Chairman Parish Clerk

Mr Malcolm Baker Mrs Christine Mason

Tudor Cottage 2 The Walled Garden

Bury Road Nunnery Place

Kentford Thetford

CB8 7QA IP24 2PZ

Tel: 01638 815509 07545783987


Those present

Cllr. M Baker, Cllr. R Cade, Cllr. S Cade, Cllr. Z Smith, Cllr. R Jaggard, Cllr. R Dicker,

Cllr. M Nightingale and two members of the public.

1. Election of Chairman

It was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously, that Cllr. Malcolm Baker be elected Chairman for the forthcoming year.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman

It was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously, that Cllr. Russ Cade be elected

Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.

3. Apologies.

Apologies were received from Cllr. Robin Miller.

Congratulations were given by the Parish Council to Cllr. Roger Dicker for his success in the recent District Council by-election.

4. To confirm the minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the April 2016 Parish Council meeting were approved and signed by the


Matters arising not on the agenda: None.

5. Street lighting

A resident highlighted the issue of the lack of street lighting within the village, particularly at the dangerous Bell and Herringswell Road crossroads.

Cllr. Cade said he had met with SCC Highway officials pointing out the potential high risk of an accident at these junctions. It appears no clear ideas were forthcoming. It was suggested Kennett Parish Council should also put pressure on the local authorities to look at the issue. Robin Swanson to be contacted.

6. Traffic calming

A request from the Chairman to purchase a second VAS: With very busy roads coming in/out of Kentford, future additional houses and cars, the speeding problem along the main roads can only increase. The VAS has had a positive impact within the areas in which it is temporarily located, with average speeds reduced. On a less positive note, SCC have turned down a request for three additional sites as they do not comply with current regulations. MB is considering appealing against the decision.

Following further discussion, a motion was tabled that a second VAS be purchased. Proposed by Cllr. M Baker and seconded by Cllr. Mrs M Nightingale. Proposition carried 3 votes to 2.

Cllr. Dicker said on the back of the Meddler Stud planning application, he had been successful in securing two crossings on the Bury Road. This he feels would assist in slowing down traffic.

7. Public Forum

The only issue bought up in the public forum was the matter of the upheld appeal for The Meddler Stud development. It was emphasised KPC had spoken against the development.

8. Kentford Village Fete

Ideas for the fete include craft stalls, face painting, children’s games (in liaison with the local schools), fancy dress, bottle tombola, lucky programme ticket (proceeds to the East of England Air Ambulance). The Kentford are to provide food (charged), ice cream, pony rides, bouncy castle and music. Other suggestions, lucky dip, straw in sand. Animal Health Trust (SC) and the Football Club (RD) to be asked for their input. KPC to be responsible for a tombola stall and collectively find different persons in the village to provide prizes. This could also be combined with a good prize for the winner of the Lucky Programme ticket (wheelbarrow filled with beer?).

Cllr. Dicker’s locality budget can allocate up to £500 towards the Queen’s birthday celebrations.

Next meeting to discuss the fete in more detail is to be held on Monday 27th June at 7.00pm at The Kentford.

9. Meddler Stud

With the appeal going through, KPC considered what influence they could have on how the development is developed and furthermore keep a close eye on any deviation from the plans i.e the planning stipulation that a stud be provided after the completion of the houses.

Cllr. Baker said he would welcome an open space within the site to include children’s play area, pond, wild life area. He thought a significant area would be along the route to the old lake. MB to contact the landowner.

10. S106 monies

The Chairman said he had documentation specifying how much S106 monies has flowed into the village through development. In response, Cllr. S Cade said the monies are shared amongst other areas, as and when the need arises and is not always made available to the locality where the development has taken place.

S106 monies of £73,484 has been allocated for Highway improvements in the area (part of this has been used for improving the parking at Moulton School). Contact to be made to the person able to respond to questions regarding the allocation of S106 monies (RC to send contact details to MB). With S106 monies allocated to cycle-ways from The Kentford and Kentford Lodge development, it was agreed a letter be sent to Rachel Almond (Forest Heath District Council Planning Officer), to ensure she is aware of the needs of Kentford.

11. Kentford Volunteer Group

Until the concrete posts have been inspected by SCC, the railings cannot be painted (SCC to provide paint and if necessary replace or repair the posts).

A date for planting bulbs in the village to be arranged. James Lay’s locality funds to be used.

A separate meeting to discuss the Pack House Bridge Garden to be agreed. Following a remark made earlier in the meeting, a vote was taken to confirm the name of the Garden as ‘The Packhorse Bridge Garden’. Unanimously agreed.

12. Parish Forum feedback

Presentation by a planning enforcement officer. Agenda items included parking on pavements

(to go forward to the next Parish Forum), Queens birthday celebrations. Date of next meeting 13th July 2016.

13. Any other business

An open day highlighting the archaeological finds of the area behind St Mary’s Church was took place on the 6th May. Well over one hundred and sixty visitors attended. It was suggested an information board or plaque be located within the site (the developer to be contacted).

Road naming: It was suggested the Road Name ‘Saxon Way’ be submitted to Forest Heath District Council for their consideration.

Planning application for 6 Edgeborough Close, Kentford.

Tree preservation order. Fell 1 Cherry Tree, 1 Sycamore and several Elder Bushes. Plans to be circulated by Councillors.

With no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm.

Date of the next meeting: 23rd June 2016 at 7.00pm in St Mary’s Church, Bury Road, Kentford.