Request for Proposals (RFP)

Issued on: November 26, 2014

Updated/Modified on: December 16, 2014

For: Formative Research and Trials of Improved Practices in Bihar

Anticipated Period

Of performance: January 2015 to April 2015

Proposal Deadline: Extended to December 22, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. New Delhi, India Time


Alive & Thrive is an initiative to save lives, prevent illness, and ensure healthy growth and development. Good nutrition in the first 1000 days, from conception to two years of age, is critical to enable all children to lead healthier and more productive lives. Alive & Thrive is scaling up improved infant and young child feeding and maternal nutrition through large-scale programs in several countries in Asia and Africa and through strategic technical support and the dissemination of innovations, tools, and lessons worldwide. Alive & Thrive is funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the governments of Canada and Ireland. The initiative is managed by FHI 360.

Alive & Thrive is providing support to the BMGF Ananya partners in Bihar state to improve Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices, particularly complementary feeding. In this context, Alive & Thrive is looking for a research agency to conduct formative research and Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) in Bihar with the objective of identifying specific sub optimal IYCF practices, the rationale behind these practices and the context in which these practices occur. In addition, the exercise aims to identify feasible solutions to these sub-optimal practices.


Alive & Thrive is seeking the technical assistance of a research agency to conduct formative research and Trials of Improved Practices for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in Bihar.

Phase I: The formative research will provide an understanding of key IYCF practices and the associated barriers to and motivators for optimal IYCF practice. The formative research exercise will use the ProPAN framework on breastfeeding and complementary feeding. (ProPAN is available in English at:

Formative Research Objectives

The overall objectives are to identify specific dietary problems, the practices that have led to these problems, the reasons behind these problems and the context in which these problems occur. The specific objectives of this research are:

1)  Identify causes of suboptimal complementary feeding practices in Bihar, especially for the 6-11 month age group

2)  Identify causes of suboptimal breastfeeding practices in Bihar (especially initiation of early and exclusive breastfeeding and continued BF upto 24 months)

3)  Identify causes of suboptimal handwashing practices especially before preparing food and feeding children

4)  Identify the barriers and facilitators for complementary feeding, breastfeeding and hand-washing practices

5)  Identify the existing factors, opportunities, and resources that might facilitate the improvement of the practices and problems identified.

This formative research study is the first step in having an in-depth understanding about the underlying issues of IYCF practices in Bihar. As a lot of data is currently available, it is expected that the formative research will be conducted in two steps: a) Review & summarize secondary data along with identification of existing gaps and b) Conduct primary research to fill the data and information gaps. Findings from this first phase of the study will be used to develop and test recommendations for specific changes in behavior (including food preparation) i.e. for the Trials of Improved Practice.

Phase II: Trials of improved practices shall use the Recipe Creation Exercise and Test of Recommendations that are outlined in ProPAN manual.

Trial of Improved Practices Objectives:

1)  Determine the acceptability of recommendations

2)  Identify which aspects of recommendations are adopted and which are not

3)  Identify barriers to the adoption of recommendations, such as, for example, lack of skills or resources

4)  Confirm facilitating factors such as knowledge, family support and perceived benefits

5)  Document changes and improvements that mothers make to the original recommendations

6)  Obtain information needed to modify the recommendations to make their adoption more feasible.

7)  Identify methods that can be used to reinforce the adoption of the recommendation

8)  Help identify strategies for the intervention

Findings from both Phase I and Phase II will inform the refinement of the behavior change communication strategy and associated materials (e.g. job aids, etc.) that have been developed under the Ananya program in Bihar.

Scope of Work and Specific Tasks

This formative research and TIPs will be conducted with the following three target audience groups:

1)  Primary target audience – segments of the population who directly need to be informed or who need to change customary feeding practices of children. They are the mothers of children 0-24 months, pregnant women or mothers-to-be.

2)  Secondary target audience –people who can directly influence the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the primary target audience, and have been identified as fathers, grandmothers and caregivers of children

3)  Third audience segment – health care providers

Audiences will be distributed over six districts to represent the socio cultural and geographic differences across the state. These districts are – Gaya, Ara, Saharsa, Purnia, Gopalganj and Patna.

In addition, the research agency is expected to perform the tasks outlined below:

Phase I

1)  Review the literature of current situation and practices of infant and young child feeding globally and in Bihar in particular

2)  Provide a summary report and powerpoint of current findings in Bihar, these should focus on the ‘why’ behind sub-optimal behaviors e.g. why are infants 6-11 months not fed the appropriate complementary foods, why do mothers not wash hands with soap before feeding children, etc.

3)  Based on the summary, identify gaps in information that need to be filled through primary research

4)  Design the primary research including key questions, methods and tools and sample sizes

5)  Obtain IRB approval

6)  Provide research guidelines, questionnaires

7)  Recruit and train research supervisors, data collectors on respondent recruitment and selection criteria; and on research methods and other data collection methods

8)  Select research locations, in consultation with Alive & Thrive

9)  Pretest and finalize of research tools

10)  Manage data collection and quality

11)  Analyze data and draft reports (multiple drafts will be required)

12)  Provide top-line powerpoint presentations for phase 1

13)  Provide final report/s for phase 1 based on pre approved report framework.

14)  Deliver a final presentation providing an overview of the research findings for Phase I

15)  Finalize recommendations to be tested through TIPs

Phase II

1)  Identify and recruit the investigators for the TIPs (these should ideally have some basic knowledge / understanding of nutrition and / or child health e.g home science students, etc

2)  Set up TIPs and train investigators

3)  Conduct TIPs and analyze data

4)  Provide topline power point presentation

5)  Provide draft report for Phase II based on pre approved format

6)  Provide final power point presentation and final report for phase II

Expected Deliverables

1. / Timeline for Phase I
2. / List of Investigators for Phase I and Phase II with qualifications
3. / Summary power point of information on IYCF practices focus on why, summary of information gaps and proposed research design
4. / Summary report of information on IYCF practices, etc
5. / Research questions, design, tools, sample size, etc.
6. / Final plan of research methods, sample sizes, research locations, field work plan and final guidelines, questionnaires (final draft)
7. / Research report outline (Phase I)
8. / Top-line powerpoint - Formative Research (Phase I). Include recommendation to be tested in Phase II
9. / Draft of the formative research (multiple copies may be required)
10. / Final power point presentation and report for the Formative research
11. / Final protocol
12. / The list of potential recommendations using the matrix of motivations to improve infant and young child feeding in the target population
13. / Specific messages developed
14. / Recipe Creation Preparation (new recipe or improve existing recipe)
15. / Detailed plan of testing recommendations
16. / TIP report outline
17. / Topline power point presentation
18. / Draft report on the Trial of Improved practices (multiple copies may be required)
19. / Final power point presentation and report on TIPs


To be considered, bidders must provide the following:

1)  Capability and Experience Statements – shall include the following:

a.  Agency profile with solid background/knowledge in public health, maternal and child health, nutrition especially IYCF and understand nutrition, particularly breastfeeding situation in Bihar

b.  Short bios on proposed key personnel and CVs. Include their experience on this type of research methodology, percentage of staff time of principals and managers, and information regarding who will be managing this account

c.  Examples of solid experience in conducting studies and evaluations in this area of policy.

d.  Show a demonstrated ability to submit and obtain ethics approval for similar research.

e.  Show a demonstrated ability to reach and connect with policy makers (to determine regions of focus and obtain authorization for data collection).

2)  Methodology and Approach. The research agency shall provide the following (6 pages maximum)

a.  methodology for Research e.g. interviews, focus group discussions, other methods including analysis strategy;

b.  logistics, including any requirements for special authorizations and the amount of time required to obtain;

c.  sampling strategy;

d.  languages of focus groups and/or in-depth interviews, including translation and local adaptation issues and any anticipated barriers;

e.  procedures for quality assurance and quality control;

f.  procedures of data analysis and integration

g.  procedures for ensuring compliance with ethical standards;

h.  estimated timeline

3)  Budget in the format provided by FHI. All quotes must be in local currency.

To the extent that indirect costs are applicable, they are subject to the following limits:

·  0% for government agencies, other private foundations and for-profit organizations

·  up to 10% for U.S. universities and other academic institutions

·  Up to 15% for all other non-U.S. academic institutions and all private voluntary and non-government organizations, regardless of location.

·  Indirect cost rates (and the limitations) apply both to the primary applicant organization and any sub-grantees and/or sub-contractors that are part of the proposal.

If the organization has lower indirect rates, the lower rates should be used. Please include VAT and any applicable taxes into the cost proposal as FHI 360 is not VAT or tax exempt.

4)  Three references for past performance, including contact information for each. The references should be for past customers for whom similar work was done.

5)  The email address where Alive & Thrive may send a confirmation of receipt of your submission.


Bids will be evaluated and ranked by a committee on a best-value basis according to the criteria below. Only offerors able to provide all of requirements listed above may be considered.

Selection shall be based on the following weighted categories:

1.  Capacity and Experience – 25 points

2.  Methodology and Proposed Approach – 30 points

3.  Completeness and appropriateness of the budget – 25 points

4.  References and Past Performance – 20 points

NOTE: FHI 360 will not compensate the company for its preparation of response to this RFP nor is the issuing of this RFP a guarantee that FHI 360 will award a contract.

Contract Mechanism

FHI anticipates issuing a firm fixed-price purchase order. The purchase order will be issued in local currency (INR) to the responsive offer that is selected on a best value basis. Once an award is issued, it will include a schedule of fixed price payments based on completion of deliverables in the scope of work.

Instructions and Deadline

Responses to this RFP should be submitted by email to the A&T office to Dayana González at no later than Monday, December 22, 2014 at 3 p.m. New Delhi, India time. Please follow the instructions carefully. Proposals which do not follow these instructions will not be reviewed. Offers received after this date and time will not be accepted for consideration. FHI will acknowledge receipt of your proposal by email. Proposals must be submitted in electronic format using Microsoft Office compatible software.

Withdrawal of Proposals

Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice, email or facsimile received at any time before award.

False Statements in Offer

Offerors must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this solicitation and its attachments.

Proposals become property of FHI 360.


·  FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not make an award

·  FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received

·  Issuance of a solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI Solutions

·  FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on offeror failure to follow solicitation instructions

·  FHI 360 will not compensate offers for response to solicitation

·  FHI 360 reserves the right to issue an award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion

·  FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or

·  issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities

·  FHI 360 may request from short-listed offerors a second or third round of either oral presentation or written response to a more specific and detailed scope of work that is based on a general scope of work in the original RFP.

·  FHI 360 has the right to rescind an RFP, or rescind an award prior to the signing of a subcontract due to any unforeseen changes in the direction of FHI 360’s client, be it funding or programmatic.

·  FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be

·  corrected prior to award determination to promote competition

·  FHI 360 will be contacting offerors to confirm contact person, address and that bid was submitted for this solicitation.

END OF RFP******


RFP – Formative research and Trials of improved practices