinator when there were new administrative changes regarding on-line reporting etc. Thank you, David for all the times you stood with your colleagues logging number plates and speeds. Additional thanks for continuing as Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, a vital job to help maintain the safe environment we are fortunate to have in Blean. Lastly, I would like to express my thanks to the residents of Blean. You have questioned actions, supported actions, attended meetings and popped into the office to let us know about concerns and offer suggestions. All this interaction is vital, and I hope you will all continue this open dialogue that has been developed over the last few years.

Now to some business of the last few months, for yours and my ease I have chosen to list them in no specific order.

  • Move to on-line banking, making our transaction easier and quicker, but still with good controls over payments etc.
  • Setting up of quarterly meetings with our colleagues in Hackington PC and Rough Common and Harbledown PC. To share knowledge and investigate collaborative work in areas such as response to UKC, GDPR etc
  • The long-awaited decision, in July, of the Gladman Appeal which was upheld by the Planning Inspector and then subsequently challenged by CCC in August. This is on-going, and we now are waiting for the initial hearing in the High Court.
  • Community Governance Review, in which BPC requested that the parish council be formerly known as BLEAN PARISH COUNCIL instead of St Cosmos and St Damian in the Blean Parish Council. Also, the removal of Parkwood UKC from our parish. Both requests are being given serious consideration by CCC and we will have a formal decision shortly.
  • BPC continues regular attendance and participation at the Area Rural Members Panel at CCC. We are developing relationships with Ward Councillors and CCC Officers to the benefit of the community.
  • The concept of a Farmers’ Market held in Blean is a continuing project and we are now are progressing in formulating a Business Plan for consideration by the Parish Council. We will then go back to the community with the plan for consultation.
  • The project to sell advertising space in our bus shelters is also progressing and we will soon be entering discussion with CCC regarding planning permission etc.
  • Affordable Housing is on-going as you will have heard this evening. A call for sites is soon to go out and we hopeful that we can progress further with the continuing support of CCC and Tessa O’Sullivan of ACRK.
  • GDPR [General Data Protection Regulations] comes into force in May and BPC along with all Local Government organisations, businesses etc will be implementing changes to certain processes and procedures. An important task which will require time, understanding and a little patience while we sort it all out.
  • We have made an application for an Innovation Grant from CCC with respect to setting up a Youth Council for the village. We will know the outcome of the application on 13th April. If successful we hope to move forward and give a ’voice’ to the youngsters within the village.
  • The ‘normal’ daily business of reporting potholes, non-functioning lights, responding to planning applications and maintaining the recreational areas of the village continue at times with success and at other times with frustration. However, we continue in these areas to get the best possible results we can for the village.

Blean, a village on the outskirts of Canterbury, has its own unique individual identity and community. I, as your Chairman and my fellow Parish Councillors feel privileged to serve you and hope you will continue your support for the Parish Council and its work.

Barbara Anne Flack April 2018