Minutes of the PARISH COUNCILMEETING held on THURSDAY 25th AUGUST 2011 in The Claydon Room, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.


Chairman:Michael EdwardsVice Chairman:Prof Lew Schnurr

Councillors:John HarrisonRon MckayKay RyderGill Tully

11/99Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr. Paula Blackburn.

RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.

11/100Chairman’s Announcements



The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st July 2011 were received.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 4th August 2011 were received.


(i)the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st July 2011 be approved and confirmed;

(ii)the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 4thAugust 2011 be noted.

11/102Declarations of personal and prejudicial interests


11/103Public Participation session

The following members of the public expressed their interest in becoming members of the Parish Council:

Mr Richard PerryMr Steven FosterMr Mark Burmby

Mr Geoff CoxMs Tina Gentry

They had been advised of the requirement to attend three meetings of the Parish Council to demonstrate their interest.

Members received a presentation regarding proposed development on Osea Island. A planning application would be submitted to Maldon District Council within the next two weeks, the objective to enhance the island for tourist development.

11/104Progress report from the Clerk

Nothing to report.

11/105Resignation and Constitution

Members received the resignation letter from Cllr. Colin Dykes and were advised that a by-election had not been called. Therefore, the Parish Council were free to co-opt in accordance with Standing Orders.

Due to the resignation of Cllr. Colin Dykes, there was a position vacant on the planning committee and a leading councillor was required for events.

Members were advised that Cllr. Paula Blackburn was interested in becoming the lead Councillor for events but felt it inappropriate to appoint her when she was not present.


(i)Cllr. Ron Mckay be appointed onto the planning committee;

(ii)the appointment of a leading Councillor for events be deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council in 22nd September 2011.

11/106District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report

District Councillor Brian Harker gave his apologies for non attendance to previous meetings, District Council meetings clashed with Parish Council meetings. The following was noted:

  • Maldon District Council were looking for partnerships with the Parish Councils;
  • Green waste collection in Plantation Hall and Daisy Meadow car park ceases in November 2011;
  • The planning application regarding Crescent Road had gone to appeal;
  • The scheme for the Swifts football ground was progressing.

11/107Parish Council assets/events/publications/projects

(a)Property Matters – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards

A request had been received from the Heybridge Social football club to use King George V field for the forthcoming season.

A request had been received from Heybridge pre-school for the loan of tables, crockery and cutlery for their opening event.

Circus Tyanna had requested the use of King George V playing field between 6th and 13th November, a recommendation for charges was received. It was suggested that conditions relating to the animal toilet and obstruction of footpaths be enforced.


(i)the Heybridge Social football club be granted permission to use King George V field for the forthcoming football season;

(ii)the Heybridge Pre-school be granted permission to use tables, crockery and cutlery for their opening event;

(iii)Circus Tyanna be granted permission to use King George V field between 6th and 13th November 2011 with a charge of £100.00 and a deposit of £100.00 levied, the conditions relating to the animal toilet and obstruction of footpaths be enforced.

Cllr. John Harrison objected to the charges levied for the circus.

(b)Events – Leading Councillor – Vacant

The final accounts for the fete were considered and a donation toFarleigh Hospice was discussed.

RESOLVED that a donation of £425.04 be made to Farleigh Hospice.

(c)Heybridge Herald – Leading Councillor – Gill Tully

Cllr. Gill Tully will be liaising with Cllr. Prof. Lew Schnurr regarding the next issue.

(d)Risk Management – Leading Councillor – Michael Edwards

The fire risk assessment had been carried out, the recommendations are under consideration and an action plan to deal with all the issues raised will be produced for Council consideration in due course.

(e)Footpath Signage – Leading Councillor - Kay Ryder

Nothing to report.

(f)Daisy Meadow Car Park – Leading Councillor – Prof. Lew Schnurr

Quotations were awaited for the implementation of double yellow lines.

11/108Planning, Highways and Environment Matters

(a)Planning applications

RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following application:-

Application No:HOUSE/MAL/11/00647

Proposal:Proposed single story front, side and rear extensions

Location:25 Limbourne Drive, Heybridge


Application No:FUL/MAL/11/00707

Proposal:Construct 2 new dwellings. Review of existing drive/footpath to Lofts Farm and new access.

Location:Land At Lofts Farm, Site 1, Broad Street Green Road, Great Totham

No Comment

Application No:FUL/MAL/11/00604

Proposal:New plant enclosure and new refrigeration plant

Location:Netto Supermarket, Bentalls Shopping Centre, Colchester Road, Heybridge


Application No:HOUSE/MAL/11/00694

Proposal:Proposed front garage extension with new pitched roof

Location:Willow, Harfred Avenue, Heybridge


(b)Report from the Tree Warden

Nothing to report.

(c)Public Rights of Way Officer

Nothing to report.

(d)Highways panel

There was a vacancy on the highways panel for group 4 which consisted of the following parish councils: Cold Norton, Heybridge, Langford and Ulting, Mundon, Purleigh and Woodham Mortimer with Hazeleigh.

RESOLVED that the nomination of Cllr. Michael Edwards onto the highways panel be ratified.

(e)Mobile library services

An email was received from Essex County Council regarding an additional stop in Heybridge Basin which would come into effect on 3rd January 2012.

RESOLVED that the information be noted.

11/109Park Rangers

Members received the proposal from Maldon District Council regarding the service, two points required amendment. Members noted that a lead Councillor was needed, this would be considered at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council approve the proposal, subject to the amendments, for a three month trial basis.

11/110Financial Matters

(a)Accounts for Payment

The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –

Essex Pension Service / £123.68 / Pension contribution re staff for month August 2011 / 3101
K Holland / £83.60 / Mileage & Telephone reimbursement re August 2011 / 4601
Mrs C Walker / £36.00 / Reimbursement re cost postage stamps / 4601
Rural Community Council of Essex / £40.00 / Subscriptions due re village hall membership / 3301
Farleigh Hospice / £425.04 / Fete proceeds donation / 1371
Konica Minolta Business Solutions / £133.09 / Photocopier services / 4601
123 Connect Ltd / £56.40 / Domain Names / 1202
Montrose T C Ltd / £14.40 / Cup Engraving / 4601
A J Lighting Solutions / £89.40 / Repairs to Lights around Plantation Hall / 3601
Stephensons of Essex Ltd / £520.00 / Bus Service during July 2011 / 1375
SMS Security Services Ltd / £606.00 / Works re External Roller Shutters at Plantation Hall / 2401
Audit Commission / £660.00 / Audit Fee 2010/11 / 3301
Pralet Heating Ltd / £254.34 / Repairs to radiator at Plantation Hall / 2401
M & G Fire Protection (Essex) Ltd / £270.00 / Completion of Fire Risk Assessment at Plantation Hall / 2401
K Locke. / £175.88 / Grounds maintenance for month July 2011 / 3001
Maldon District Council / £4,656.37 / Grounds maintenance for quarter April - June 2011 / 3001
D G Chinnery / £45.00 / Window cleaning at Plantation Hall / 2401

RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.

(b)Statement of Accounts

An updated statement of the income and expenditure account was circulated at the meeting.

(c)Request for financial assistance

A request had been received from Heybridge Primary School towards a memorial murial for the pupil that was fatally injured in Heybridge in January.

Members noted that cost centre 1371 was over budget and suggested moving £1000.00 from cost centre 1381 to 1371.


(i)a donation of £200.00 be given to Heybridge Primary School towards the memorial murial;

(ii)£1000.00 be moved from cost centre 1381 to 1371.

(d)Advertising in Heybridge Swifts match day programme

The Parish Council had previously advertised in the Heybridge Swifts match day programme.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council continue to advertise in the Heybridge Swifts match day programme at a cost of £140.00 for the season.

11/111Reports from Parish Council representatives on outside committees

Parish Passenger Transportation Representatives meeting (Rep Cllr. L. Schnurr)

The next meeting will be held in October 2011.

Elms Farm Park Friends Group (Rep Cllr K Ryder)

Nothing to report.

Cllr Kay Ryder requested that an item be placed on future agendas for Oak Tree Meadow. Work had been undertaken to a bridge at Oak Tree Meadow.

Health Matters (Rep Cllr Prof Lew Schnurr)

The next stakeholder meeting will be held in September 2011.

Councillor Prof. Lew Schnurr’s report for attendance to meetings from 12th July 2011 to 29th July 2011 was noted.

11/112Essex Association of Local Councils

Members discussed who should be authorised to collect the short course training certificate on behalf of the Parish Council at the AGM on 27th September 2011.

Members received a list of training courses for September 2011.


(i)Cllrs. Michael Edwards and Prof Lew Schnurr be authorised to collect the short course training certificate on behalf of the Parish Council;

(ii)Cllr. Kay Ryder be authorised to attend the budget and precept training on 6th September 2011 at a cost of £40.00.

11/113Future meetings

The next meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 8th September 2011 at 7.30pm.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 22nd September 2011 at 7.30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.


22nd September 2011