
Enrolment Advice

Master of Teaching


/ MMET /
Primary – 2yr Plan


/ 2 /
/ magill
CAMPUS CENTRAL OFFICE / Campus Central Magill
Level 1 – B Block
(Please contact Campus Central if you need help with enrolling) /


/ /
/ 1300 301 703
SCHOOL / School of Education
(Please contact the School Office if you have any other queries) /


/ /
/ 8302 6200
Subject Area and Catalogue Number / A 4-letter subject area code plus a 4-digit catalogue number make up the course code, e.g. BIOL 1033. You can search for courses by using this code.
Class Number / A class number is a unique number used to identify individual classes held during a specified study period. You can use class numbers to enrol, starting with the class number of the enrolment class
Enrolment Class / An Enrolment Class is the first class you enrol in for a particular course. This can be a lecture (LEC), tutorial (TUT), workshop (WSH), practical (PRA) or external (EXT) to name a few examples. There may be multiple enrolment classes to choose between. All other components will be related to the enrolment class and will display once you select your enrolment class.
Related Classes / Related classes are other components (i.e. a tutorial or practical) that make up the course. In some cases you may be automatically enrolled into a particular related class that is associated with the enrolment class you selected.
Auto Enrol Class / In some courses, once you select the Enrolment Class, you are automatically enrolled (Auto-Enrol) in a second (related) class (e.g. by choosing a tutorial you are automatically enrolled into the lecture). The class number will be listed in the Auto-Enrol column below. You may still be required to select another related class to complete your enrolment.
External Class / The external class number will be listed on the timetable please click on the ‘Refer to timetable’ link. This number is the only enrolment class number you need to enter in ‘Manage my Enrolment’ when enrolling.
Study Period /

Subject Area

/ Catalogue Number /

Course Name

/ Enrolment Class / Related Class / Notes

First Semester

SP1 /





Managing Learning Environments M


Enrol in 1 WORKSHOPPlease see timetable for class numbers


Auto Enrol in LECTURE

/ Please enrol into classes designated to R-7 Primary ONLY.
This course has an introductory Lecture in Jan + two weeks intensive in Feb at Mawson Lakes Campus. Please see timetable for exact dates.
SP1 /





English Education M


Enrol in 1 WORKSHOP

Please see timetable for class numbers /

Auto Enrol in LECTURE

/ Please enrol into classes designated to Primary ONLY.
This course is a two week intensive in Jan/Feb.
2 /





Health and Physical Education M


Enrol in 1 TUTORIAL

Please see timetable for class numbers /

Auto Enrol in Lecture

/ Please enrol into the Primary 2yr Cohort class.
2 / EDUC / 5192 / Science Education M /

Enrol in 1 WORKSHOPPlease see timetable for class numbers


Auto Enrol in LECTURE

/ Please enrol into the Primary 2yr Cohort class.
2 / EDUC / 5142 / Arts Education M /

Enrol in 1 WORKSHOP

Please see timetable for class numbers / / Please enrol into classes designated to Primary ONLY.
This course will be intensive over 8 days, please see timetable for exact days.

**Ensure you read important accompanying notes on the last two pages**

Study Period /

Subject Area

/ Catalogue Number /

Course Name

/ Enrolment Class / Related Class / Notes

Second Semester

5 / EDUC / 5174 / Inclusive Education M /

Enrol in 1 SEMINARor

EXTERNAL (online) Please see timetable for class numbers


Auto Enrol in LECTURE (online)

/ Please enrol into classes designated to Primary ONLY.
5 / EDUC / 5190 /

Professional Experience & Reflection 3: Teacher as Inquirer


Enrol in 1 WORKSHOPPlease see timetable for class numbers

/ / 3 Negotiated Days + Exact placement days are:
21st August – 22nd September inclusive.
Please enrol into classes designated to Primary ONLY.

**Ensure you read important accompanying notes on the last two pages**



1.  / The above shows the full list of courses to be taken by a student undertaking a full-time load solely in this year of the program.
2.  / When an external offering is mentioned students have a choice of attending face to face classes on campus or undertaking the course 100% online with no face to face time on campus at all.
3.  / Enrolments are not able to be altered after the study period census date. Students have until the Enrolment Add deadline to enrol themselves into courses for the study period.
4.  / Students are not able to swap specialisations without re-applying through SATAC and where mentioned in the notes, students should enrol into classes designated specifically for their specialisation
5.  / Students enrol in all courses for both study periods (Study Period 2 & 5) at the beginning of the year.
6.  / In the event that a student does not succeed in all study period 2 courses, that student may usually continue with their study period 5 enrolments, but MUST consult with the Academic Services Officer () before doing so.
7.  / Students who are undertaking less than a full load AND students repeating courses in previous years of the program MUST email their Academic Services Officer () to be advised as to which courses they are to enrol in.
8.  / All students prior to commencing a professional experience placement must have completed a Criminal History Screening Clearance.
9.  / Responding to Abuse & Neglect – Education & care training (previously called Mandatory Notification is completed in the final year of your degree. An introductory session will be conducted early in your degree so you are aware of your legal obligations in this area and according to the Children’s Protection Act.
10.  / All students prior to commencing a professional experience placement must have completed the Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS) First Aid.
11.  / All students commencing from 1st January 2017 will be required to pass the national Literacy & Numeracy Test prior to graduation. Students will undertake the national Literacy & Numeracy Test during the first year of their program. Students will be required to pass the Test as a pre-requisite for their final Professional Experience Placement course. The University will provide a range of supports for students who do not achieve a pass in either the literacy or numeracy or both components of the Test. Any student failing to achieve a pass in the Literacy & Numeracy Test 3 times will be counselled to transfer to an alternative program.
12.  / It is your responsibility to arrange and complete items 8, 9, 10 & 11.



If you withdrew, failed or did not follow the usual sequence of 1st year courses you would need to contact the Education Team for an individualised study plan.


Students studying off-campus. Administrative services for external students are located at Campus Central.

External mode includes online, distance education or directed research. Virtual classrooms are deemed to be an external mode of delivery. External model does not normally include a face to face component, however some courses offered in external mode may require a small component of on-campus activity.

It is strongly recommended that you visit the Studying Externally webpage to gain valuable information regarding your studies.



You can study part-time which means undertaking less than the load specified for full time status.

(Full-time load - The standard annual full-time load is 36 units. A student who is undertaking at least 75% of a full-time load, for either the first half or second half of the year, will be full-time for that half year).

Part time students please e-mail for a study plan that will advise you on the order in which to undertake courses in this program. It is important that you follow this plan in order to meet pre-requisites and requirements of the program. This plan will be unique to you and will vary from student to student depending on the individual situation.

If you require further enrolment advice, please e-mail or contact Campus Central.


Please note: Only International students who have received credit will receive a personalised study plan, please contact the International Office on 8302 0114 or via email regarding your personalised study plan which will assist you with enrolling.

Please ensure you bring your study plan to your enrolment session to assist with enrolment.