World History (Wetmore) Ch. 18 French Revolution Feb. 10 - 14 , 2014 [Open-Note Test-Feb. 14]

Mon., Feb. 10 & due by class time Tues., Feb. 11: Time line of Enlightenment (Ch. 17) & French Revolution (Ch. 18)

Tuesday, Feb. 11 - due in class: Guided Reading Activity Section 1 & 2

Wednesday, Feb. 12: Study Section 3 The Age of Napoleon p. 563-569 Complete Handouts: “French Revolution Map”; “3 Ways Napoleon Changed the World” and Guided Reading/ Section 3 Quiz

Wednesday, Feb.12: The French Revolution – Textbook and DVD notes about the details

Prepare by studying/ using the handouts/ work above & preparing bullets for:

Possible Essays:

1.  Identify and Explain the Three Estates and specifically how this division was important to the French Revolution. (p. 548 & 549)

2.  Discuss at least 3 important parts of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (p. 550, 554)

3.  Give at least 3 specific reasons for each of the Rise (566-567) & Fall (569) of Napoleon.

Rise –

Fall –

4.  Describe the importance of the Napoleonic Code. How were women’s rights affected by the Code? (p. 565/ handout in packet from 2/28)

5.  Explain the strategies used by Russia to defeat Napoleon’s Grand Army. (p. 568 & 569)

Terms for Matching & Multiple Choice Question stems by Section:

Section 1 p. 546-554 – Terms: Bastille, Marie Antoinette

Which of France’s estates had to pay the taille? (548)

What did the Declaration of the Rights of man and the Citizen proclaim for men & women? (550)

What was the Paris Bastille? (550)

Section 2 p. 555-561 – Terms: Directory, Germaine de Stael

The Directory was eventually toppled by whom? (561)

What was the most important of the seven legal codes established by Napoleon? (565)

Section 3 p. 563-569 – Terms: guillotine, allied states, the consulate, nationalism, Corsica, Civil Code

What did Napoleon’s coup d’etat overthrow to establish his consulate? (564)

What were the 2 major reasons Napoleon’s Grand Empire collapsed? (569)

In his final battle, Napoleon was defeated by whom? (569)

What was promotion within Napoleon’s new bureaucracy based upon? (565)

How did the Russians defeat Napoleon’s superior Grand Army? (569)

Where did the Duke of Wellington defeat Naploeon? (569)

What was Napoleon’s Continental System designed to do? (568)

What was included in napoleon’s agreement with the Catholic Church? (565)

How did Napoleon’s Civil Code treat women? (565)

Friday, February 14: Open-Note Test Ch. 18