Ch. 5 Building America into a World Power Internet Guide

Election of 1896:

1.  Who won and lost the election? ______won; ______lost.

2.  What were the major issues in 1896? ______

3.  Who was the Standard Oil executive who helped campaign for McKinley? ______

4.  How was McKinley changing on the tariff? ______

Gaining Interests Overseas:

1.  Why did some call this time period American Imperialism? ______; Why could this time period also be known as the Age of Optimism? ______

2.  What were the economic benefits of expansion? ______

3.  What were the military benefits of expansion? ______

4.  How did nationalism play a role in expansion? ______

5.  How would Christianity play a role in expansion? ______

6.  Which islands were the “Sandwich Islands”? ______; Who was the last queen? ______; Why did she want rid of the “Bayonet Constitution? ______

7.  Some sources say business interests pushed for the U.S. to gain Hawaii. In what way(s) would this be true (what did Hawaii have that benefited business)? ______On the other hand, how can it be shown that business was as big of a factor as many sources let on? ______

8.  China was dominated economically by foreign nation in what was called ______

9.  The U.S. led by Sec. of State ______got nations to agree to the ______allowing China do control its on ports and trade.

Spanish-American War:

1.  What were the various reasons the U.S. would support Cuba in a revolution against Spain? ______

2.  Who were the two newspaper journalists who had influence on the public as they supported going to war? ______and ______


4.  The explosion of the ______was blamed on Spain and helped lead America to war.

5.  How does the Teller Amendment discredit claims by some sources that America was trying to form an empire? ______

6.  Who defeated Spain in Manila Bay and secured the Philippines? ______

7.  Name the first volunteer cavalry on Cuba: ______Who led it? ______

8.  What were the results of the Treaty of Paris that ended the war? ______

9.  Why did McKinley decide to fight to keep the Philippines? ______

10.  How did William Jennings Bryan help contribute to insurgents fighting the U.S. in the Philippines? ______

11.  List the American territories by the end of McKinley’s term: ______

12.  What was the overall important result of the war? ______

America at the Turn of the Century:

1.  Would you judge American life at the turn of the century as good or bad? Why? ______

2.  What was the time period of social activism and reform? ______

3.  How would power of the government change in this era? ______

4.  How did science impact the era? ______

5.  Who was the “Efficiency Expert” who wrote about business efficiency? ______

6.  What were his ideas for efficiency? ______

7.  Who were the two writers at the start of the movement who felt man was in charge? ______and ______(was a Socialist before becoming Progressive).

8.  How did journalism change by the late 1800s? ______

9.  Who were the writers who thrived on exposing scandal (name given to them)? ______

10.  What problems did they focus on? ______

11.  Who wrote about slums and problems for immigrants? ______, who work brought about ______

12.  Who wrote about the Standard Oil trust leading to it breaking apart? ______

13.  Who wrote about corruption at the local/city level of government? ______

14.  What was The Jungle? ______

15.  How did a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York make an impact on change in the workplace? ______

16.  Who was the lawyer and later Supreme Court justice who was Progressive? ______

17.  What negative component did some muckrakers bring to the progressive movement? S______

18.  What was the situation for blacks at the turn of the century? ______

19.  What did Plessy v. Ferguson rule? ______

20.  What was the NAACP? ______

21.  What was Booker T. Washington’s school and plan? ______

22.  What was W.E.B. du Bois’s plan? ______

23.  What was Marcus Garvey’s plan? ______

Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt:

1.  What happened to make TR the youngest president (age 42) in American history? ______

2.  Which act prohibited railroads from giving rebates on rates? ______

3.  What was the new progressive principle that would emerge in regulations on businesses? ______

4.  Which trust did TR go after? ______

5.  What nickname did TR get for this? ______

6.  How did TR handle the Coal Strike of 1902? ______

7.  Which law allowed the Interstate Commerce Commission to set railroad rates? ______

8.  Which law put restrictions on makers of food and medicine? ______and it set up which agency? ______

9.  Which law put health and sanitation standards on the meatpacking industry? ______

10.  What became a turn of the century movement supported by TR? ______

11.  Who did TR put in charge of the Forestry Service? ______

12.  What was John Muir’s belief on environmental conservation (which is common today with environmentalists)? ______

13.  How did Muir’s ideas differ from TR? ______

14.  What was TR’s foreign policy of working for peace but having a strong navy? ______

15.  Why was the Panama Canal important? ______

16.  TR’s statement that the U.S. would intervene if Europe got involved in the western hemisphere: ______

17.  Why did TR win the Nobel Peace Prize? ______

Presidency of William Taft:

1.  What was the depression towards the end of TR’s term that showed his anti-business policies may have hurt the economy? ______

2.  How did Taft create problems within his own party over the tariff and the Speaker of the House? ______

3.  Which bill set up a lower tariff but still hurt Taft perceiving him as weak? ______

4.  How did Taft’s anti-trust suit against U.S. Steel hurt him in popularity? ______

5.  How did the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy hurt Taft as well? ______

6.  Which cabinet level position was created to help enforce labor laws? ______