8.1 Present

1. Dr. Callist Tindimugaya Steering Committee Member/Ag Chairman Uganda

2. Prof. Daniel C.W. Nkhuwa Steering Committee Member Zambia

3. Dr. Karen Villholth Steering Committee Member RSA

4. Dr. Martin O. Eduvie Steering Committee Member Nigeria

8.2 Apologies

1.  Dr. Moustapha Diene Network Manager/Chairman Senegal

2.  Dr. Richard Owen Steering Committee Member Zimbabwe

3.  Prof. Tamiru Abiye Steering Committee Member RSA

4.  Engr. Mohamed Elrawady Steering Committee Member Egypt

5.  Dr. Geophrey Anornu Steering Committee Member Ghana

8.3 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, on behalf of the Network Manager. Dr Tindimugaya called the meeting to order at 10.35 hours with welcome remarks. He formally passed over the apologies of the Network Manager, Dr Moustapha Diene, who was absent due to circumstances beyond his control. The Chairman also remarked that despite the moderate attendance at the meeting, he was very optimistic of successful deliberations to move the AGW-net forward.

8.4 Adoption of the Agenda

The agenda of the meeting was subsequently adopted through a proposal by Dr. Martin O. Eduvie that was seconded by Prof. Daniel CW Nkhuwa

8.5 Minutes of the 7th Network Meeting held at the School of Geosciences, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa on the 22nd June 2015

The Minutes were reviewed and later proposed for adoption by Dr Martin O Eduvie and seconded by Professor Daniel CW Nkhuwa subject to the following corrections:

Page No. 1, Item 7.2 no. 3 Timdimugaya corrected to “Tindimugaya”

Page 2, item 7.4 No. 2, to read Minutes of the 2013 (5th SC Meeting) at Burundi

Page 2, item 7.5 I line 3 to read were “supposed”

Page 2, item II Website line 1 to read website “had” improved

Page 3 item Improvement of AGW-Net flyers, line 1 to read as “the AGW-Net flyers have been redesigned with some improvement by Karen.

Page 3 item VI to read “IGRAC/Africa monitoring group

Page 3 item 7.6 section b Africa Groundwater Publications line 2 to read However, it “was” noted; and line 3 to read which “could” be improved upon

Page 4 item 7.7 Network Training Manual, Line 3 delete “and completion”

Page 4 item 7.8 SWOT analysis line 1 delete “we”

Page 8 item 7.13 Manager Election/SC Members line 3 insert “ in view of him being Immediate Past Manager” after Ex-Official Member.

Page 8 item 7.15 Closing should read “the meeting closed with the Chairman and SC members expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the excellent hosting by the Chairman and the University of Wits.

8.5 Matters Arising from minutes of the 7th AGW-Net Meeting

8.5.1 SC Members not attending meetings. It was observed that some members have not been attending annual general meetings regularly and there was need to get clarification on the position of the AGW-Net constitution on the matter. Example of Prof. Tenalem Ayenew was raised. It was observed that he has not been sending any apologies for not attending the meetings. The meeting agreed that the AGW-Net Manager should write to, and ask him to confirm whether he is still committed to the affairs of the network before any further actions on the issue are taken

8.5.2 Website. The meeting recommended that the website of the network should be regularly updated with available funding, and that Members should endeavour to provide articles to perpetuate its visibility and relevance.

8.5.3 Monitoring data and its . Members noted that monitoring data is very relevant for network activities. However, it was recommended that when data are provided to organisations, there should be adequate incentives to the providers of such data. The meeting also noted that AMCOW could benefit greatly from this arrangement if GW data provided by Members could be used for the planning and policy needs of the institution.

8.5.4 Membership Drive. On the issue of membership drive, the meeting recommended that all strategies must be used to attract more members to the network. Some of these could entail presentations at meetings and conferences, getting involved in AGW-Net activities etc.

8.5.5 Funding of AGW-Net activities. The meeting recommended that AGW-Net should take advantage of available funding from the SDGs programmes on GW and SW initiatives and other areas like AMCOW secretariat’s strategic policy planning that could require the assistance of AGW-Net in moving the groundwater agenda forward.

8.6 Substantive Matters

8.6.1 Information on network activities. The meeting was informed of the following activities that took place earlier in the year and some currently going on.

SDGs indicators 6.5.1 (IWRM) (ambient water) and 6.6.1 (ecosystem) programme

  • AGW-Net was invited by Cap-Net to facilitate webinars
  • AGW-Net is involved by Cap-Net to follow up contacts in some countries for SDGs data for UN Environment
  • GRIPP held its 1st meeting in Geneva in February 2017 and Moustapha represented AGW-Net. Callist could not attend due to last minute commitments.
  • AGWC in Dar es Salam. AGW-Net was invited by AMCOW to participate in the workshop held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in July 2017 for revitalization of the Africa Groundwater Commission. Moustapha, Callist and Karen attended this meeting and members used the opportunity to promote the activities of the AGW-Net. Callist also made a presentation on groundwater initiatives in Africa during the meeting.
  • Prof. Tamiru represented AGW-Net through a Skype discussion with the IAH Executive, Prof. Dave Kreamer on the Burdon Groundwater Network for International Development of the IAH programmes. AGW-Net activities were proposed and promised to source its funding to enable AGW-Net carry out its activities.
  • Sponsorship of targeted AGW-Net trainings and websites administration was also discussed and agreed that the programme was good and recommended for adequate funding.
  • Short courses and case studies that were proposed earlier were accepted to be carried forward for implementation in the 2018 work plan subject to availability of funds.

While discussing the report on network activities, the meeting noted the need for AGWNET to provide support to AMCOW in operationalizing the AGWC. Members therefore proposed that the network through Moustapha and Callist liaise with the AMCOW Executive Secretary and inform him of the network’s willingness and ability to provide support in the formulation of funding proposals and operationalization of the AGWC.

8.7 Work plan for 2018

The work plan for 2018 was extensively discussed along a review of the 2017 work plan. It was observed that all the programmes for 2017 were not implemented due to lack of funds. It was therefore decided that since the 2017 work plan is still very relevant under the present needs, all the activities relating to trainings and case studies should be taken and implemented in 2018 accordingly.

8.7.1 Social Media

The meeting agreed that the use of social media should be effectively adopted with the website administration for more and better visibility.

8.7.2 Plan for next 3 years

The activities for the next three (3) years of AGW-Net were discussed and the general agreement was that our major intervention and initiatives with AMCOW under the Africa Groundwater Commission and River Basin Management, and other development Partners on groundwater development should continue and more proactive for better results.

8.7.3 GW/SW Programme

The meeting acknowledged the need and relevance of the GW/SW interaction programme that was expected to be launched during the workshop later in the day since water is one resource. It was generally noted that it would create more awareness and possibly better involvement for AGW-Net activities for funding and urged Members to fully participate in the programme. However, this program was not launched as previously proposed. The members present proposed that the network first understands the benefits of having this program as part of AGW-NET and or whether the two can just collaborate without being integrated to give them flexibility to pursue their objectives.

8.7.4 Collaboration with other Partners

The meeting discussed the possibility of sourcing funding from new and old Partners for the continuous running of the AGW-Net activities. It was agreed that UNESCO’s current openings could be further exploited for possible funding of its activities especially with the SDGs programmes presently going on.

9.0 AOB

Karen Villholth informed the meeting on the publishing of a new book on Advances in Groundwater Governance that is expected to be out very soon. She said that the book captures the complex dimensions of groundwater governance and written by a Team of leading experts worldwide with diverse backgrounds and edited by her and others. Network members were encouraged to obtain a copy when the book is released

10.0 Closing

The Chairman expressed his appreciation to Members for their contributions and commitment during the meeting and wished everybody a happy stay in Uganda. The meeting came to a close at 2.05 pm.

Dr. Callist Tindimugaya Dr. Martin O. Eduvie

Ag. Chairman/SC Member Secretary/SC Member

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