CFF 2018 – 2019 Visual Funding Split – Overall £10.10
Below is a Summary of allocated funding Split for each element of the CFF 2018 – 2019. The CFF for 2018-2019 has been simplified and split into 5 Key Sections, across clinical and non-clinical areas.
Non - Clinical Services £2.50 / Clinical Services £7.60£1.50 Financial Balance / £1 Engagement / £4.75 Care Planning – Frailty and LTC (Inc. Mental Health and Diabetes) / £1.75 - Cancer / £1.10 Planned Care
£1.50 - Financial balance - If a Locality achieves financial balance in 2018/19 (based on assessment by CCG finance team following submission of end of year accounts), the Locality will be awarded £1.50 per registered patient.
-If a locality overspends in 2018/19, but has a lower overspend than was recorded in 2017/18 then the Locality will be awarded a percentage of 50p per registered patient based on the percentage reduction compared to the 2017/18 overspend.
-The funding distribution by Practice will be decided and agreed by the Locality Commissioning Committee. / 35p – (£3798 Per practice) Engagement Attendance atspecifiedcommissioning events/meetings
Locality Education and Training Event -Target events to have 3x 1 hour cancer sessions. Agenda to be agreed with CCG Cancer lead.
5p - PPG Engagement and Patient Communication
55p - Locality Collaborative working
5p - Practice to provide Workforce and Skills data quarterly. / £3.25 (Capped per practice) –£100 for a new care plan and £50 care plan review - Care Planning(- practices to identify all patients who would benefit from a Care Plan which will reduce clinically inappropriate A&E attendance or non-elective admissions.
20p - Catheter Register - Practices to compile and maintain a catheter register and ensure each long term catheter patient has a catheter passport and appropriate follow-up and escalation plans in place.
25p - GSF/MDT Co-ordinator - Practices to identify a GSF/MDT Co-ordinator and host regular (at least monthly) GSF/MDT Meetings for complex patients, including those in the last 12 months of life, and those identified as severely frail by the EFI or Rockwood Tool.
10p - Post Death Audits – Practices to complete Post Death Audits for each practice death, using the templates provided by the CCG. Practices to analyse the data quarterly and report on the themes and any changes to practice procedures, date discussed at the MDT/GSF Meetings and agreed action will all clinicians.
35p - Mental Health – Ensure Care Plans are in place and shared for all patients diagnosed with dementia and they are being reviewed annually.
Practices to deliver physical health checks for Serious Mental Health (SMI) Patients and care plan.
60p – Diabetes and Diabetes Prevention - Practices to identify diabetes lead and review existing practice plan. Support referrals and Initial Assessments to the NDPP and Practices to meet 8 Care Processes and treatment targets for 60% of diabetic patients. / 25p - Promoting early presentation activities - (Link to PPG engagement)
£1.05 - Improve Screening Uptake
35p Per Cancer Screening
(Note: 35p per bowel, breast and cervical: total of £1.05)
45p - Cancer case analysis
Using National Cancer Research UK Template / 35p - Compliance with CCG Pathways and guidance.
35p - Implement thresholds/ IFR referrals
40p - Medicines Optimisation