CFA E Board Meeting October 24Th


CFA E Board Meeting October 24Th

CFA E Board meeting October 24th


Attending, Shiba, Mari, Catherine, Nestor, Tendai, Maureen, Sheila, James, Ann and Ron (virtually). We have a quorum after two meetings without one.

  1. Check in, grounding.
  2. Approval of agenda Tendai moved, Catherine seconded. Motion passed unanimously
  3. Approval of minutes September 26th. Nestor moved, James seconded. Motion passed with 2 abstentions
  4. Approval of minutes October 10th. Catherine moved, James seconded, motion passed unanimously.
  5. Announcements: Shiba: SQE working with Housing Rights working Group for a workshop on 11/17 from 11-3 pm in Rosa Parks A-C. Nestor: on campus housing increasingly an issue. New building developments.

Sheila: Professor Xi’s event was a great success. Russel Jung, Eric Mar and Grace Yu were present. Appreciated CFA’s support. Very moving occasion.

James: Going on sabbatical in the spring. Sheila will be acting President during that time.

Conversation about quorum: Karla and Yumi will be coming to eboard meetings by then.

  1. Funding Requests. Shiba: SQE requests $2,000 primarily for food for events. Sheila moved, Ann and Tendai seconded. Motion passed unanimously. James will make a funding request.

Tendai: other groups for SQE to partner with? Real Food challenge, Geography Club.

  1. Funding Request: Sheila. $3500 for Jobs with Justice Gala on 11/16. Some orgs put up $20K smaller unions try to help with gala event. Get 20 tickets 10 for faculty and 10 for students. Catherine moves. Tendai seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  2. James/Sheila Funding request of $5,000 for fire victims. Sheila: should give it to group that works with undocumented workers in Sonoma. Shiba: SQE raised 1,500 for this group. Ann: we should investigate groups that help undocumented beyond Sonoma county. Sheila will look into it. James moved, Ann seconded Added stipulation that Sheila would research other groups that deal with undocumented workers beyond Sonoma who were effected by fire. Motion passed unanimously.
  3. Hiring request for Radhika’s assistant. Between $18-20 an hour @ 10 hours a week going up to 20 when Radhika is not there. Sheila: form a committee of President (James) and field rep (Maureen) to work out hourly rate, do interviews etc. Sheila moved, Ann seconded. Passed unanimously.
  4. Get out the vote actions. 6 am on Monday till 2 pm on Thursday. Sign-up sheets, door hangers, canopy with laptops. Ron can cover Humanities on Monday. Catherine will leaflet at parking garage. Shiba: need SQE help? Sheila. Stick with just faculty for this one. Sheila: Reach out to dept. reps and faculty rights to help. James will table Monday and Tuesday.Sheila will help on Monday. Nestor will cover Ethnic Studies/ Psych.
  5. Mari: Trans 101 workshop. Begin with names of Trans people recently murdered. Gender identity, gender expression. Sex assigned at birth. Deadnaming. Gender binary. Social construction. Not all trans people are transitioning. Don’t ask if transitioning. Don’t apologize if get pronoun or name wrong. AFAB, AMAB (assigned female, male at birth). Don’t make it about you. Laws AB 1266. Gender nonconformity.
  6. Upcoming meeting with President Wong discussed what to talk about. Horowitz postering. How to respond. Also talk to him about having unconscious bias workshops for MPPs.
  7. Vote on statement for Rabab. James: made some changes to original document. Rabab especially targeted. Needs support. Ann: exceptional level of attack. Sheila: problem with doing things for individual faculty. Joanne Barker also attacked. Why single out Rabab? Ann: could do one for Joanne Barker too. Discussion of clause 16. Ask for two positions? James: failure to give positions tied with larger issues of islamophobia.

James moves. Ann seconds. Change in language to clause 16 which will now read:

“Be it further resolved that we call on the administration to keep all of its hiring promises to everyone including assuring Professor Abdulhadi the full rights of academic freedom by immediately providing the AMED Studies Programs with two additional faculty positions in addition to a budget and a staff position, as reflected in her grievance.” 4 yeses (James, Ann, Nestor, Tendai), 1 negative (Sheila), 2 abstain (Ron, Catherine). Motion passes.

  1. Changes to English 101. Sheila: over fifty lecturers might lose their jobs due to changes mandated by EO 1100. Continue this discussion at next meeting.
  2. Evaluations, check out.